Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

If you build a country on hate, genocide, slavery, bigotry, and with a moronic mentality. That same mentality will continue to show itself because it's imbedded within the nature of the beast.

This is very sad and unfortunate. My best friend is a lesbian, she's always at a gay club. She's in South Korea now but I had to give her a call anyway.

Everybody stay safe out here God willing.
yeah man. this is about the deadly mix of guns and hate. not about radical islam
Is this really the argument?
You don't think this shooter went out ready to die last night?
When a person goes over the edge they are not thinking about an escape plan. They just want to carry out their plan.
A club full of gun owners would have not deterred him.
he chose a gay club as the target 

people like to pick easy targets he didnt go light up a precinct 
this is like a whole lot of nothing

i think you're equating gay club with "easy target"

he could've shot up a supermarket and it would have been just an easy target as a gay club

basically anything becomes an "easy target" when you have an automatic weapon on you
IMO I think this has everything to do with being a gay hate crime, and way less to do with his religion.

He targeted a gay club and it's messed up man. This is why it's upsetting when people say "why can't gay people just live their life? why do they fight so hard for equal laws?" They can't even be free and safe in a environment specifically for them.

Prayers to all lost, all fighting, and that whole community.
So do nothing? We have to start somewhere.
I didn't say to do nothing. I honestly don't know what can be done though. I just know banning them won't do a thing. Even if you ban them, there's far too many black market guns you can get if you put in the effort. I don't mix with that type of crowd anymore, but back in my teenage years some of my friends were able to buy guns off the street at the ages of 15-16 (thankfully it was only to show off, not to actually use).
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You sound like an absolute moron. Why in the world should regular *** citizens be able to purchase assault rifles?
The irony of you calling someone a moron. I highly doubt this shooter had an assault rifle and if he did, it is more likely than not illegally obtained. But I digress and shall defer with those who are going to stay quiet in this thread.

RIP to all the victims and condolences to their families.
Reports are saying he did have an assault weapon whether it was attainted legally has not come out yet but assault rifles can be obtained legally in this country so that is a possibility as well that can't be ruled out.
The irony of you calling someone a moron. I highly doubt this shooter had an assault rifle and if he did, it is more likely than not illegally obtained. But I digress and shall defer with those who are going to stay quiet in this thread.

RIP to all the victims and condolences to their families.

Jesus. He had an AR15 smart guy.
woah, woke up to this news
:smh: :x

condolences to the lost ones and their families
If you build a country on hate, genocide, slavery, bigotry, and with a moronic mentality. That same mentality will continue to show itself because it's imbedded within the nature of the beast.


This isn't about guns or religion, this is about America.
Don't think this was a hate crime per se. Just an easy target. Any club could be an easy target actually. So many people drinking and on drugs, you wouldn't know what was going on until it's too late.
For some tha claims to be progressive, you really sound like you drank the NRA cool-aid

If it not just a mental health issue, it is a gun culture issue. Other countries have much better gun cultures than America does.

-And if you're so concern with criminals getting guns, be supportive of regulations that attacking the black market. Don't just use that fact as a talking point against people that want gun regulations.

That's why federal action, what ever it maybe, is so important. It needs to wide ranging policies that apply everywhere, you can't just Southern states to go after the illegal flow of guns. Esepcially when the NRA lobbies for them not too.

Jesus. You got all that from 3 sentences? :lol:
Canada has more guns per capita. You're not gonna stop the black market. Never ever, no matter how hard you try. It's gonna get even more interesting as technology progresses. The ability to print 3D guns. uff.
Reports are saying he did have an assault weapon whether it was attainted legally has not come out yet but assault rifles can be obtained legally in this country so that is a possibility as well that can't be ruled out.

Then either reports are just throwing words around for sensationalism or this guy spent major money legally/illegally and no law was gonna stop him from killing people with whatever mean necessary in his disgustingly evil disturbed mind.
yeah access to assault weapons has nothing to do with it. that's what these "defenders of the constitution" want you to believe. stop shoving it down everyone's throat. most rational people see this for what it is
there's a cruel irony unfolding here too, in that gay men are banned from donating blood.

i can't imagine how helpless that community must feel right now.
Serious question:

What's the point of citizens being able to buy fully automatic weapons?

Can someone provide an instance where a regular person utilized a fully automatic weapon in its proper form?
Don't think this was a hate crime per se. Just an easy target. Any club could be an easy target actually. So many people drinking and on drugs, you wouldn't know what was going on until it's too late.
so this dude's dad's claim holds no weight?
Don't think this was a hate crime per se. Just an easy target. Any club could be an easy target actually. So many people drinking and on drugs, you wouldn't know what was going on until it's too late.

so why not go to any club with all types of people?
Serious question:

What's the point of citizens being able to buy fully automatic weapons?

Can someone provide an instance where a regular person utilized a fully automatic weapon in its proper form?

Citizens can't buy fully automatic weapons. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Not banned:

there's a cruel irony unfolding here too, in that gay men are banned from donating blood.

i can't imagine how helpless that community must feel right now.

There are more than 600 people in line waiting to donate blood for the victims of the #OrlandoShooting

Why did you quote that with this? If you identify as gay when filling out your information before donating blood they will turn you around, same with if you just got a tattoo

I'm sure most people on that line didn't check the "gay box" on the census just so they can help out
so why not go to any club with all types of people?

I get what you're saying but maybe it was just a coincidence that it was a gay club? Regardless, the club really has nothing to do with the fact that these mass shootings stay happening.
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