R.I.P Trayvon

Lol Casey Anthony's lawyer just said he's a cracka, and been one for 70 yrs and isn't offended
and on cue....which I said um about 5/6 hours ago...watch him, whites say oh its 2013...we got a black pres etc..... race is not an issue in America....The whole pretend avoid act as if race is completely irrelevant in America...

The new racist is be racist...and just completely incoherent to it. As like iuno what you talking bout.

George Zimmerman’s Old MySpace Surfaces: Full of Racist Statements and Admissions of Criminal Activity!


**** him. He's a racist pos, like we all knew. Karma will catch up with him, he'll be that kind of person for his whole life, glad that a person like that, after all of this, can get his pistol back in his hands. that's just lovely. Maybe next time hell profile a Mexican-American. Smh anyone who thinks like that is trash.
B37s literary agent's Twitter was found and people are bombarding her mentions asking her not to help them get the book published and profit off of Martin's life.
In miami we (not me) call anyone cracka especially if they have authority .
Cops - cracka
Teacher- cracka
Snitch- cracka

Cracka cracka cracka


This trial has driven me mad.
are you quoting what she said?

but i agree - the follow-on interviews are just shameless!
Lol Casey Anthony's lawyer just said he's a cracka, and been one for 70 yrs and isn't offended :lol:
and on cue....which I said um about 5/6 hours ago...watch him, whites say oh its 2013...we got a black pres etc..... race is not an issue in America....The whole pretend avoid act as if race is completely irrelevant in America...

The new racist is be racist...and just completely incoherent to it. As like iuno what you talking bout.

So many people I'm friends with on Facebook have been saying that, I never delete people but I had to clean them out. They were getting aired out though. Denial of privilege is rampant.

George Zimmerman’s Old MySpace Surfaces: Full of Racist Statements and Admissions of Criminal Activity!


**** him. He's a racist pos, like we all knew. Karma will catch up with him, he'll be that kind of person for his whole life, glad that a person like that, after all of this, can get his pistol back in his hands. that's just lovely. Maybe next time hell profile a Mexican-American. Smh anyone who thinks like that is trash.
Don't feel like clicking can u give me cliffs
^^these are ole George's words not mine ::lol:

"I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft *** wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) dont make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!”

"Im still free! The ex *** tried her hardest, but the judge saw through it! Big Mike, reppin the Dverse security makin me look a million bucks, broke her down! Thanks to everyone for checkin up on me! Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges……

A few days later, he expresses happiness that the other charges against him were reduced to misdemeanors.

2 felonies dropped to 1 misdemeanor!!!!!!!!!!! The man knows he was wrong but still got this hump, Thanks to everyone friends and fam, G baby you know your my rock!"

He's a POS.
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So it is cool to call a white person a Crakah do to it's origin?


You are generalizing and pooling every white person as to be proud.

That's why did **** will never make sense ....

The only person that I'm liking right now is the person that is talking on CNN! PERIOD telling it like it is ....
No but im not generalizing that they have profited in some sort of fascist because of it.... That would be like saying a drug dealer should reap the glitz/money etc... of out slanging, but then oh nah...don't call me a drug dealer...Or the family members who reap the rewards for being associated with the person selling drugs.... but as long as they don't have to be associated with all the negative connotations associated with being affiliated with drug dealers.

So in essence your saying you should just reap/accept all that is beneficial/positive with slavery and everything that happen as a result to it....but everything that is negative and I don't like...completely be absolved and dismiss it.

Just in cue - I'm talking to my friend about the bigger picture.


Anti-Gun Activist



etc etc

and now the questions is about modifying the law and being unable because of the republicans.

**** this **** man - I'm done!

I feel sorry for the families!

This is not over by a long shot! DONE
White Jesus himself couldn't have swayed those broads.
You are right - I also believe that, but the way she express herself no matter how real we think she is keeping it, it is not well received or articulated for someone that doesn't understand. So I don't see how she could of have not made the decision even worst. 

