RIP George Floyd

there are folks with high iq's
just as racist as the high school dropout
and even worse
because the high iq person
more than likely in some high position of power
that could radically change black folks lives
and cover up what they doing so good
that its hidden for years
so a racist gonna be a racist no matter what their iq is
Iq isn’t an exclusive sign of intelligence like some may think. Arguably isn’t even a sign of intelligence at all. IQ tests are heavily flawed
Yup. Also, you could be book smart but if the only history books you read are Pro-White and only show Americans as being heroes, you'll think you're so highly educated that nobody can debate history with you. Yet, the person debating you may have a less biased education that was more transparent about white atrocities.
Big fish, small pond.
You very much enjoy arguing and having the last word feels like there’s always something you will pick at regardless
and if im being all the way real
intelligence and common sense arent one in the same
and prefer someone who had common sense
over intelligence
Yea that’s the book smart vs street smart discussion. A book nerd that doesn’t realize he making **** hot or some other basic **** that street smarts would obviously acknowledge
You very much enjoy arguing and having the last word feels like there’s always something you will pick at regardless
where am i arguing with u at
theres at LEAST 2 other folks
echoing the same thing im saying
i thought we were having a discussion
funny when black folks dont agree
theyre arguing
or yelling
or being disruptive
or something to make it seem like
WE are in the wrong
Funny thing about being white and then being supported through white supremacy is that through its creation, it slowed the evolution of white people. Even with the so called best schools, they’ve rendered themselves totally dependent upon a system that does them a huge disservice. White supremacy does them no favors in regard to intelligence, higher thought. So if there is police reform, nobody white should get the job in the first place IF intelligence is to be the barometer.
I said something and you came at me with something completely different

Never said smart people can’t be racist

Just said it’s dumb that they have all these dumb cops


The Pac statements in here are true by the way....

Furthermore, I'm glad those sissyfied pricks are getting charges for killing Rayshard Brooks. Thank goodness for excessive camera footage in our day and age. I bet in the beginning this racist cops thought all footage was to assist them in their numbers in locking up minorities. But Nope. Its backfiring for good reasons, good changes, & catching their own police brutality actions as well...
Degree, no degree, either way just make sure they have to put in more time and jump through more hoops to be a cop. Then offer them something they can't afford to lose.

They need to live a min of two years in the area they are serving.
They need to have liability insurance for all incidents they are engaged in
3 strike complaint rule that they are found guilty of
Zero tolerance for anything Deemed excessive force or negligence
Carry non lethal weapons (rubber bullets as bad as it can get)
-only special unit teams should carry lethal weapons
Undergo racial sensitivity training every 3 months
Be trained in defensive tactics and de-escalation every month.

That’s a start imo
Police officer shouldn't be able to look for another police job in another state if they are dishonorably discharge or have been found guilty of a crime.

My own radical thought:
Make it much harder for white people to become police officers.

I'm tired of seeing this crap!!

This is the root of our problem
White supremacists!!!
we can have THIS discussion at another time
not in here or take it to u know where
and we can have it there

IJS we can't have celebrities acting like something they aren't and posing as "leaders" of our communities.


There is no such thing as "the Black community", as we are not - nor have we ever been - a monolithic people.

No group of people are.

We are just as diverse as any other group but somehow this narrative that we must have a "leader" keeps creeping up for some reason.

Aint mean to touch any Tupac fans nerves. I enjoy his music as much as anyone else.
They need to live a min of two years in the area they are serving.
They need to have liability insurance for all incidents they are engaged in
3 strike complaint rule that they are found guilty of
Zero tolerance for anything Deemed excessive force or negligence
Carry non lethal weapons (rubber bullets as bad as it can get)
-only special unit teams should carry lethal weapons
Undergo racial sensitivity training every 3 months
Be trained in defensive tactics and de-escalation every month.

That’s a start imo


No more "qualified immunity".

No more "prosecutorial immunity".

End the powers of the "police unions" to control investigations, hiring or firing of cops.

No more "quotas" for arrests, jails, or prisons.

Defund Law Enforcement and fund social programs / community development / education.

End Prison Labor.

End the current bail system.

End systemic racism - criminalize race based judicial practice, law enforcement, hiring, banking, housing, and healthcare.

Create a task force to enforce these laws....If Tariq and Hunter have the exact same resume, credit score, financial status, and medical history then they should have the exact same opportunities. If not then jail / fine the offending organization / decision makers.
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always happens. blue checks and blavity Blacks on social media are one step removed from agents to me. the worst part is sometimes I can’t tell if it’s performative or delusion.

Remember when they dragged us and blamed us for the Jussie situation? I don’t trust these folks and their online presence is allowing them to put these beliefs into other people. And when you challenge the rhetoric you “hate Black women”.

Recently been seeing the term “bullet bags” being used by Black women to describe Black men? So that’s a thing.

Ive seen LGBT black women claim online that George Floyd was being sexist because even in his death he called on his momma to help him. Saying that even in death black men trying to put black women under their control.

Cant make this stuff up.....
Funny thing about being white and then being supported through white supremacy is that through its creation, it slowed the evolution of white people. Even with the so called best schools, they’ve rendered themselves totally dependent upon a system that does them a huge disservice. White supremacy does them no favors in regard to intelligence, higher thought. So if there is police reform, nobody white should get the job in the first place IF intelligence is to be the barometer.
Ive seen LGBT black women claim online that George Floyd was being sexist because even in his death he called on his momma to help him. Saying that even in death black men trying to put black women under their control.

