R.I.P Trayvon

my point exactly!

I perceive your reply as making fun of me due to my lack the English vocabulary and sentence articulation if this even make sense.
So even if I was writing the truth, it seemed like you discarded all that because to your standards my grammar is not up to par!
Now imagine how was jeantel being received!

Thank you!

The setting also plays a role. Im sure if he wanted to take you seriously he could decipher what you meant.
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^^these are ole George's words not mine ::lol:

"I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft *** wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) dont make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!”

"Im still free! The ex *** tried her hardest, but the judge saw through it! Big Mike, reppin the Dverse security makin me look a million bucks, broke her down! Thanks to everyone for checkin up on me! Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges……

A few days later, he expresses happiness that the other charges against him were reduced to misdemeanors.

2 felonies dropped to 1 misdemeanor!!!!!!!!!!! The man knows he was wrong but still got this hump, Thanks to everyone friends and fam, G baby you know your my rock!"

He's a POS.
Man he ain't got slumped yet???
I am kinda
just a lil bit
disappoint :smh:

Be patient.
I honestly don't think it will happen
Wanna place a wager on it???? :nerd:

It may not happen now but I feel like it he sticks around his town it will. Some kid might off him as a gang initiation. :lol: Like I heard before, he will see what its like to walk around as a black man in certain parts of this country. Always watching his back, not knowing when it'll happen.

If he doesn't get slumped maybe he'll go and steal his sports memorabilia in Las Vegas.
Yo :stoneface: at the juror.. **** that ***** talking about I feel sorry for Zimmerman

And the slick undercover racist **** she was saying about Jeantel

This country is effed up man, I swear. Realtalk this just encourages me to grind even harder so I can get to the top and rub it in these people's faces.

And these are the same exact people talking about "It's a post-racial nation, color doesn't matter! Obama is president stop complaining!"

"America the beautiful blah blah" ****wtbs

My parents are from Africa man, I could give a **** about this country. I was born here but as far as I'm concerned I'm a foreign citizen. I'm just here to get my money and take advantage of these cracker *** crackers
Somebody give this guy a Denzel my man gif
^^these are ole George's words not mine ::lol:

"I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft *** wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) dont make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!”

"Im still free! The ex *** tried her hardest, but the judge saw through it! Big Mike, reppin the Dverse security makin me look a million bucks, broke her down! Thanks to everyone for checkin up on me! Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges……

A few days later, he expresses happiness that the other charges against him were reduced to misdemeanors.

2 felonies dropped to 1 misdemeanor!!!!!!!!!!! The man knows he was wrong but still got this hump, Thanks to everyone friends and fam, G baby you know your my rock!"

He's a POS.

This is why I say his family/friends are to be blamed..
He needs help.

They allowed this man to get away with everything, even murder.

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at the juror.. **** that ***** talking about I feel sorry for Zimmerman

And the slick undercover racist **** she was saying about Jeantel

This country is effed up man, I swear. Realtalk this just encourages me to grind even harder so I can get to the top and rub it in these people's faces.

And these are the same exact people talking about "It's a post-racial nation, color doesn't matter! Obama is president stop complaining!"

"America the beautiful blah blah" ****wtbs

My parents are from Africa man, I could give a **** about this country. I was born here but as far as I'm concerned I'm a foreign citizen. I'm just here to get my money and take advantage of these cracker *** crackers
Trying to bounce honestly...
I'm upset that 3 of the jurors originally thought he was guilty of something and got convinced otherwise, :smh: weak minded. At the minimum it should of been a hung jury.
I mean the evasiveness is apparent...

Do you think things would have been different, had gz not carried his gun..

Her: I don't oppose guns...and I think in America, so long as they have a license to carry, has a legal right to do so.

Again avoidance not answering the questioning.

Do you think gz was the aggressor.

I think at some point something occurred to were... possibly tm, and him got into it...and tm got the upper hand. and then he was shot and killed.

Do you think he is was overzealous....

I think he goes over and above to help ppl....

Did race involve etc...

