Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

this wouldn't have happened if everyone owned a military-grade fully automatic rifle

y'all really want people to believe this?

6/12/16 10:26 AM PST

1380 The killer in the Orlando nightclub slaughter is 29-year-old Omar Mateen. TMZ has done a records search and found he held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license.

He's an American citizen and he has family that are not -- his parents are Afghan. Authorities say he was a terrorist and was targeting gays. They say in addition to terrorism this is a hate crime.
We might not stop it completely but we can hurt it. As with any laws, there will always be people that break the saw. The point is making these better

Lets not make pedophilia illegal, because it will still happen. Lets not have seat belt laws, because people will still not wear them. Let's not regulate cigarettes, because people still smoke

You're so dug into your argument, you can't take a step back and see how stupid the logic sounds.

But let's do nothing, because we can't come up with a perfect plan. Genius

These laws don't prevent crimes. Are you that gullible?
You seem to have some real salt against me in the few sentences I wrote. :lol:
It's cool, you wouldn't be the first.

Let's examine the Mass shooters in America.
Mental health issues.
Religious fanatics.
What mass shooter has been of sane mind?
It's swept under the rug by knee jerk reactions.
Even you admit, we can't stop the black market.
We need to get to the root of this. Normal, everyday folks aren't going postal.

Hence, mental health issue.

How the hell can you say these laws won't prevent crimes, when we haven't institute them. Did you bling Ms. Cleo's hotline and she put you up on game or something.

All I'm saying is that the government should fund the ATF better to go after black market dealers, and other federal intervention to stop black market sales. That what that issue can be address so we can have a wider discussion on the issue.

And you have a problem with that. You're against us trying to go after the black market, because the laws won't be perfect. Like I said, you drank the entire pitcher of the NRA kool-aid

Brah you gonna ramble off nonsense and deflections, to defend your guns and humiliation work you do in the mountains of New York. Go ahead

I'm not salty, I'm just pointing out your argument sounds stupid.

No, don't attack the issue on multiple fronts, just one.
Don't think this was a hate crime per se. Just an easy target. Any club could be an easy target actually. So many people drinking and on drugs, you wouldn't know what was going on until it's too late.

This is so false it's not even funny

He's not pinning on him, he's drawing attention to a lot of the demographic that supports him --- ones with "Don't Tread On Me" symbols on the back of their rusty F-150s, "you're not from around here" types, and YouTube commenters that go to mostly black videos just post paragraphs full of hate

You'd be surprised how many of those YouTube commenters are lawyers, doctors, and bankers.

Take a stroll around wall Street oasis and search "underrepresented minority".

I wouldn't be surprised at all, cause a lot of those comments are very eloquently written. Just happens to be very eloquently written ********

Looks like All Lives Matter strikes again, ol avoiding the real issue *** goofs
Mateen's parents were born in Afghanistan, and he was "on the radar" of U.S. officials for some time, but was not the target of a specific investigation, law enforcement officials told ABC News.

He was gonna do something regardless... guns or not. Government only will sit by and wait for the act and then deal with the aftermath. Then politicians get money for this side and that. Everyone on both sides get re-elected. And law abiding citizens lose in the long run.
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How the hell can you say these laws won't prevent crimes, when we haven't institute them. Did you bling Ms. Cleo's hotline and she put you up on game or something.

All I'm saying is that the government should fund the ATF better to go after black market dealers, and other federal intervention to stop black market sales. That what that issue can be address so we can have a wider discussion on the issue.

And you have a problem with that. You're against us trying to go after the black market, because the laws won't be perfect. Like I said, you drank the entire pitcher of the NRA kool-aid

Brah you gonna ramble off nonsense and deflections, to defend your guns and humiliation work you do in the mountains of New York. Go ahead

I'm not salty, I'm just pointing out your argument sounds stupid.

oh boy. You were cool in my book. Shame, you have some deeper issues with me. Got it. I suggest meditation. There some good apps out there

Anyway, let's focus on the issue and try to put emotions to the side.
I don't have a crystal ball. I do have the knowledge on crimes. What good has the War on drugs done? You are not stopping guns. I'm actually for stricter gun laws. We need greater background checks. I'm hearing this man was on a terror watch list. To say I'm deflecting by stating what type of person commits mass shootings is complete BS though. These are mentally ill people. We will never stop these mass murders until this is better adressed. We can ban guns, then we have to ban knives next and around we go...
Gun laws are just the low hanging fruit. Which I actually agree with... Stop assuming you know me. Stop putting words in my mouth and I think we'll be OK. Saying you dont have salt but then clearly stating otherwise is not whatsup. :lol:
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6/12/16 10:26 AM PST

1380 The killer in the Orlando nightclub slaughter is 29-year-old Omar Mateen. TMZ has done a records search and found he held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license.

