RIP George Floyd

yall keep acting like a degree
makes someone less racist
Why Colleges Value Diversity

Colleges emphasize a diverse class because different perspectives allow students to learn from one another, says Monica Inzer, vice president for enrollment management at Hamilton College in New York.
Diverse college campuses offer more worldviews for students to consider and engage with. College students can learn from peers with different perspectives shaped by a variety of experiences.

The interaction between students with different worldviews can help change minds or shape ideas.

"Their learning is elevated to a different level because they can appreciate and understand and hear from someone from a different background, which may change their thinking," Inzer says. "Or maybe it doesn't, but it informs how they position themselves in their own thoughts and opinions."

I hear you, g. The only thing I'd add is that to the extent that mayors (as the elected executive at the local level) exercise some influence over budgets, it's not just white people approving these ridiculous funds for police.

Especially since the 1970s, black mayors have presided over cities that have also seen major upticks in funding for 12. It goes back to black elected officials folded into the Democratic Party and who broke bread with white democrats and republicans over tough on crime policing.

But more importantly, I wish you and all the folks doing the work great success in Minneapolis.
Most police departments have so much power and influence that the mayor has to play ball with em to keep their spot, no matter their views on law enforcement they usually give they boys whatever they want...Its taking all this just for Mayors to even think bout doing anything different
Man when all the legit messed up charges that occurred during protests start getting dismissed there are going to be a million civil suits filed against police stations and cities. All it takes is for the criminal charge to get cleared.
Man when all the legit messed up charges that occurred during protests start getting dismissed there are going to be a million civil suits filed against police stations and cities. All it takes is for the criminal charge to get cleared.
That’s typically how it works. In criminal cases beyond reasonable doubt is 95% sure the act had criminal intent. That standard decreases to 50% in civil suits.
Bro. Damn. People have been getting lynched lately. This is unreal to me. I never thought I’d see crosses burning and lynching in my lifetime. There are places here in Texas like vider And jasper that are notoriously extreme racist/white supremist areas, but i always felt stuff like this was reserved for the history books. Unbelievable. im Mexican but one love to all my black brothers and sisters. I’m rockin with y’all. This is too crazy. They are really at yalls necks for being at their necks About being at yalls necks to begin with. Like the gloves are off.

This was posted earlier but man this how deep this goes.

This is nuts

Black leaders flocked to Washington to be used the same way ima need someone to speak up about this and call him out for it
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drs "earn" their license
so do nurses
do u not know they kill our black mothers
or black boys and girls
they kill waaaaaay more then cops
you referring to healthcare inequities? Never thought about it until I got involved in health care. Remember doing some i****’s wild.


Because of the loophole in the 13th amendment.


Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction

This loophole means that all one has to do in order to continue slavery in America is convict you of a crime.

Even though the 13th Amendment prohibited slavery back in 1865, it did not get entirely abolished. This amendment also provides that the government can use it as punishment for crimes, provided that there’s a conviction. Thus, prison labor is (unfortunately) very much legal, according to our Constitution.

In November 2018, Colorado’s voting public decided to do away with slavery completely. 65% of the voters were in favor of abolishing slavery in all forms, including forced labor of convicted criminals. But Colorado is not the only state with a constitution that allows slavery as a form of criminal punishment. Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin (to name a few) also allow such practice under their constitutions.

It is no coincidence that as soon as the civil war ended, black people went from being slaves with rags on to slaves with uniforms on.

These days, huge corporations use convicts to perform labor for pennies (slavery).

Everything from Idaho Potatoes to Microsoft = prison / slave labor.

A convict can labor for years and receive pennies from Idaho Potatoes, then once they are released Idaho Potatoes will refuse to hire them because they are an ex-con.

This is the meaning of the term Modern Day Slavery.

The cops are well funded "recruiters" for the machine.

Their whole job is to "enslave" human beings in order to generate profits for Corporate America under the guise of preventing crime.

Rappers are paid to make prison commercials.

It's all a huge well oiled machine.

For more information watch 13 on Netflix...just be prepared to be enraged.’s become as big a business as any Fortune 500 company.
Celebrities are meaningless in times like this, the power is and will always be the people. No amount of social media influence can change or sway that, sure show us what you believe in don’t ignore the issues at hand, address them because it will hurt your fan base it will hurt your money but we need to see that we need to know you about this, but certainly don’t speak for the people.. the people don’t really need you and for the past few weeks we seen that full force.

America is getting shook up, don’t think the suits aren’t sweating, they sweating.
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