No, I just think he viewed him based on the robberies, and the type of ppl that usually had been robbing the neighborhood and how they were..gave him suspicion

I mean we all know them ppl, or those kinda folks is code word.... I mean its been used for years.

That and I trust him and know that a situation like this would not happen again to me or our neighbors...

Well duh, cause you and the neighbors are white...Again code..like hell nah I aint gotta worried about him shooting me or my white kids...

I mean I could go on but its obvious...
There's a bunch of police helicopters in downtown Oakland anybody know if its a protest or anything.....I'm searching news channels and don't see anything
I'm upset that 3 of the jurors originally thought he was guilty of something and got convinced otherwise, :smh: weak minded. At the minimum it should of been a hung jury.

Man honestly them people were like F it I'm ready to go home. :smh:
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Zimmerman could have 50 racist MySpace accounts. I don't think it would of affected anything.

This world is too divided though. I don't understand how a case like this wouldn't bring more people together instead of separate us further. Zimmerman saw a black teen walking and immediately assumed the worst. People who think like him should remove themselves from society. If you don't like someone, it should be on a personal level. If you call the cops on someone or follow them, you better be 1,000,000% sure they're doing something wrong.

I don't care what colour your skin is. We can be cool with each other if we don't clash on a personal level and not because of what we look like.
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Yah man in hindsight... GZ followed Martin. Martin and GZ got into a fight. Martin whooped his ***. GZ couldn't handle it, reached for his gun and shot/killed him.

You would think just based off right and wrong, Zimmerman should at least get some jail time, fine and/or punishment for killing someone! I mean I can understand if Zimmerman got concussions, broken bones, face is all fractured, etc, etc... but dude walked into that police garage like nothing. :rolleyes Crazy world we live in. :smh: Florida and all these Stand Your Ground States are places I definitely wouldn't want to reside! It's like damn someone starts a fight with me, and due to my training I whoop his *** but at any time during the fight, the guy can just grab his gun and kill me? That's some bull right there!
this makes too much sense sorry but ima have to flag you lol jk +1 dude
Yo :stoneface: at the juror.. **** that ***** talking about I feel sorry for Zimmerman

And the slick undercover racist **** she was saying about Jeantel

This country is effed up man, I swear. Realtalk this just encourages me to grind even harder so I can get to the top and rub it in these people's faces.

And these are the same exact people talking about "It's a post-racial nation, color doesn't matter! Obama is president stop complaining!"

"America the beautiful blah blah" ****wtbs

My parents are from Africa man, I could give a **** about this country. I was born here but as far as I'm concerned I'm a foreign citizen. I'm just here to get my money and take advantage of these cracker *** crackers

Trying to bounce honestly...
I'm with you, just waiting on the right opportunity. I have homies in Europe, brothas eat good over there

Parts of South America like Brazil ain't half bad either

If you're an intelligent black man you don't need this ****.. :smh:
Man honestly them people were like F it I'm ready to go home. :smh:

What's crazy is they sent the judge a question to clarify manslaughter. Judge sent a note back asking what they specifically needed clarification about and they never responded. To me that means they got persuaded or convinced about what or what not manslaughter really is by one of the other jurors instead of the judge.

3 thought he was not guilty
2 thought manslaughter
1 2nd degree

how the hell do you go from I think he murdered someone to not guilty? :smh: :smh: judged by your peers right :rolleyes
one of the key things she said was that she felt he was a murderer etc..guilty of something, but based on the interpretation of the law and how it was presented we had to vote not guilty....

Yet turns around and say I would love to have him as a neighbor and trust he would do the right thing and wouldn't worry about him? Of course not cause your WHITE.

This is like if a woman was on a jury, about a serial rapist in the neighborhood...and based on lack of evidence had to vote not guilty....Then one of the women jurors said oh I would love to have him over, id date him.

