R.I.P Trayvon

White Jesus himself couldn't have swayed those broads.
You are right - I also believe that, but the way she express herself no matter how real we think she is keeping it, it is not well received or articulated for someone that doesn't understand. So I don't see how she could of have not made the decision even worst. 

Like I mentioned, if TM would of have killed GZ that night I truly believe that he would of have been found not guilty!
Is Crystal Wright the "GOP Black Chick" on twitter? Cuz if so it all makes sense now :smh:

Yup that's her smh
Is she mixed or both her parents black?????

I assumed she was mixed cuz If both her parents are black then :lol: smh.
See I was thinking maybe she was mixed and her dad was black and never their for her so she holds a grudge against her side

Actually that may be the case, at least that would make some sense with how she acts :lol:

Rachel is sooooooo real man :rofl: this is one of the most brutally honest interviews I've seen on tv. She said the n word like 12 times in 1 minute :lol:. She still speaks on Trayvon in the present tense :smokin
at ppl who honestly believe and think a white woman from the SOUTH...has no clue idea...what the word crakah is and is completely coherent to the word...
well according to Jeantel Cracka is just anyone - not white but a cop a security guard anyone.

just like ***** is acceptable for everyone to use ....

see what Im trying to say?
White Jesus himself couldn't have swayed those broads.
You are right - I also believe that, but the way she express herself no matter how real we think she is keeping it, it is not well received or articulated for someone that doesn't understand. So I don't see how she could of have not made the decision even worst. 

Like I mentioned, if TM would of have killed GZ that night I truly believe that he would of have been found not guilty!

Nahhhhhhhhhh :lol: I gotta disagree completely on that. Trayvon would've been locked up immediately and if they had this same jury?! Nope he'd be in on at least manslaughter and probably some drug charge at minimum. No question.
Is Crystal Wright the "GOP Black Chick" on twitter? Cuz if so it all makes sense now :smh:

Yup that's her smh
Is she mixed or both her parents black?????

I assumed she was mixed cuz If both her parents are black then :lol: smh.
See I was thinking maybe she was mixed and her dad was black and never their for her so she holds a grudge against her side

Actually that may be the case, at least that would make some sense with how she acts :lol:

Rachel is sooooooo real man :rofl: this is one of the most brutally honest interviews I've seen on tv. She said the n word like 12 times in 1 minute :lol:. She still speaks on Trayvon in the present tense :smokin
And I keep lookin in the crowd as she talks and a lot of the people in the audience seem to like what she is saying :pimp:
A lot of you are missing the point.

When a case isn't black and white, it is hard for people to bring about a conviction.  That's the point behind "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's also why civil cases do not adhere to the aforementioned standard. "Beyond a reasonable doubt" goes beyond reason. 

The justice system worked as it intended to. Do the guilty get away in certain cases based on this system? Of course. However, we have so many wrongful convictions because jurors/judges do not always follow the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard. 

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer"
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Trayvon had every right to be where he was that evening. Why does nobody address that? Zimmerman falsely accused the kid of who knows what. He couldn't even tell the police dispatch an actual crime. Trayvon was walking. Zimmerman had multiple chances to turn around in his truck, and not get out of his truck, and not follow the boy on foot.

This Zimmerman guy has a DOCUMENTED HISTORY of police calls on black children, some as young as 7-9. His words. How many 7-9 year old white kids has he called the police on? The people who spent the last breathing moments of Trayvon's life with him and talking to him know he was just playing video games a moment ago before going to 7 Eleven to get a pack of Skittles and a can of Arizona. There's 7 Eleven surveillance footage and physical evidence on his dead body to prove it. He was heading back to watch the All-Star game.

How does a kid given that criteria become aggressive all-of-a-sudden without being baited or provoked? A teenager with snacks, playing video games, and watching the All-Star game. Especially when he would of never known Zimmerman existed if Zimmerman in his TRUCK with a GUN (bullet already chambered) didn't decide to follow him. Zimmerman was the one playing vigilante, deciding to antagonize and wrongly vilify an innocent teen.

