"@MikeSilver: Mike Tice wanted to come to Oakland. Successfully pleaded his case to Falcons' management, and they let him out."

rookies, free agents, coaches all WANT to be RAIDERS. I'm not sure how to feel bout this.
I like the Mike Tice move. We better be at least contacting Fangio and Trestman.

On the real, this may be the biggest Offseason we've ever coach, hella cap space and a franchise QB to build around plus good young defensive players.

We are entering the beginning stages of a better life, fellas.
The press conference is about to be replayed on CSN in a few minutes in case you missed it earlier like me
Not sure how credible the sources or what to make of it but I've come across beat reporters saying Mike Smith is unlikely to leave the Atlanta area due to his kids. And Fangio only came to the west coast for Harbaugh, his family lives in Maryland.
Id take Pot Roast if we can't get Suh. Still want Leonard or dline/edge no matter who we sign in free agency.
Hope Williams is there at 4. Amari is cool but I literally see people talking about 10-15 receivers. This class seems deep.
Not a single top 10 in the first round wr is playing this weekend.
Seattle - No big names
gB - 2nd round picks
New England - other than Gronk it's the same as seattle
Indy - best receiver is a 4th rounder.

With as many holes as he have, I'm so against taking a Wr in the first its not even funny.

2nd-4th round wr is a must tho.
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You bring Shwartz and we might have a good chance at getting Suh
That would be some bad *** staff if we brought shwartz..Whats the post i saw about mike Tice though? didn't hear anything about that..

**** im feeling intemidated wit all these big *** dudes running ****. Im getting excited and it ain't technically even offseason yet man damn!
I don't know I don't believe anything Bill Williamson says.

OC is way more crucial than the DC in my opinion though. Hope we can lock Trestman up.
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