Cant make this stuff up.....

Some people always gotta make it about them :smh:
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The question as to why Mass incarceration starts around 1980 rather than 1866 is a good one. It’s a question that can be best answered IMO with a Marxist analysis.

Let’s start with the premise that the real power in America is not the politicians but the super rich and big business, or capital, actually shape the big picture decisions in a society. Let’s also suppose that capital is seeking the highest rate of return and it has no regard for pain and suffering among the masses. Let’s also assume that capital also wants to not be overthrown by the working class (which in this discussion includes not only all wage laborers of all races but also those who raise children and look after the home as well as unemployed people, basically anyone who is not an owner of capital). Lastly, let’s assume that while capital has a great deal of power to shape society to its advantage, it wants to optimize its position with as few resources expended as possible so capital is inclined to use existing social forces to further its goals.

So it’s America, it’s the mid 1970’s, you are a capitalist. You have enjoyed spectacular levels of profit by investing in or owning manufacturing companies in the US. You’ve enjoyed those returns since the mid 1940’s because after World War Two the US owned most of the world's industrial capital stock. You make enough profits to mollify the mostly white trade unions and still have plenty of money. You were able to pay high tax rates to pay for public services and still bring home plenty of money.

Near the end of this period, by the early 1970's your profits are declining. There is not enough money to go around any more so you must make it so you no longer have to pay for public services and you must break unions and start off shoring industry and converting the US economy to one based on finance and services. This way to can keep bringing home a lot of money even with profit margins falling. You use fear of black people to convince whites to give up unionization and to support divestment of public services. If black people can be in your union or can use your public swimming pools and attend your public school now, convince enough whites to get ride of those things.

That will create many problems. It will cause many households to be thrown into chaos, it will cause civil services to wither away and large swaths of the city as places with few jobs and almost no home ownership.

Capitalists found a few answers to manage the human cost an the political ramification that could follow so much dislocation for so many workers. A few of those solutions were carrots but most were sticks.

You coddle the professional-managerial class. You create new "BS" white collar jobs like those in marketing, PR and management consulting. You manipulate home prices so that those managerial workers can feel even more wealthy than before. However, capital mostly managed people with sticks.

The obvious means to do that was to massively increase police budgets, start a new drug war and start rapidly expanding prisons. This way you can cordon off the increasingly unemployed black population that lived in major cities. They or their parents or grandparents came to those cities during the great migration or during world war to to find employment in industry. With that industry gone, you know that those residents will largely be unemployed, under employed and those who are employed will have low wage and precarious employment in the service industry. The ruling class in the late 1970's and the 1980's had fresh memories of the black panthers, urban unrest in the 60's and the knowledge that many black men where Vietnam veterans. The war on drugs was revived in the 80's to have a pretext t demonize black people, crack become the official reason for increasing black poverty and unemployment. This gave a pretext for brutalization and surveillance of entire neighborhoods which prevented major insurrection and the specter of crack and crack addiction prevented solidarity with unemployed and precariously employed blacks and whites who were similarly dislocated by deindustrialization.

Mass incarceration becomes an additional means of control and intimidation. Prisons allow you to remove "surplus population," further the criminalization narrative for white audiences. It also has the benefit of creating jobs in largely white communities not in or near major cities. When places like upstate New York or the Central Valley of California or Downstate Illinois lost the industrial base in those areas, there was no way to create enough new jobs in finance, PR, marketing, management consulting so, jobs as prison guards becomes the substitute to avoid a situation where rural whites would fall into desperate poverty, migrate to cities and possibly become a left constituency. It's also worth noting that prisoners cannot vote in most States. They are counted as residents of where they are incarcerated in the census. So as the prison industrial complex is exploding, there is a political sorting happening where cities are becoming Democratic and rural ares are becoming Republican. By incarcerating black people in the inner city, you effectively take political power away from Democrats and give it to Republicans.

By the end of the 1980's, the ruling class is addicted to incarceration. In the last 30 years, mass incarceration has been a way to "solve" dislocation of workers and peasants from the global south. American foreign policy and neoliberalism makes life bad for people in Latin America and the US can lock them up if they try to come to the US looking for a better life. It has the benefit of creating another othered, underclass for white Americans to fear.

Neoliberalism also is always looking to privatize something and use it as a new revenue stream. Prisons services have become more and more privatized and they are a means to extract the little bit of extra money that the relatives of incarcerated people have. neoliberalism seeks low wages and prison labor is low and no wage so not only do capitalists get to have labor done for their companies and barely pay incarcerated people who do that work, they can use the threaten "off shoring" to America prisons to suppress wages of non incarcerated people. Neoliberalism also divests from services that help the masses but it still needs fire fighters to protect the property of rich people, rich people oftentimes have property on the edge of cities and climate change means increased fire risks in many areas. Mas incarceration provides a pool of slave labor to do the dangerous and dirty job of digging anti fire trenches around rich people's property whenever there are wildfires.

Mass incarceration may seem like a problem to us but for capitalists, who need to suppress wages, depress interracial worker solidarity, mollify the white proletariat, find new revenue streams and cultivate sources of very cheap and disposable slave labor, the warehousing of mostly black and brown bodies is a solution.

BTW apologies to anyone reading this who found parts of it as didactic. Much of what I said is pretty well known, I mostly wanted to incorporate elements into a whole and I wanted anyone reading this who is not super familiar with this topic to have some context.
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