RIP George Floyd

This is 2020 and its missing about 4 identities that can be added to this new age

Make sure to contact Barnor Hesse. He is a professor at Northwestern University and his contact info should be easy to find.

Im going to need a one time tax-free payment - thank you.

Im going to need a one time tax-free payment - thank you.


I've truly never understood why reparations are so controversial.

Germany did it for Jewish people.

The most bogus and popular argument that I've heard against is "Well how would we know who is eligible to receive a payment?"

I think that would be quite simple actually and the solution would create jobs for people as well.

Create a panel of African Americans, who are thoroughly vetted by other African Americans and make the application process like getting your driver's license at the DMV.

Applicants are vetted by submitting their SSN, and Birth Certificate. A criminal record can't prevent you from receiving a check with the exception of a Muder or rape conviction.

For those that are unemployed/incarcerated/ or compromised in other ways, their checks will be paid out as an adjustable annuity (over time) to prevent a Chappelle show scenario where Ashy Larry's character bought a truck full of Newports and Tron's character bought a baby with cash.

It's really not that hard.

Two other forms of reparations:

1- Free College and Grad School education to all African Americans attending school at Colleges and Universities that receive federal funding. This is fair because African Americans were shut out of education for so long in this country

2- Interest-Free Homeloans and/or Free Land (doesn't necessarily have to be 40 acres). This is fair because this country would not exist but for the free labor performed by slaves.
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Again I really thought the dead dude was president at one point and time along with his inventions and philosophies.
I personally can't put a name to every face of every president who's served after George Washington.

You're talking about nationalities....I'm talking about brothas
You've made statements in the past as if Blacks in other countries have not contributed to Civil Rights Globally, much less in America. Can't say you're about Blacks and only care about Black Americans.
I've truly never understood why reparations are so controversial.

Germany did it for Jewish people.

The most bogus and popular argument that I've heard against is "Well how would we know who is eligible to receive a payment?"

I think that would be quite simple actually and the solution would create jobs for people as well.

Create a panel of African Americans, who are thoroughly vetted by other African Americans and make the application process like getting your driver's license at the DMV.

Applicants are vetted by submitting their SSN, and Birth Certificate. A criminal record can't prevent you from receiving a check with the exception of a Muder or rape conviction.

For those that are unemployed/incarcerated/ or compromised in other ways, their checks will be paid out as an adjustable annuity (over time) to prevent a Chappelle show scenario where Ashy Larry's character bought a truck full of Newports and Tron's character bought a baby with cash.

It's really not that hard.

Two other forms of reparations:

1- Free College and Grad School education to all African Americans attending school at Colleges and Universities that receive federal funding. This is fair because African Americans were shut out of education for so long in this country

2- Interest-Free Homeloans and/or Free Land (doesn't necessarily have to be 40 acres). This is fair because this country would not exist but for the free labor performed by slaves.
not only that
lets not front like they dont have a database
of americans and theirs ethnicity age and where they were born
thats what our birth certificates
ssn and id's are for
so they easily known whose black and whose not
Man fraud would be an all time with people like @ninjahood all of a sudden claiming to be African American :rofl: :lol:
Every damn Washington Heights black dominican would all of a sudden be this

there's a professor at Duke, William "Sandy" Darity, who proposed way of determining who would be recipients of reparations. was listening to him on a recent podcast, i could be wrong but his criteria was something like:

-recipients must able to demonstrate they have at least one ancestor who was enslaved (how? idk, but as nawghty pointed to, there's birth records that still exist that can probably connect a lot of folks to their enslaved ancestors. if the US can people on the moon, they can do some data collection)
-have self-identified as African American/Black on official documents for the past 12 years

so if ninja aint been claiming Black on paper, he's SOL.

also, he also believes that people who've immigrated from Africa to the US recently should not be recipients. essentially, he says they shouldn't get reparations since they knew they were immigrating to a racist country. i understand this, but fully don't agree. the legacy of slavery has its handprints all over how systemic racism operates against Black/African Americans in 2020, so there should be a way to account for and financially address the impact of current and future racism.
Why would it be fraud? The man is black LOL! The way he has been living is fraudulent.

