Racism You've Dealt With

com·plex·ion (km-plkshn)
1. The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face.

race 1 (rs)
1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.

Take your L.
com·plex·ion (km-plkshn)
1. The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face.

race 1 (rs)
1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.

Take your L.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

com·plex·ion (km-plkshn)
1. The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face.

race 1 (rs)
1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
4. I also have no idea what I am talking about and am bound to make a girl-problem thread soon discussing how I am not smashing, #anywaydoe

Take your L.
So Magic Johnson's race is American? So George Bush's race is American? They're from the same race?

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

com·plex·ion (km-plkshn)
1. The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face.

race 1 (rs)
1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
4. I also have no idea what I am talking about and am bound to make a girl-problem thread soon discussing how I am not smashing, #anywaydoe

Take your L.
So Magic Johnson's race is American? So George Bush's race is American? They're from the same race?

It makes me shake my head that some Black people in here dont think white people can experience racism

im black BTW
It makes me shake my head that some Black people in here dont think white people can experience racism

im black BTW
Well thank you my fellow NT brethren for making this thread a success.
I've read all the posts and all I can do is
at what has happened to you guys.
I want to make a shirt that says Guess what race I am?
Then on the back it says Human race.
With a picture of people from all over the world chanting "We are the human race."
A man can only dream.
Well thank you my fellow NT brethren for making this thread a success.
I've read all the posts and all I can do is
at what has happened to you guys.
I want to make a shirt that says Guess what race I am?
Then on the back it says Human race.
With a picture of people from all over the world chanting "We are the human race."
A man can only dream.
another one

Me and two of my friends were on our way From San Antonio to Lubbock to Vegas....and in between going from this small town Eden to Lubbock, we were stopped by cops twice for going 2MPH over the speed limit, both times they asked to search our bags in the car and both times we said No...then both times they made us all get out of the car and stand by the curb while they called for the drug dogs to come and sniff the car and our bags (about a 30-45 min wait)....Both of those times happened about 45 mins to an hour apart
another one

Me and two of my friends were on our way From San Antonio to Lubbock to Vegas....and in between going from this small town Eden to Lubbock, we were stopped by cops twice for going 2MPH over the speed limit, both times they asked to search our bags in the car and both times we said No...then both times they made us all get out of the car and stand by the curb while they called for the drug dogs to come and sniff the car and our bags (about a 30-45 min wait)....Both of those times happened about 45 mins to an hour apart
i get so sick of telling people the same thing, St Thomas were im from but they still think once you from the islands you gotta be jamaican. smh
i get so sick of telling people the same thing, St Thomas were im from but they still think once you from the islands you gotta be jamaican. smh

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Mind you, i'm a 19 year old light skinned black dude. I do NOT look like someone that would rob someone at ALL.
Oh, so any dark skinned black dude looks like someone who would rob someone?

I give you a pass for your ignorance, you're only 19.  But you basically did the same exact thing that Asian woman did, brah.

My sentiments exactly. I read that last line scratching my head.

CE0 Mal
My man your a Mediterranean dude that finds it amusing to ask Africans if they rode lions back in Africa. Your right, that isn't racist at all.
Me seeing a lion in Africa is the equivalent of an American seeing and riding grizzlies and cougars.

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Mind you, i'm a 19 year old light skinned black dude. I do NOT look like someone that would rob someone at ALL.
Oh, so any dark skinned black dude looks like someone who would rob someone?

I give you a pass for your ignorance, you're only 19.  But you basically did the same exact thing that Asian woman did, brah.

My sentiments exactly. I read that last line scratching my head.

CE0 Mal
My man your a Mediterranean dude that finds it amusing to ask Africans if they rode lions back in Africa. Your right, that isn't racist at all.
Me seeing a lion in Africa is the equivalent of an American seeing and riding grizzlies and cougars.
TennHouse2 wrote:
It makes me shake my head that some Black people in here dont think white people can experience racism

im black BTW
You will be shaking until it falls off, because they cannot, then do not. They are effected by the reality of racism, backlash, but do not suffer at the hands of racism.

Just answer these privately, or even here if you like. Since this is a male dominated society, can a man suffer from sexism, just as a woman can?

If a woman is angry by the way men treat women in a sexist society, then is confrontational about not being treated equal, does this make her a sexist?
If she feels that men have an unfair advantage, even if they are not qualified to have that advantage, does this make her a sexist?
If a woman then decides to not trust in a male dominated society in regard to her getting her just due, being well qualified to do anything she wants just as any man can, does this make her a sexist?

Supplant Woman with Black people, and Male with White people, you then will have your answer.

This is the sole reason that Right Wing Republicans came up with the term reverse racist. They realized that Black people are not qualified to be called racists, because racism was created to keep White people in power, not Black people. They then began calling entitlement programs reverse racist, due to White people being excluded, but only in intent. 

As we do know, White women have benefited from programs such as Affirmative Action, more so than any other minority, including those that it was intended to help.

TennHouse2 wrote:
It makes me shake my head that some Black people in here dont think white people can experience racism

im black BTW
You will be shaking until it falls off, because they cannot, then do not. They are effected by the reality of racism, backlash, but do not suffer at the hands of racism.

Just answer these privately, or even here if you like. Since this is a male dominated society, can a man suffer from sexism, just as a woman can?

If a woman is angry by the way men treat women in a sexist society, then is confrontational about not being treated equal, does this make her a sexist?
If she feels that men have an unfair advantage, even if they are not qualified to have that advantage, does this make her a sexist?
If a woman then decides to not trust in a male dominated society in regard to her getting her just due, being well qualified to do anything she wants just as any man can, does this make her a sexist?

Supplant Woman with Black people, and Male with White people, you then will have your answer.

This is the sole reason that Right Wing Republicans came up with the term reverse racist. They realized that Black people are not qualified to be called racists, because racism was created to keep White people in power, not Black people. They then began calling entitlement programs reverse racist, due to White people being excluded, but only in intent. 

As we do know, White women have benefited from programs such as Affirmative Action, more so than any other minority, including those that it was intended to help.

Originally Posted by Ginzo

Well thank you my fellow NT brethren for making this thread a success.
I've read all the posts and all I can do is
at what has happened to you guys.
I want to make a shirt that says Guess what race I am?
Then on the back it says Human race.
With a picture of people from all over the world chanting "We are the human race."
A man can only dream.

Look into Dr. James V. Montgomery. 
Originally Posted by Ginzo

Well thank you my fellow NT brethren for making this thread a success.
I've read all the posts and all I can do is
at what has happened to you guys.
I want to make a shirt that says Guess what race I am?
Then on the back it says Human race.
With a picture of people from all over the world chanting "We are the human race."
A man can only dream.

Look into Dr. James V. Montgomery. 
Ive had the same issues most of us have gone through, nothing I didnt ignore.

At my current job ive had two occasions of an old caucasian female be racist because im hispanic.

One of them spoke under hear breathe saying "what am I speaking spanish?, you dont understand?" knowing what she had said I asked her what was that? she obviously didnt repeat it and put her head down.

I cant stoop to peoples level especially white people that dont know how to act but next time that happends im kicking them out of my store and not giving them any service.
Ive had the same issues most of us have gone through, nothing I didnt ignore.

At my current job ive had two occasions of an old caucasian female be racist because im hispanic.

One of them spoke under hear breathe saying "what am I speaking spanish?, you dont understand?" knowing what she had said I asked her what was that? she obviously didnt repeat it and put her head down.

I cant stoop to peoples level especially white people that dont know how to act but next time that happends im kicking them out of my store and not giving them any service.
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