RIP George Floyd

Same way the "okay" went from this...


To this...


These *** idiot 4chan a-holes start them as "jokes," then they go from appropriating it to completely taking it and changing it's meaning. It's *** gross. Now we can't even reference or joke about Breakin' 2 any more because these morons have started using it as code for a second civil war. :angry:

That's still for signifying you hit a three. Da right has been draining step back threes over libs for years.
There's no ya'll and no one ever said this. Again this is related to the late great **** Gregory's ideas, give them something, ie free college for their kids, themselves etc, make them earn a license they can lose like nurses etc. Nothing likely will change a racist, but if you give them something they need, something they can't afford to lose, do you hate black people more than you love your kids?
drs "earn" their license
so do nurses
do u not know they kill our black mothers
or black boys and girls
they kill waaaaaay more then cops
Read this thread. The alarm was sounded a couple weeks ago about these White supremacist.

boogaloos aren’t all WS apparently, some are avid cop haters and anarchists

“While there are pockets of white supremacist Boogaloos, the younger and bigger groups are generally not," she said in a recent Twitter thread. "While there are Boogaloos that support police, the younger and bigger groups detest them. While there are Boogaloos that want to discredit protests angry at the murder of a black man, there are younger Boogaloos that are incensed by the murder and want to join the protests."

MacNab added that such internal divisions don't always play out according to age.

"They share jargon, outfits, a love of firearms, and a desire to use violence to gain power, but they don't actually share a common goal once power is achieved," she said.


not sure what to make of it at all.
yall keep acting like a degree
makes someone less racist

i think someone can easily
make an argument that
a degree can help filter them out
it doesn't eradicate the problem
& im not sure what can be done
to make a racist less/not racist
i'm interested to hear your solutions
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Honestly apple and Android needs a built in feature to record these fools with our phones and have it uploaded immediately to the cloud and shared on social media instantaneously.

Exposing police brutality and racist Karen needs to be a app!!

man, listen...I haven´t carried a phone on my person in years--catch me on the laptop or I´ll see ya when I see ya--but I gotta tell ya this new thing with getting cops #thrownintheslammer is one of my active life goals.

bought a new phone with TrumpChange just for a slim chance at getting in on the wave. #GottaCatchEmAll

also, please enjoy a much less ****** draft of the upcoming Global Justice Mural in Puerto Vallarta, México.


paint starts flying Juneteenth because of course it does.
drs "earn" their license
so do nurses
do u not know they kill our black mothers
or black boys and girls
they kill waaaaaay more then cops
True, and that's something that needs reform as well. Obviously it need tweaking, but they also lose their job and license, get malpractice suits way more than police do at the moment.
Over the past 25 years by nearly every metric (property crime, violent crime etc) Crime has decreased by more than 50% in this country. Now in corporate America when an initiative is not producing returns, funding is cut or reallocated. Why are budgets INCREASING for police across the country when crime has plummeted with police shootings skyrocketing?

Can someone explain that to me like I am a 5 year old?
Cuz the police was never set up to reduce or prevent crime...Only to terrorize and hold down whatever groups of people the powers at be decide, they been doing a great job of that so they keep gettin money regardless of crime stats
It doesn’t but it wouldn’t hurt, it’s too easy to become a cop that’s for sure.
Make em jumps thru wild hoops....Right now, they just gotta be 18 and stick around for a few months to get a gun and hit the streets with all the power to do dumb ****...Alotta of em quitting cuz they feel the job is too hard now cuz the spotlight and pressure currently on em, half these cats would quits after a semester of just taking nothing but classes and tests with no chance of seeing the streets in sight :lol: ...The less cops that actually make it through "training" and join the force, the reason why there is as many cops out here as it is
Over the past 25 years by nearly every metric (property crime, violent crime etc) Crime has decreased by more than 50% in this country. Now in corporate America when an initiative is not producing returns, funding is cut or reallocated. Why are budgets INCREASING for police across the country when crime has plummeted with police shootings skyrocketing?

Can someone explain that to me like I am a 5 year old?


Because of the loophole in the 13th amendment.


Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction

This loophole means that all one has to do in order to continue slavery in America is convict you of a crime.

Even though the 13th Amendment prohibited slavery back in 1865, it did not get entirely abolished. This amendment also provides that the government can use it as punishment for crimes, provided that there’s a conviction. Thus, prison labor is (unfortunately) very much legal, according to our Constitution.

In November 2018, Colorado’s voting public decided to do away with slavery completely. 65% of the voters were in favor of abolishing slavery in all forms, including forced labor of convicted criminals. But Colorado is not the only state with a constitution that allows slavery as a form of criminal punishment. Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin (to name a few) also allow such practice under their constitutions.

It is no coincidence that as soon as the civil war ended, black people went from being slaves with rags on to slaves with uniforms on.

These days, huge corporations use convicts to perform labor for pennies (slavery).

Everything from Idaho Potatoes to Microsoft = prison / slave labor.

A convict can labor for years and receive pennies from Idaho Potatoes, then once they are released Idaho Potatoes will refuse to hire them because they are an ex-con.

This is the meaning of the term Modern Day Slavery.

The cops are well funded "recruiters" for the machine.