There's nothing wrong with embracing your ancestry even if what brought you to the realization was financially motivated.
Ninjahood is not a descendant of African slaves in America. Ninjahood himself states that he is the first born to immigrants to america. His beef for reparations is with the government of the Dominican Republic.
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there's a professor at Duke, William "Sandy" Darity, who proposed way of determining who would be recipients of reparations. was listening to him on a recent podcast, i could be wrong but his criteria was something like:

-recipients must able to demonstrate they have at least one ancestor who was enslaved (how? idk, but as nawghty pointed to, there's birth records that still exist that can probably connect a lot of folks to their enslaved ancestors. if the US can people on the moon, they can do some data collection)
-have self-identified as African American/Black on official documents for the past 12 years

so if ninja aint been claiming Black on paper, he's SOL.

also, he also believes that people who've immigrated from Africa to the US recently should not be recipients. essentially, he says they shouldn't get reparations since they knew they were immigrating to a racist country. i understand this, but fully don't agree. the legacy of slavery has its handprints all over how systemic racism operates against Black/African Americans in 2020, so there should be a way to account for and financially address the impact of current and future racism.

That's not criteria, thats a provision to exclude a lot of people.

There's too many people that just don't have said official documents. And clearly asking Blacks in 2020 to identify one ancestor is absolutely ridiculous. It should be the other way around- if the governing body has any doubt as to whether the person in question is related to someone that was actually enslaved the onus should be on the governing body to prove their case, which we all know they can't.

If they were to turn this into a massive project in splitting hairs -debating who is black and who isn't this becomes a pointless endeavor.

William Darity sounds like an ***hole.
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I think those numbers more show that it´s impossible to reimburse enslaving an entire race of human beings.

This is another bad argument.

If you find out x amount of years down the line that your job shorted you $8k, do you want if back or would you just say “Ah they probably owe too many people back pay, I’ll pass.” Obviously that example is much smaller in scope but my point is- THAT MONEY IS OWED.

Now it doesn't have to be cash payments. Payments could come in the form of land, equity in institutions that profited from slavery (see Lloyds of London) etc.

It’s not impossible, especially because the discussion is about reparations in America. And even if the scope wasnt limited to that, calling it impossible is lazy as hell.

Guccishades Guccishades Yes and if you are employed and pay taxes you're contributing to that pot. The point is amends needs to be made because EVERYONE living in America somehow benefits from the work of African Slaves to this day.
350k bruh? You know how many black millionaires there would be in a matter of 6 months? Straight up handing over the keys..
This is another bad argument.

If you find out x amount of years down the line that your job shorted you $8k, do you want if back or would you just say “Ah they probably owe too many people back pay, I’ll pass.” Obviously that example is much smaller in scope but my point is- THAT MONEY IS OWED.

Now it doesn't have to be cash payments. Payments could come in the form of land, equity in institutions that profited from slavery (see Lloyds of London) etc.

It’s not impossible, especially because the discussion is about reparations in America. And even if the scope wasnt limited to that, calling it impossible is lazy as hell.

Guccishades Guccishades Yes and if you are employed and pay taxes you're contributing to that pot. The point is amends needs to be made because EVERYONE living in America somehow benefits from the work of African Slaves to this day.

hey, I´d be getting 350k too so you don´t have to tell me it´s an idea you´re in favor of. ****, me too.

...but given that 17 million million dollars is legitimately half the available currency on the face of the planet--seriously--I don´t see the United States of America ever generating the political will to get that done. ever.

...but I´ll take it just like I did that TrumpChange, should it ever come to pass.
hey, I´d be getting 350k too so you don´t have to tell me it´s an idea you´re in favor of. ****, me too.

...but given that 17 million million dollars is legitimately half the available currency on the face of the planet--seriously--I don´t see the United States of America ever generating the political will to get that done. ever.

...but I´ll take it just like I did that TrumpChange, should it ever come to pass.

$350k is an arbitrary number. And again, it doesn't need to be all in cash.
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