
I know he is 32...But for some reason I'd like to see Antrel Rolle join C-Wood as our safeties.

Unless of course Branch can stay healthy.
This is the most excited I've been for a Raiders season in a LONG time. I think it's because we actually have a QB to build around. Things are looking up for our franchise, hopefully playoffs in 2 years.
So I talked with Jumpman and it looks like he's perma banned from the site. If you guys want to start a new thread then we can do that.
So I talked with Jumpman and it looks like he's perma banned from the site. If you guys want to start a new thread then we can do that.

Damn. RIP JumpmanFromDaBay. Can't he just create a new account with a different email address? lol
if no one is particularly interested in starting it then I can do it. I would imagine it would just be thread title updates and little crap like that but obviously it's not a problem to just have a thread with our name on it and leaving it as is.
I'll have it up by end of the day. Will get some info together for the opening post. My godson's baptism is today so I'll have it as soon as I can.
Love how everybody hated McKenzie at first because we still sucked and they have no knowledge of salary cap or team management...he was setting us up so nicely to make multiple moves this off season and people were blind to it! Love McKenzie and am loving Del Rio! I haven't been this excited for an up coming season since we got screwed on the tuck rule! A top tier WR and DT would be nice! I'm not sold on Murray staying healthy all year, need something behind him. I believe Carr can be a winning playoff caliber QB. Love how everything on Defense is shaking out...gonna need another solid CB in there soon...but all in all im excited and thing of the key off season signings happen we can contend for a winning season for sure maybe playoff run in the west!
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