Their whole job is to "enslave" human beings in order to generate profits for Corporate America under the guise of preventing crime.

Rappers are paid to make prison commercials.

It's all a huge well oiled machine.

For more information watch 13 on Netflix...just be prepared to be enraged.
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Read this thread. The alarm was sounded a couple weeks ago about these White supremacist.

Yep, the damn Hawaiian shirt thing is ridiculous too. Another one of those goofy bastardizations, where "Boogaloo" has morphed into "Big Luau" so these idiots can corrupt something else. In that other article, she can say what she wants about Boogaloo Bois not all being racist POS's, but the ones that are out at these protests sure are, and THOSE are the MFers we need to be worried about.

Because of the loophole in the 13th amendment.


Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction

This loophole means that all one has to do in order to continue slavery in America is convict you of a crime.

It is no coincidence that as soon as the civil war ended, black people went from being slaves with rags on to slaves with uniforms on.

These days, huge corporations use convicts to perform labor for pennies (slavery).

Everything from Idaho Potatoes to Microsoft = prison / slave labor.

A convict can labor for years and receive pennies from Idaho Potatoes, then once they are released Idaho Potatoes will refuse to hire them because they are an ex-con.

This is the meaning of the term Modern Day Slavery.

The cops are well funded "recruiters" for the machine.

Their whole job is to "enslave" human beings in order to generate profits for Corporate America under the guise of preventing crime.

Rappers are paid to make prison commercials.

It's all a huge well oiled machine.

For more information watch 13 on Netflix...just be prepared to be enraged.
i remember bringing this up to a damn lawyer
she sat there and argued with me
how i was wrong
No intelligent person becomes a police officer if we're keeping it 💯. There are smart people who work for police department in other fields like accounting or legal or whatever. But 99% of cops are cops because it's all they can get into and "succeed."

In NYC, being a cop is essentially the route dudes who don't have a plan get into. If you're 21+ and you dunno what career field you wanna get into, you become a cop. Or if you're approaching 30 and your life path isn't going to plan, you become a cop. You're told by other cops that you'll be making six figures in 5 years and you'll get a pension and retire before most people.

They don't become cops because they wanna make their city safer. That's like reason #238


Id rep this 100x if I could.
There's no ya'll and no one ever said this. Again this is related to the late great **** Gregory's ideas, give them something, ie free college for their kids, themselves etc, make them earn a license they can lose like nurses etc. Nothing likely will change a racist, but if you give them something they need, something they can't afford to lose, do you hate black people more than you love your kids?
That’s basic Sales 101: good old take away close.
Easy for a customer to tell you, “price is too high” “I don’t need it”, but if you approach the situation by taking the product away or telling them it’s no longer available, now they MUST find a way to get said product, and the higher price becomes affordable.

Same way your kid doesn’t give a sh about something until you tel them it’s forbidden, they want what they can’t have.
Create an environment where Officers are penalized for misconduct with added years before pension or suspension of such “perks” like carrying a gun, a badge or flat out “earning” a pension, you best believe they will straighten up. That’s just basic FEAR of losing what you have.
We’ve alL been in that situation that we took for granted and it became something we were owed and something we owned mentally with no fear of losing it, and suddenly it was gone, and it crushed us.......again, in today’s climate you still find Officers abusing their power on live video, with Zero fear of consequence or repercussion, that is too scary for one man to have that kind of power because he took a 90-180 day (FREE?) training course......
No intelligent person becomes a police officer if we're keeping it 💯. There are smart people who work for police department in other fields like accounting or legal or whatever. But 99% of cops are cops because it's all they can get into and "succeed."

In NYC, being a cop is essentially the route dudes who don't have a plan get into. If you're 21+ and you dunno what career field you wanna get into, you become a cop. Or if you're approaching 30 and your life path isn't going to plan, you become a cop. You're told by other cops that you'll be making six figures in 5 years and you'll get a pension and retire before most people.

They don't become cops because they wanna make their city safer. That's like reason #238


Why does everything gotta be a got damn emotional theatrical movie with our every move?
Why does everything have to go on social media??
What ever happened to moving in silence??

Everything goes on social media....our pain...our tears....our ideas at a round table about possible organization.
It can all be watched,studied and countered by our enemies because folks lack the basic discipline of COMSEC/OPSEC.

Black folks aint ready for no damn war yet.....can't even abide by the fundamentals of war :smh:
The Russians said it best.....Black people are too got damn emotional.
NOI don't want no overly emotional, post everything to social media clout chasing poo butts on their side when its time, and I don't blame them.

The California prison system is a direct reflection of our flaws...

Any La Eme, AB and even BGF will tell you the same!

Unruly Ego
Lack of Discipline
Envy and outright stubbornness to follow a Leadership/Chain of Command.

Snoop Dogg ***** *** can't even get his own hood on anything organized and militant....because hes not a leader.
Hes an industry buster who cried like a lil school girl when Gale and Oprah threatened to stop his bags.

The Cartels thrive because they are disciplined and best of all know it takes being a good subordinate first to become a great leader.
Even white supremacy has OPSEC/COMSEC social media policies.

Black men gotta put thE got damn camera phones down when it comes to internal affairs.

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