Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

I didn't know that until last year when a coworker wanted to give blood and he mentioned the ban.

Still confused why no one made a thread on the singer that was killed, was gonna make it but assumed no one would give a damn. That was sad and disgusting someone would do that.

RIP to her and all those who were killed at the night club :smh:

I posted her on FB

People don't give a **** man, they care only about their lives.

It's easier to be that way, I get it. Ppl are sheeps an only care about their money and material not about real issues in this world.

Btw I hate FB, only got on there for my CT ppl. I don't even post stupid **** like the rest of em.
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How the hell can you say these laws won't prevent crimes, when we haven't institute them. Did you bling Ms. Cleo's hotline and she put you up on game or something.

All I'm saying is that the government should fund the ATF better to go after black market dealers, and other federal intervention to stop black market sales. That what that issue can be address so we can have a wider discussion on the issue.

And you have a problem with that. You're against us trying to go after the black market, because the laws won't be perfect. Like I said, you drank the entire pitcher of the NRA kool-aid

Brah you gonna ramble off nonsense and deflections, to defend your guns and humiliation work you do in the mountains of New York. Go ahead

I'm not salty, I'm just pointing out your argument sounds stupid.

oh boy. You were cool in my book. Shame, you have some deeper issues with me. Got it. I suggest meditation. There some good apps out there

Anyway, let's focus on the issue and try to put emotions to the side.
I don't have a crystal ball. I do have the knowledge on crimes. What good has the War on drugs done? You are not stopping guns. I'm actually for stricter gun laws. We need greater background checks. I'm hearing this man was on a terror watch list. To say I'm deflecting by stating what type of person commits mass shootings is complete BS though. These are mentally ill people. We will never stop these mass murders until this is better adressed. Gun laws are just the low hanging fruit. Which I actually agree with... Stop assuming you know me and I think we'll be ok.

So you can throw jabs at people, but when I you get jabbed you take offense. But I'm emotional, Ok, papi.

Once again, I'm not pushing supply side interventions as a panacea. I'm saying it needs to be part of the fighting of the bigger fight which includes address the gun culture, mental health, and demand side interventions. And your sitting back and saying that nothing should be done to address gun trafficking, because for what reason I don't know. Maybe you're not willing to discuss this with people, just the strawman you have constructed in your head.

To be honest famb, I have no problem with you, I just think you argument is sounds silly. And your previous arguments have been silly, so I tied those two together to make take a jab. Simple. I hear silly arguments all the time, nothing about your is especially upsetting.

And when it comes to you thinking I'm cool or not......
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imagine all those cell phones going off in the club right now.
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Still confused why no one made a thread on the singer that was killed, was gonna make it but assumed no one would give a damn. That was sad and disgusting someone would do that.

RIP to her and all those who were killed at the night club :smh:

I didn't even know about that til yesterday when i saw an article on yahoo. That was such a crazy and sad thing. Unfortunately that coward was able to take his own life before anyone else could make him suffer
Ignorance rears it's ugly head once again

Keep thinking that

This is Wahhabist Islam this is the done by someone following orthodox Islam

I mentioned this time and time again I knew somebody who died at the World Trade Center and I been following this since 2001

My friend's father told me into 2001 this is a declaration of war by the Muslims against the west And it's only going to get worst unless the US fights this ideology
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So you can throw jabs at people, but when I you get jabbed back you take offense. But I'm emotional, Ok, papi.

Once again, I'm not pushing supply side interventions as a panacea. I'm saying it needs to be part of the fighting of the bigger fight which includes address the gun culture, mental health, and demand side interventions. And your sitting back and saying that nothing should be done to address gun trafficking, because for what reason I don't know. Maybe you're not willing to discuss this with people, just the strawman you have constructed in your head.

To be honest famb, I have no problem with you, I just think you argument is sounds silly. And your previous arguments have been silly, so I tied those two together to make take a jab. Simple. I hear silly arguments all the time, nothing about your is especially upsetting.

And when it comes to you thinking I'm cool or not......

What jabs did I take at you that you're so salty about.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said they're shouldn't be gun reform. I merely state the mental health aspect needs to be adressed and you took it as an opportunity to be on my nuts. I approach this topic from a different angle. Doesn't mean I don't agree with you. Stop being so butthurt and we can have a proper discussion. I don't understand why you are being so childish and vacuous.
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Still confused why no one made a thread on the singer that was killed, was gonna make it but assumed no one would give a damn. That was sad and disgusting someone would do that.

RIP to her and all those who were killed at the night club :smh:

As a musician who followed Christina before her days on The Voice, I probably should have made that thread- but I was mad busy yesterday and making a thread on NT wasn't on my mind when I found out.. It hit me hard, man.

22 years old.. Living her dreams. Smh.

Rest in Peace to Christina and Rest in Peace who lost their lives and may lose their lives due to this act of.. Hate, terrorism, whatever the **** you wanna call it man. I don't care, as long as we can all agree that this ain't okay at all.

It's cool bro

No idea who she was and never heard of it just read the story and made me so sad for something like that to happen. Sitting there greeting fans and signing autographs and dude just walks up and shoots her point blank


Sad sad world we live in.
Why the fk is this the only shooter that has been tagged with being a terrorist? I don't understand the DFing media at this point.
Most hate crimes are rooted from religious beliefs. How come if that religious belief happens to be Islamic in nature now it is now deemed a terrorist act?
So you can throw jabs at people, but when I you get jabbed back you take offense. But I'm emotional, Ok, papi.

Once again, I'm not pushing supply side interventions as a panacea. I'm saying it needs to be part of the fighting of the bigger fight which includes address the gun culture, mental health, and demand side interventions. And your sitting back and saying that nothing should be done to address gun trafficking, because for what reason I don't know. Maybe you're not willing to discuss this with people, just the strawman you have constructed in your head.

To be honest famb, I have no problem with you, I just think you argument is sounds silly. And your previous arguments have been silly, so I tied those two together to make take a jab. Simple. I hear silly arguments all the time, nothing about your is especially upsetting.

And when it comes to you thinking I'm cool or not......

What jabs did I take at you that you're so salty about.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said they're shouldn't be gun reform. I merely state the mental health aspect needs to be adressed and you took it as an opportunity to be on my nuts. I approach this topic from a different angle. Doesn't mean I don't agree with you. Stop being so butthurt and we xan have a proper discussion. I don't understand why you are being so childish and vacuous.

Yet I'm the one being emotional

Ok brah. I'll leave you and your precious guns alone

You can relax
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Most hate crimes are rooted from religious beliefs. How come if that religious belief happens to be Islamic in nature now it is now deemed a terrorist act?

Exactly, the sandy hook shooter wasn't called a terrorist by the media. Those are powerful words and it sucks it has been only used to tag people who practice middle eastern religions.
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