RIP George Floyd


Jake Fromm. Bills backup QB. This is why so many white Americans support second amendment. Because they know most democratic states with high minority populations can't get guns legally due to the cost of an assault rifle being so high. Time for people who live in states like NY and Cali to push for gun laws that allow all of us to have guns and let's see how excited these rednecks are to threaten to shoot at protestors.
I appreciate you guys thinking of me and taking the time out to show me all the tweets/videos. But that still doesn’t change my stance on violence. Don’t think it’ll ever change tbh. But I do hope y’all find some semblance of peace during and after this whole thing. We need change in the writer possible way. Hopefully we don’t lose momentum with what’s going on and that’ll continue to incite change.

I see the stance for non-violence and raise.



Care to match...or is reaching into your pocket too violent as well?
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consider myself something of a diplomat in my everyday life, and it is in this role a guy that comes to the cowork space where I have a job has asked for an hour or so of my time this afternoon for what I believe is an honest effort to understand the plight from which I arose, the long outstanding bill that has come due in 2020.

as I mentioned, I feel that this person has respectfully approached me for realistic insights, and I feel I have chosen the duty to provide them in the spirit of promoting education...with that typed, is there anything specific that I should have this gentleman understand about what is happening in the United States rn?

definitely going to cover the political science implications of chaotic demonstration, the need to make the problems of the minority the problems of the majority, and the need for both a Martin and a Malcolm...the essential need to be able to answer the enduring response when one asks for their human rights: ¨or what?¨

still, this thread has been filled with worthy perspectives, so I want to know if there is more I should impart.

thanks in advance, much love.


You are going to cover it well, we know this. Give book recommendations and suggest documentaries for him to explore on his own time.

highly recommend this

Amazon product ASIN B01FOD4CB0
if he is a white man, The Fire Next Time is good. And Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together for some of the psychological side.

If he takes these well, The Isis Papers should maybe follow depending on his level on understanding.

Use the rebellions and uprisings of other oppressed people around the world to make connections. Show him how our leadership supports those actions in other countries thousands of miles away while actively committing to trying to violently crush rebellion here. Have him ponder why this country’s leadership wants and promotes and assists in bringing freedom for others but not for its citizens.

Instill in his mind that this is America. We fought the Europeans for independence. We celebrate it. When true Americans, as all African Americans are, are faced with adversity and oppression, this is what we do. And this is what we will always do. From our forefathers to our great great great grandchildren.

The neglected child will burn the village down to feel it’s warmth. This is what tyranny births. They gave us the blueprint thinking we would never come together and use it against them. That those times have gone by and we should accept the brand of “FREEDOM” that is sold to us. Show him capitalism’s origins and role in this.

Show him why he fight and tell him to get on the bus before it’s too late.
just watched his Fox News segment and he really tried to discredit and paint black people as the problem with 5 years of police killing statistics.

also I just know people are gonna eat it up without critical thinking

Work talk felt kind of lame

It was good to give a platform for people to speak out

But dont just talk and recommend books

Put your money there for the protestors

Go give water and supplies if you can’t walk with them

Donate to bail funds

Felt kind of flat and not helpful

Jake Fromm. Bills backup QB. This is why so many white Americans support second amendment. Because they know most democratic states with high minority populations can't get guns legally due to the cost of an assault rifle being so high. Time for people who live in states like NY and Cali to push for gun laws that allow all of us to have guns and let's see how excited these rednecks are to threaten to shoot at protestors.
My God man. I watched him in QB1 and I thought he was a likable personality. Dude's parents must be the absolute worst whole family probably poison
My God man. I watched him in QB1 and I thought he was a likable personality. Dude's parents must be the absolute worst whole family probably poison

Funny thing is you can tell from the style of text that the person who "leaked" these old texts is a chick. Probably a girl that he was smashing in college then got his NFL contract and curved her. If you're gonna be dumb enough to text some reckless stuff, you never send it to a woman
He’s tactful. He doesn’t parade w trump unless he’s pushing a product.

Jake Fromm. Bills backup QB. This is why so many white Americans support second amendment. Because they know most democratic states with high minority populations can't get guns legally due to the cost of an assault rifle being so high. Time for people who live in states like NY and Cali to push for gun laws that allow all of us to have guns and let's see how excited these rednecks are to threaten to shoot at protestors.
Lol at his redneck *** thinking he's an "elite white". That's the lie they sell them so these poor idiots will defend the system without the elites having to lift a finger.
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