I mean how does this even make sense? How does it make sense that you know for a FACT, that someone murdered someone....and believed they a murderer...and yet turn around and say, I trust him and would LOVE to have him as a neighbor. Unless you had no doubt in your mind he wouldn't shoot/kill you or anyone like you?
What's crazy is they sent the judge a question to clarify manslaughter. Judge sent a note back asking what they specifically needed clarification about and they never responded. To me that means they got persuaded or convinced about what or what not manslaughter really is by one of the other jurors instead of the judge.

3 thought he was not guilty
2 thought manslaughter
1 2nd degree

how the hell do you go from I think he murdered someone to not guilty?
judged by your peers right
How do we know if this is true? Because B37 said so?

Come on now!

We haven't heard the other jurors.

Further proving my point, when it's only one person telling the story - how the **** are you going to get an accurate picture of what really happen. Now we are hearing someone that was in the jury saying well the split was 3-2-1, but how can we be certain that's how it was?

What if another juror now comes out and said now the split was 4-2? Who are we going to believe? 

How do we know if this is true? Because B37 said so?

Come on now!

We haven't heard the other jurors.

Further proving my point, when it's only one person telling the story - how the **** are you going to get an accurate picture of what really happen. Now we are hearing someone that was in the jury saying well the split was 3-2-1, but how can we be certain that's how it was?

What if another juror now comes out and said now the split was 4-2? Who are we going to believe? 


I thought you said you were done
How do we know if this is true? Because B37 said so?

Come on now!

We haven't heard the other jurors.

Further proving my point, when it's only one person telling the story - how the **** are you going to get an accurate picture of what really happen. Now we are hearing someone that was in the jury saying well the split was 3-2-1, but how can we be certain that's how it was?

What if another juror now comes out and said now the split was 4-2? Who are we going to believe? 

because why would a woman go on national tv....lie about something that can be proven/disproven? As if magically the tape/tv/interview would be erased...and lost in all who watched memory bank?

And what exactly would be her motive....to blatantly lie on live national tv, about something that she was there and easily be disproved by simply asking the other jurors?
How do we know if this is true? Because B37 said so?

Come on now!

We haven't heard the other jurors.

Further proving my point, when it's only one person telling the story - how the **** are you going to get an accurate picture of what really happen. Now we are hearing someone that was in the jury saying well the split was 3-2-1, but how can we be certain that's how it was?

What if another juror now comes out and said now the split was 4-2? Who are we going to believe? 

because why would a woman go on national tv....lie about something that can be proven/disproven? As if magically the tape/tv/interview would be erased...and lost in all who watched memory bank?

And what exactly would be her motive....to blatantly lie on live national tv, about something that she was there and easily be disproved by simply asking the other jurors?

Right, we don't even know her name or who she is, just basic info about her background. She would have no reason to lie, I struggle to see how someone can go all the way from murder 2 to not guilty as well :lol: like did they magically present that woman with evidence that made her do a 180? Maybe they could get her down to manslaughter but not guilty?
How do we know if this is true? Because B37 said so?

Come on now!

We haven't heard the other jurors.

Further proving my point, when it's only one person telling the story - how the **** are you going to get an accurate picture of what really happen. Now we are hearing someone that was in the jury saying well the split was 3-2-1, but how can we be certain that's how it was?

What if another juror now comes out and said now the split was 4-2? Who are we going to believe? 


Innocent until proven guilty right? Until someone comes out and proves she's lying why wouldn't I believe what a juror says about what happen during the deliberation for the trial she was chosen for during jury duty.

IMO, two jurors thinking it was manslaughter matches up with them asking the judge for clarification of the manslaughter law. She didn't just get that detail out of the sky.
Innocent until proven guilty right? Until someone comes out and proves she's lying why wouldn't I believe what a juror says about what happen during the deliberation for the trial she was chosen for during jury duty.

IMO, two jurors thinking it was manslaughter matches up with them asking the judge for clarification of the manslaughter law. She didn't just get that detail out of the sky.
So, who proved the GZ was lying?I never said, she wasn't saying the truth, but we agree that what she said must be truth because she was there and there's no one else to say other wise.However, "if" another juror comes out and say that wasn't the split, then what?
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