He's an American citizen and he has family that are not -- his parents are Afghan. Authorities say he was a terrorist and was targeting gays. They say in addition to terrorism this is a hate crime.

Bragging about Islamophobia possible carrying your candidate of choice into a position he would not have one otherwise.

Stay classy, b :smh:
Let's see if Barry can spit out the words ISLAMIC EXTREMISM from his mouth at 1:30. He's supposed to address the nation at that time.

6/12/16 10:26 AM PST

1380 The killer in the Orlando nightclub slaughter is 29-year-old Omar Mateen. TMZ has done a records search and found he held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license.

He's an American citizen and he has family that are not -- his parents are Afghan. Authorities say he was a terrorist and was targeting gays. They say in addition to terrorism this is a hate crime.
 "he's an american citizen and he has family that are not"

what does this even mean? it's an absolutely stupid thing to write. just meant to further xenophobic sentiment

a large portion of american citizens have family that aren't usa citizens. so what????

also, "authorities say he was a terrorist" - what made him a terrorist? what terrorist actions prior to this did he involve himself in? and why wasn't he apprehended? you can't be a terrorist unless you've actually participated in a terrorist action/event.

that whole article is dumb
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Someone kills 50 people at a gay club and some of yall in here talking about america being built on genocide, slavery, hate etc. As if that is the reason. Or is some deep statement.

Hate to break it to you but the vast majority of countries on the face of the planet have brutal begginings. Just sounds like an excuse to **** on america as opposed to it actually being a reason for what happened.

This guy clearly targeted a gay club during gay pride week. Time will tell if he was on extremist websites or had any ties. Or is "just" acting alone.

I'm the one that said it. Sure a lot of other countries have been built on violent beginnings. America leads the world in mass shootings. America 70 years ago was hell for some folks. America is relatively young and still shedding itself of bigotry/ignorance and violence. We have the most locked up prisoners in the world, the most gun owners, the most mass shootings (correct me if I'm wrong) obviously something is wrong with America. I'm not one of those guys that say "merica land of the free and home of the brave" all the while injustices of a grand scale are happening. We can **** on America when it needs to be ****** on. Watch "where to invade next" by Michael Moore and you'll realize how behind America is on proactive forward thinking and policy.

6/12/16 10:26 AM PST

1380 The killer in the Orlando nightclub slaughter is 29-year-old Omar Mateen. TMZ has done a records search and found he held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license.

He's an American citizen and he has family that are not -- his parents are Afghan. Authorities say he was a terrorist and was targeting gays. They say in addition to terrorism this is a hate crime.

Bragging about Islamophobia possible carrying your candidate of choice into a position he would not have one otherwise.

Stay classy, b :smh:

you're da one interpreting as "bragging".
Was a cop? SMDH.

Well... Maybe it was an assault rifle after all.
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He's not pinning on him, he's drawing attention to a lot of the demographic that supports him --- ones with "Don't Tread On Me" symbols on the back of their rusty F-150s, "you're not from around here" types, and YouTube commenters that go to mostly black videos just post paragraphs full of hate

You'd be surprised how many of those YouTube commenters are lawyers, doctirs, and bankers.

Take a stroll around wall Street oasis and search "underrepresented minority".
I browse Wallstreetoasis from time to time and just saw this --

Was a cop? SMH.
Think he was a security guard.

Just read about the news, though. RIP to all the innocent victims who lost their lives, can't imagine what their families are going through at the moment.

This was 100% a hate crime. Bro was heated from seeing two men kissing earlier this week :smh:

Elliot Rodger saw heterosexual couples kiss and it enraged him to the point where she shot up people. The mentality of these guys are so far off the normal spectrum it's very difficult to comprehend.

Still confused why no one made a thread on the singer that was killed, was gonna make it but assumed no one would give a damn. That was sad and disgusting someone would do that.

RIP to her and all those who were killed at the night club :smh:

Still confused why no one made a thread on the singer that was killed, was gonna make it but assumed no one would give a damn. That was sad and disgusting someone would do that.

RIP to her and all those who were killed at the night club :smh:

As a musician who followed Christina before her days on The Voice, I probably should have made that thread- but I was mad busy yesterday and making a thread on NT wasn't on my mind when I found out.. It hit me hard, man.

22 years old.. Living her dreams. Smh.

Rest in Peace to Christina and Rest in Peace who lost their lives and may lose their lives due to this act of.. Hate, terrorism, whatever the **** you wanna call it man. I don't care, as long as we can all agree that this ain't okay at all.
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