Zimmerman told the police dispatch himself that he was following Trayvon and they told him they don't need him to do that. Why couldn't Zimmerman just leave Trayvon be? He already called the police on him. The police showed up shortly after he fatally shot him. They could of shown up with Trayvon alive if he just left him be. Not that Trayvon deserved a visit from them for walking back to his father's place with snacks.
After hearing B-37's interview, do you guys believe she judged that trial fairly?

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After hearing B-37's interview, do you guys believe she judged that trial fairly?

Hell no. I even get they probably didn't have enough for murder 2 beyond a reasonable doubt, but she had her mind made up based on pre conceived notions, she wouldn't believe someone like Rachel in a million years. "That boy" smh like we're in 1940s Birmingham Alabama. They never discussed race in the jury room.

We beat stupidity celebration cones after the x-examination of Jeantel? Shameless

This entire situation is sick ..

Jeantel does sound like an idiot - is she could of have articualted herself a bit better, maybe she could of have swayed the jurors.

Cracka is an offensive turns for white people like Nig-gers is to black people. Yet Nig-ggers get censored and Cracka don't.

Even when trying to make her point about the smart phone is like she was unfollowable (made up word).

Just saying 

**** this we will never know and on the evidence presented I still believe the jurors had to much reasonable doubt. I don't see this as being the best decision, but it just is.
crakah isn't even offensive if you look at its origin...It derives...from what slaves called the whites who use to crack the whip across their backs. So a word that describes a person who was oppressing you, and because of the oppression profited then, now and generations to come from a social/legal/economic aspect....is offensive. That's like saying boss/master/supervisor is offensive.

How can you be offended by something you did openly and proudly in which placed you/others past/present/future in a position of superiority/power?
Exactly she said cracka isn't even a racial term it meant a fake cop/security guard/mall cop type of person

The trial was BS I swear
The thing that is pissing people off the most with B37 is that she said she feels sorry for both families. Trayvon is dead. Why is there any sympathy for Zimmerman?
Lol Casey Anthony's lawyer just said he's a cracka, and been one for 70 yrs and isn't offended :lol:
well according to Jeantel Cracka is just anyone - not white but a cop a security guard anyone.

just like ***** is acceptable for everyone to use ....

see what Im trying to say?
yea but that's not what the juror said...she basically said she had no clue idea of the word....see that deception of verbiage. Saying I have no clue, don't know of, have no knowledge of something...is different then saying yes I know of it but im not sure in the matter in which she was using the term.
The thing that is pissing people off the most with B37 is that she said she feels sorry for both families. Trayvon is dead. Why is there any sympathy for Zimmerman?

And he got off to boot! With 300k! I WISH I could feel sorry for someone like that that's wild
crakah isn't even offensive if you look at its origin...It derives...from what slaves called the whites who use to crack the whip across their backs. So a word that describes a person who was oppressing you, and because of the oppression profited then, now and generations to come from a social/legal/economic aspect....is offensive. That's like saying boss/master/supervisor is offensive.

How can you be offended by something you did openly and proudly in which placed you/others past/present/future in a position of superiority/power?
So it is cool to call a white person a Crakah do to it's origin?


You are generalizing and pooling every white person as to be proud.

That's why did **** will never make sense ....

The only person that I'm liking right now is the person that is talking on CNN! PERIOD telling it like it is ....
The thing that is pissing people off the most with B37 is that she said she feels sorry for both families. Trayvon is dead. Why is there any sympathy for Zimmerman?

She also said she feels sorry for the situation George Zimmerman is in, as if he didn't put himself in this situation. TM was the one who was put in a situation he didn't volunteer to be in :smh:
In miami we (not me) call anyone cracka especially if they have authority .
Cops - cracka
Teacher- cracka
Snitch- cracka

Cracka cracka cracka

This trial has driven me mad.
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