RIP George Floyd

The unjust police killings is not the point, we already know the bad cop is gonna suffer the consequences and have his date with hell on earth.

Cops shouldn't be killing unjustly just like dumbfk opportunists shouldn't be looting and stealing under the so-called support for protesting floyd's unjust death. You know damn well the opportunistic looters ain't doing what they doing solely because they want reform.

And we wonder why the cycle keeps repeating itself.

Both of these groups should be fed to the sharks. Bad, racist cops and racist politicians who control the law as they see fit are scum in much the same way as the looters.

You must think it's justified to fire back at systematic racism through looting and violence as opposed to going about it intelligently by using the power of society's voice and the human brain.

I cant wait til I get my Flints, good thing Nike warehouse wasn't looted otherwise everyone here who copped from Nike would be worried about their shoes being in someone's else's hands at their expense

You must have missed the part where I wrote that the police who kill innocent people are just as much the scum of the earth as looters.


There needs to be a mass amount of people, I'm talking by the thousands, that need to hit up Nike via chat and phone to let them know to stop using the Just Do It tape on their boxes as well as removing the Nike swoosh on the box. Ain't no customer out there who gives a **** about a Nike branded shipping box!!

Do it people and spread the word via social media!! Copy and paste this post onto your Twitter feed!!

If Nike gets the message from thousands and thousands of customer complaints regarding their boxes, it improves the chances of them implementing change.



I see Talcum X took a break from scamming black people to call out Obama, and he didn't even bother to fact check his statement.

Par for the course for dude.

**** like this is easily fact checkable if he tried....

In addition to our civil pattern and practice work, the Department continues to criminally prosecute those law enforcement officers who act under color of law to willfully engage in civil rights violations. From FY2009 to FY2014, the Department has criminally prosecuted 407 law enforcement officers in 271 cases for civil rights violations and related conduct.
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I'd wish he would saying something about Trump

He hasn't, so his actions are whatever and should be taken that way by black people.

Giving money after you're bragging about being a billionaire?
that’s a whole lot of virgils donated doe
I'd wish he would saying something about Trump

He hasn't, so his actions are whatever and should be taken that way by black people.

Giving money after you're bragging about being a billionaire?
I didn't expect him to do or say anything unfortunately tbh given the energy he's been on so it's a pleasant surprise to me especially given the recent actions from some in his circle.

Definitely doesn't erase or make any of his transgressions any more acceptable but I'd consider it a commendable move from anyone if what's being reported is true.

Jake Fromm. Bills backup QB. This is why so many white Americans support second amendment. Because they know most democratic states with high minority populations can't get guns legally due to the cost of an assault rifle being so high. Time for people who live in states like NY and Cali to push for gun laws that allow all of us to have guns and let's see how excited these rednecks are to threaten to shoot at protestors.
"Assualt rifles" can be had for the price of 2 pairs of Jordans. So cost isn't the issue. I believe the issue is lack of firearm education.
"Assualt rifles" can be had for the price of 2 pairs of Jordans. So cost isn't the issue. I believe the issue is lack of firearm education.

Gun licenses aren't cheap. If you own multiple types of guns it can be $400 or so just for the licensing. And it has to be renewed every few years. Then you gotta go to a gun range and pay to practice unless you want a gun thats useless when you can't hit anything. How many gun ranges in black communities? Not many, at least in NYC.

And to a "broke" person, $300 for a handgun isn't terrible. But to a POOR person, $300 is a lot when it's choosing between a gun and food. That's how the upper class holds the poor down.
"Assualt rifles" can be had for the price of 2 pairs of Jordans. So cost isn't the issue. I believe the issue is lack of firearm education.
Lack Of education is the biggest issue . I know people that would rather buy off the street than at a store even their paperwork and background are clean .
I’ve donated to several charities and GoFundMe’s this past week. Helped clean up my old neighborhood and participated in conversations about social injustice. Not about flexing my philanthropy, but I’ll be more than happy to stand by you and the cause, peacefully.


Now THAT is what I'm talkin about!!!


Even Dr. King had Belafonte!
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