RIP George Floyd

I can't put blame on the bystanders. The cops would have killed every one of them.

I'm not demanding that any of those bystanders HAD to do anything, but truth be told had they actually grouped those cops wouldn't have done ****.

Their COWARDS, and they only do this because they know there isn't any consequence. when their met with any form of real danger, that aggressiveness they have disappears & they react just how a coward would, Vest, guns & backup be damned.

All Cops Are Bad. It's as plain as that. So called "Good Cops" still protect and cover for pos like Derek Chauvin. Don't let the incoming videos and clips of cops playing with kids or doing some ****ing tik tok challenge make you forget Ahmaud, Breonna, George, and countless others.


I don't even look at black cops the same.

I saw a black cop wearing a blue lives matter shirt. :smh:
I'm not demanding that any of those bystanders HAD to do anything, but truth be told had they actually grouped those cops wouldn't have done ****.

Their COWARDS, and they only do this because they know there isn't any consequence. when their met with any form of real danger, that aggressiveness they have disappears & they react just how a coward would, Vest, guns & backup be damned.
Not true. When faced with the slightest bit of fear, they grab for their gun. They then claim they "feared for their life." That's their go to play. Hell the one cop grabbed his mace bc someone stepped off the curb. I guarantee you he would have grabbed his gun if someone approached him.
....and here we are, yet another death due to white supremacy, racism.

Do any of you still think that Black people are the problem, because WE aren't coming with the solution?!

The solution is to trust NONE of you.

You've created a system where it is coming down to kill, or be killed.

Y'all started this, and with what nature is doing at this moment? It is only a matter of time before the true solution will present itself. Funny thing about nature, it does not care if you are young or old, fat of skinny, rich or poor. If you are the problem?

You will be dealt with.
Next time bystanders need to do something. There's more civillians then cops, just standing and filming wont help the victim.
Somethings gotta change bruh, this ishhh happens too often, racism is rampant
nahhh. this wouldve been like that nat geo video of the colony of bees vs 30 murder hornets. Would've been a slaughter. A lot of lives would be lost.
nahhh. this wouldve been like that nat geo video of the colony of bees vs 30 murder hornets. Would've been a slaughter. A lot of lives would be lost.
Facts. The police use military grade equipment and ammunition to serve and pRoTect American across the country.

They started with tear gas, they will end up dropping actual airstrike bombs if need be.
Yeah putting the onus on the bystanders is a pretty wild take when you're dealing with 2 unreasonable, armed thugs on a power trip.

Can't stand the "if it was me"/Monday morning quarterbacks.
Yeah there were actually 4 when shown from another angle, 3 on top of George. They would have definitely unloaded on the bystanders and justified it.
Seeing the protest footage,weird how they tear gas and get physical with people protesting cold blooded murder after handling anti-public safety/quarantine protestors with kid gloves...>D

this why I been vocal about black gun ownership on here

we should be able to move just like they do. The few brothers on that street had the cops scared to move stuck on stupid up the street. imagine an ocean of us.

Will continue saying it - look what they did to that man and tell me people like him, kneeling on a mans neck watching peacefully almost happily as the life leaves his body, understand anything else. The cries from the crowd did nothing. He knew what he was doing.

You cannot reason with the devil.
Theres legit no other reason he kept kneeling on that dudes neck besides wanting to kill him. NONE. And for minutes on end? All your weight is on that mans neck and you dont think you are hurting him? Of course he did, and he aint care.
Nah dont get me wrong, I think they're all right wing. I just question the authenticity of that photo. Like who in their right mind would post a photo of themselves in a racist hat like that. I wouldn't put it past him though to do it, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it is just a photoshop...
I've spent my entire time in the US in the northern part of the country and I've seen my fair share of lifted trucks with stickers refering to Nazism (swatzikas, SS, 88) to know that white supremacists are not shy about displaying where they stand.
The police use military grade equipment and ammunition to serve and pRoTect American across the country.
If only they used some military grade rules of engagement
Law enforcement only understands violence.

Go back to 2013. Chris Dorner had those bacon boys shook and on edge. They (law enforcement collectively) got what was coming their way and overdue. “Not all cops are bad” but hiding behind that blue wall of silence and being complicit and not airing scumbag officers out makes them guilty as a whole

Firing those cops, they likely end up working for another cities police department. Dishing out a huge settlement which comes from taxpayer money instead of officers pensions, and giving those former officers a likely slap on the wrist sentence doesn’t do anything.

Hopefully more of those officers get touched.
Seeing the protest footage,weird how they tear gas and get physical with people protesting cold blooded murder after handling anti-public safety/quarantine protestors with kid gloves...>D
Aside from the obvious racism, those cops are cowards.
Comfy lobbing tear gas into an unarmed group of protesters but are chillin letting men with AR's and shotguns do and say what ever in their face especially during a pandemic.
I was about to type "maybe it's time the protesters of police brutality show up the same way. Let's see what happens." but I think I know how the gov and police would respond.
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