RIP George Floyd

high iq's dont mean folks are less racist
folks in these universities
folks who run these giant companies are racist
why do folks think higher education
means less racist
them higher education spots
were built with racist ideals in mind
all a degree does tell me a racist got a degree

"The conclusion that Wodtke draws is that both the high and low scorers on the tests may have racist attitudes, but the high scorers "are simply more sophisticated racists."
high iq's dont mean folks are less racist
folks in these universities
folks who run these giant companies are racist
why do folks think higher education
means less racist
them higher education spots
were built with racist ideals in mind
all a degree does tell me a racist got a degree
I’m just saying it’s dumb we have dumb cops
but but degreeeeeees

i think there's dumb and intelligent racists. But I think the level of damage a dumb racist would cause is much more drastic.
A smart racist would probably not hire a minority to work for their company or would prevent their daughter from dating a black man. But a dumb racist will go buy a gun and pray a black man walks on his lawn so he can shoot him. Both are trash people but one is more likely to murder someone.
Man, I know some drug dealers that have incredibly high iq's, and they've proven it through never being caught. I know some cats that have graduated magna cum laude, and they are doing time for doing some stupid 'ish. I know out of work lawyers, those with JD's, living with parents right now in their forties. I know dudes who didn't finish high school, yet now have homes in various places due to their ability to enterprise. I hate to hear that college helps you with intelligence, because it doesn't. All college does is to show the world that you can accomplish something. However, that does not make you smart.
The insult to those who feel that attaining a degree requires intelligence, harkens back to slavery and then even before that. Those who are impoverished are just as intelligent as those who had the opportunity to gain a degree. Those who knew how to survive, doing more with less, were of higher intelligence than those of privilege, because they could not survive without said privilege. This is why white supremacy breeds mediocrity. There are no intelligent racists, there are simply lucky ones.
Man, I know some drug dealers that have incredibly high iq's, and they've proven it through never being caught. I know some cats that have graduated magna cum laude, and they are doing time for doing some stupid 'ish. I know out of work lawyers, those with JD's, living with parents right now in their forties. I know dudes who didn't finish high school, yet now have homes in various places due to their ability to enterprise. I hate to hear that college helps you with intelligence, because it doesn't. All college does is to show the world that you can accomplish something. However, that does not make you smart.

Not to mention the people who get by in college through cheating. Or the ones who just have good memories and can read some chapters a few times and memorize it enough to ace a test and then a month later they retained 5% of that information.
Not to mention the people who get by in college through cheating. Or the ones who just have good memories and can read some chapters a few times and memorize it enough to ace a test and then a month later they retained 5% of that information.
No doubt.

I don't know, but you cannot fake your way though critical thinking skills, nor reading the cliffs. That would be a course that ALL white supremacists would fail, and then magnificently so.
dude cant even post here
but folks who seem to dislike him
always @'ing him
even when theres no clear reason to even bring him into the discussion
I’m not even tryna defend or not defend him but @‘ing him when he can’t reply on a topic which got nothing to do with him or to throw shade is type corny
Again, I referred to IQ which is very different from a degree
there are folks with high iq's
just as racist as the high school dropout
and even worse
because the high iq person
more than likely in some high position of power
that could radically change black folks lives
and cover up what they doing so good
that its hidden for years
so a racist gonna be a racist no matter what their iq is
No doubt.

I don't know, but you cannot fake your way though critical thinking skills, nor reading the cliffs. That would be a course that ALL white supremacists would fail, and then magnificently so.

Yup. Also, you could be book smart but if the only history books you read are Pro-White and only show Americans as being heroes, you'll think you're so highly educated that nobody can debate history with you. Yet, the person debating you may have a less biased education that was more transparent about white atrocities.
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