RIP George Floyd


I’m taking my like back.


I don't even know you.
I feel Vlad does a great job at documentation. Some of these folks we would have never heard from again.
These interviews are now part of media history thanks to him....especially after people pass away.
Especially from the 80s and 90s sports/music/entertainment era.
Is a Vlad a cornball? I feel so.
Would I rather see a solid black interviewer platform this huge and successful? Yes
Are there plenty of black interview media/journalism platforms who these BLACK artist/entertainer/athletes could reach out to before Vlad?
Yes....but do they? Nope!

So do we blame Vlad or do we blame some of these washed up black artists/athletes/entertainers for wanting to go straight to Vlad's platform for the biggest audience and influence?

Might as well add majority of the media (Fox, CNN, ESPN, etc), including black own platforms such as Baller Alert, TSR, WS, Revolt, etc.
Honestly, I feel like alot of black people are uniformed/not interested when it pertains to politics unless its a major topic...BET has tried multiple times with Jeff Johnson to create a platform to discuss current affairs and each attempt failed after a couple episodes..We had News One now with Roland Martin and nobody watched that either including myself
I feel like if we truly wanted a VLADtv like platform or something more serious we could have created one by now

I feel no one with a platform even has the extensive knowledge and experience Vlad has.
Russian dude or not....he knows hip hop/rap from all eras and aspects as he was there to experience them all.
Westcoast,Eascoast,Down South, Midwest etc etc
He's good at what he does as far as research also before interviewing the guests.

I'm not gonna sit here and watch another platform ran by someone under 45 years old who wasn't even around for 80s/90s culture try and ******** as if they are even interested in the people they are interviewing simply because they are black.
For what Vlad does...simply being a Black Ran Media Platform isn't enough.
He's passionate and only interviews guests hes interested in.
Everybody can't do what Vlad does....being a black media owner doesn't mean you are versed and knowledgeable of these past 50 years of black culture.
Baller Alert and TSR are ran by NON African Americans who don't mind exploiting black american culture for chaos and toxicity for profit also.
This isn't true at all. Even if she was not American. She's still black.

Pursuing Dreams And A Trip To Sundance

Born in Los Angeles to Nigerian parents
, Angelica faced tragedy as a child, losing her mother at the hands of her father through domestic violence at just six years old. She spent most of her childhood in an unstable foster care environment, however she joined Peace4Kids, a program for foster youth to tap into their creative potential, where she developed a love for writing. “I always knew I wanted to be a writer, even from a young age I found it extremely therapeutic and it got me through hard times” she says. Whilst she is technically African-American, her Nigerian heritage always played a role in her values and Angelica was taught by relatives and her foster parents to get a “stable career where I can look after[yourself]” she recalls"

This isn't true at all.
Pursuing Dreams And A Trip To Sundance

Born in Los Angeles to Nigerian parents
, Angelica faced tragedy as a child, losing her mother at the hands of her father through domestic violence at just six years old. She spent most of her childhood in an unstable foster care environment, however she joined Peace4Kids, a program for foster youth to tap into their creative potential, where she developed a love for writing. “I always knew I wanted to be a writer, even from a young age I found it extremely therapeutic and it got me through hard times” she says. Whilst she is technically African-American, her Nigerian heritage always played a role in her values and Angelica was taught by relatives and her foster parents to get a “stable career where I can look after[yourself]” she recalls

I stand by what I said exactly....NOT THE SAME PEOPLE
I stand by what I said exactly....NOT THE SAME PEOPLE
She was burning in the U.S. If thats not American, then you must think Obama was born in Kenya like trump. I presume you don't care about Black people, only Black Americans?
whats the surprise here?
This lost industry plantation dummy has a tattoo of a racist vile free mason on his face, who’s probably attended multiple hangings of black folks before he even became president.

President you say??? jk but yea this idiot got not one play from me. not one cent. worst rapper alive.
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