Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

For some tha claims to be progressive, you really sound like you drank the NRA cool-aid

If it not just a mental health issue, it is a gun culture issue. Other countries have much better gun cultures than America does.

-And if you're so concern with criminals getting guns, be supportive of regulations that attacking the black market. Don't just use that fact as a talking point against people that want gun regulations.

That's why federal action, what ever it maybe, is so important. It needs to wide ranging policies that apply everywhere, you can't just Southern states to go after the illegal flow of guns. Esepcially when the NRA lobbies for them not too.

Jesus. You got all that from 3 sentences? :lol:
Canada has more guns per capita. You're not gonna stop the black market. Never ever, no matter how hard you try. It's gonna get even more interesting as technology progresses. The ability to print 3D guns. uff.

We might not stop it completely but we can hurt it. As with any laws, there will always be people that break the saw. The point is making these better

Lets not make pedophilia illegal, because it will still happen. Lets not have seat belt laws, because people will still not wear them. Let's not regulate cigarettes, because people still smoke

You're so dug into your argument, you can't take a step back and see how stupid the logic sounds.

But let's do nothing, because we can't come up with a perfect plan. Genius
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Why did you quote that with this? If you identify as gay when filling out your information before donating blood they will turn you around, same with if you just got a tattoo

I'm sure most people on that line didn't check the "gay box" on the census just so they can help out

I understand what you're saying.
The community is far from being helpless tho.
This is a just awful

I feel sick about it and I feel sick about the fact that there are people who are happy that it happened
Why did you quote that with this? If you identify as gay when filling out your information before donating blood they will turn you around, same with if you just got a tattoo

I'm sure most people on that line didn't check the "gay box" on the census just so they can help out

I understand what you're saying.
The community is far from being helpless tho.

If you have to lie about who you are just to have the opportunity to help someone, it is a feeling of helplessness
So you think son hit over 100 people with a handgun? How stupid are you guys today?

The fire rate and magazine capacities are identical dependent on setup... a glock with a drum or 33 rd stick shootin .40 or .45 would have killed just as many people and been easier to conceal
This happened 5 minutes from my house and it's been crazy emotional out here. Word around here is that he was a GNC (some vitamin shop) salesman and also a licensed security guard so he had access to the guns and knew his way around the club.
Reports are saying he did have an assault weapon whether it was attainted legally has not come out yet but assault rifles can be obtained legally in this country so that is a possibility as well that can't be ruled out.
Then either reports are just throwing words around for sensationalism or this guy spent major money legally/illegally and no law was gonna stop him from killing people with whatever mean necessary in his disgustingly evil disturbed mind.
I doubt they are throwing around words for sensationalism because they actually have evidence its not like he got away they know what he had on them. How it was obtained is that it was still up in the air. But I will never say something isn't preventable like people have said in this thread there are several reasons this happens much more often in this country compared to others.
so why not go to any club with all types of people?

I get what you're saying but maybe it was just a coincidence that it was a gay club? Regardless, the club really has nothing to do with the fact that these mass shootings stay happening.

:smh: you my guy and all but you reaching for the stars

Someone who kills 50 people didn't just drive around the corner and say I'm shooting the next club I see

He had a plan, he specifically chose this place, that's not a coincidence bro
Someone kills 50 people at a gay club and some of yall in here talking about america being built on genocide, slavery, hate etc. As if that is the reason. Or is some deep statement.

Hate to break it to you but the vast majority of countries on the face of the planet have brutal begginings. Just sounds like an excuse to **** on america as opposed to it actually being a reason for what happened.

This guy clearly targeted a gay club during gay pride week. Time will tell if he was on extremist websites or had any ties. Or is "just" acting alone.
RIP to the victims first & foremost.

Lol @ the gun blaming that always takes place. Ppl always looking for a scapegoat. How about we blame the sick culture of this bigoted country instead.
We might not stop it completely but we can hurt it. As with any laws, there will always be people that break the saw. The point is making these better

Lets not make pedophilia illegal, because it will still happen. Lets not have seat belt laws, because people will still not wear them. Let's not regulate cigarettes, because people still smoke

You're so dug into your argument, you can't take a step back and see how stupid the logic sounds.

But let's do nothing, because we can't come up with a perfect plan. Genius

These laws don't prevent crimes. Are you that gullible?
You seem to have some real salt against me in the few sentences I wrote. :lol:
It's cool, you wouldn't be the first.

Let's examine the Mass shooters in America.
Mental health issues.
Religious fanatics.
What mass shooter has been of sane mind?
It's swept under the rug by knee jerk reactions.
Even, you admit, we can't stop the black market.
We need to get to the root of this. Normal, everyday folks aren't going postal.

Hence, mental health issue.
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I don't understand the people with the "nothing you can do" or "this won't work" rhetoric. What do you want? Do nothing?
So this guy had a license to carry? He legally had these fire arms? :x wow

This is why im anti legislation. People have been acting like this cant happen... people snap all the time. The culture and the mindsets are what needs to be focused on moreso than legislation imo.

Too many guns alrdy in circulation to act like putting a damper on new gun sales will solve the issue of these mass shootings

We need to create a cultuture where human life is more valuable than it is today
To see the line of Orlando locals waiting to donate blood grow to over a thousand reminds me that good will always conquer evil. 
It's interesting how the media wanted to spin the Charleston church shooting as a hate crime, but this as a terror act.

One was white and the other was a person of color

:smh: you my guy and all but you reaching for the stars

Someone who kills 50 people didn't just drive around the corner and say I'm shooting the next club I see

He had a plan, he specifically chose this place, that's not a coincidence bro

My bad ain't have all the details.
Serious question:

What's the point of citizens being able to buy fully automatic weapons?

Can someone provide an instance where a regular person utilized a fully automatic weapon in its proper form?

Citizens can't buy fully automatic weapons. Correct me if I'm wrong.

you can keep one made before da 80's ban if u had it before da ban.
We might not stop it completely but we can hurt it. As with any laws, there will always be people that break the saw. The point is making these better

Lets not make pedophilia illegal, because it will still happen. Lets not have seat belt laws, because people will still not wear them. Let's not regulate cigarettes, because people still smoke

You're so dug into your argument, you can't take a step back and see how stupid the logic sounds.

But let's do nothing, because we can't come up with a perfect plan. Genius

These laws don't prevent crimes. Are you that gullible?
You seem to have some real salt against me in the few sentences I wrote. :lol:
It's cool, you wouldn't be the first.

Let's examine the Mass shooters in America.
Mental health issues.
Religious fanatics.
What mass shooter has been of sane mind?
It's swept under the rug by knee jerk reactions.
Even you admit, we can't stop the black market.
We need to get to the root of this. Normal, everyday folks aren't going postal.

Hence, mental health issue.

How the hell can you say these laws won't prevent crimes, when we haven't institute them. Did you bling Ms. Cleo's hotline and she put you up on game or something.

All I'm saying is that the government should fund the ATF better to go after black market dealers, and other federal intervention to stop black market sales. That what that issue can be address so we can have a wider discussion on the issue.

And you have a problem with that. You're against us trying to go after the black market, because the laws won't be perfect. Like I said, you drank the entire pitcher of the NRA kool-aid

Brah you gonna ramble off nonsense and deflections, to defend your guns and humiliation work you do in the mountains of New York. Go ahead

I'm not salty, I'm just pointing out your argument sounds stupid.
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