RIP George Floyd

I understand a lot of these recent public apologies and statements feel hollow based on whats been said or done in the past

But can they be written off entirely?

I get the frustration over lack of support or acknowledgement in the past when these issues still existed, but shouldn't there be a path for them to make things right after becoming more informed or educated? especially if they are sincere?

If there is going to be real change I feel like those people should be given a chance. And maybe they have to speak with their actions etc I fully get that. I just see a lot of cancel culture type sentiment and while I understand the frustration and anger I also feel like its counter intuitive to making real progress.

If im off the mark please school me
I understand a lot of these recent public apologies and statements feel hollow based on whats been said or done in the past

But can they be written off entirely?

I get the frustration over lack of support or acknowledgement in the past when these issues still existed, but shouldn't there be a path for them to make things right after becoming more informed or educated? especially if they are sincere?

If there is going to be real change I feel like those people should be given a chance. And maybe they have to speak with their actions etc I fully get that. I just see a lot of cancel culture type sentiment and while I understand the frustration and anger I also feel like its counter intuitive to making real progress.

If im off the mark please school me
Are you suggesting forgiveness? I'm not sure what you're asking

These guys don't deserve a damb thing. Same type of nice friendly attitude is why cops, history and the system keeps repeating itself. This stuff needs to be so demonized that the very thought of this type of evil doesn't even come up

Until then **** everything else **** being nice or understanding. The time for all that was decades ago
Credit where credit is due, for all the ******* he's been on lately, Ye paying the legal fees for the Arbery and Taylor families along with covering George Floyds daughters tuition and starting a college fund for her is :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: if true

Wish he'd let his actions do more talking than his mouth more often
Remember people asking about ye, he surprisingly came through

some people will still respond with:

I see the stance for non-violence and raise.



Care to match...or is reaching into your pocket too violent as well?

I’ve donated to several charities and GoFundMe’s this past week. Helped clean up my old neighborhood and participated in conversations about social injustice. Not about flexing my philanthropy, but I’ll be more than happy to stand by you and the cause, peacefully.

And maybe they have to speak with their actions etc I fully get that.

This the one. Shut your mouth and do something.

Apologizing for stuff you said, that you felt, that you probably still feel doesn’t square with me. You’re apologizing because of backlash at that point. If nobody was mad, there would be no statement. It’s lip service.

If you care, go do something to help. Forced apologies written by a PR rep ain’t cutting it.

that’s just me though.
Always felt the dude was misunderstood.We all may not agree with him, but you gotta respect the honesty.
Man miss me with this ********

He did something good, props to him.

But I don't have to respect nothing about him cheer-leading a white supremacist President, and saying all the other vile **** that has come out his mouth, especially about black people.
Al Sharpton finding just the right poignant words to really capture the moment and palpable emotion right now
Credit where credit is due, for all the ****ery he's been on lately, Ye paying the legal fees for the Arbery and Taylor families along with covering George Floyds daughters tuition and starting a college fund for her is :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: if true

Wish he'd let his actions do more talking than his mouth more often

I'd wish he would saying something about Trump

He hasn't, so his actions are whatever and should be taken that way by black people.

Giving money after you're bragging about being a billionaire?
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