Like I mentioned, if TM would of have killed GZ that night I truly believe that he would of have been found not guilty!
speak engrish!!!!!!!
^^these are ole George's words not mine ::lol:

"I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft *** wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) dont make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!”

"Im still free! The ex *** tried her hardest, but the judge saw through it! Big Mike, reppin the Dverse security makin me look a million bucks, broke her down! Thanks to everyone for checkin up on me! Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges……

A few days later, he expresses happiness that the other charges against him were reduced to misdemeanors.

2 felonies dropped to 1 misdemeanor!!!!!!!!!!! The man knows he was wrong but still got this hump, Thanks to everyone friends and fam, G baby you know your my rock!"

He's a POS.
Man he ain't got slumped yet???
I am kinda
just a lil bit
disappoint :smh:
^^these are ole George's words not mine ::lol:

"I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft *** wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) dont make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!”

"Im still free! The ex *** tried her hardest, but the judge saw through it! Big Mike, reppin the Dverse security makin me look a million bucks, broke her down! Thanks to everyone for checkin up on me! Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges……

A few days later, he expresses happiness that the other charges against him were reduced to misdemeanors.

2 felonies dropped to 1 misdemeanor!!!!!!!!!!! The man knows he was wrong but still got this hump, Thanks to everyone friends and fam, G baby you know your my rock!"

He's a POS.
Man he ain't got slumped yet???
I am kinda
just a lil bit
disappoint :smh:

Be patient.
speak engrish!!!!!!!
my point exactly!

I perceive your reply as making fun of me due to my lack the English vocabulary and sentence articulation if this even make sense.

So even if I was writing the truth, it seemed like you discarded all that because to your standards my grammar is not up to par!

Now imagine how was jeantel being received!

Thank you!
I have a couple comments about the Trayvon Martin case. This is an unedited ramble so bare with me.

1. I shouldn't even be doing this because under no circumstances should that kid have been shot that night. NONE. Zimmerman wanted to be a cop, but he's not even a real man. He's a *** (excuse my language but this is the PGist word I could think of at the present moment). He followed that kid and when it got heated...realized he couldn't fight. So instead of taking a but-whooping...he killed a teenager. Tell me *** don't fit.

2. Zimmerman's ultimate judge will have the final say.

3. I do not believe George Zimmerman is a racist. Just like I don't believe many of the Black police officers who profile young black men aren't. HOWEVER, Trayvon was profile and that brings race into it. As a Black man whose been pulled over for Driving While Black and followed around a store among other things, it is OFFENSIVE for you to tell me that race had nothing to do with it. One of my greatest fears is going to jail for something I didn't do simply because I fit a description.

4. Unfortunately, I always had my doubts about whether Zimmerman would be convicted and those doubts turned into a certainty when I saw the composition of the jury. It seems as though a "jury of his peers" was taken way too literally.

5. Speaking of the trial...doesn't it seem like Trayvon was on trial. Why does THAT happen? I was a victim of a pretty serious crime 5 years ago. I was a victim and had to endure a PG County detective telling me to come clean if I was in on it and making me explain what I was doing in Southern Va to get two speeding tickets (driving to visit my ____ing family in NC). I had a college degree...had never been in trouble with the law and had a job with clearance at the time and I had to explain myself to this dickhead with a badge because someone wanted to keep me from going out on a Friday night.

6. So yes...I'm angry. I'm angry that the lives of Black Boys are insignificant in America. Not just in this case but in Chicago where over 200 people have been killed and countless other shot and nobody gives a crap. Politicians in that city shouldn't be able to sleep with a murder rate that high. I'm angry at the continued wealth transfer in this country. I'm angry at the restricted accessibility of higher education to Blacks and Hispanics. I'm angry that voting rights is under attack. I'm angry that the BIGGEST civil rights issue of today...the failure of the public education system in inner cities has become such a burden that government's have decided it's better to sell that problem to private companies (guess what...charter schools ain't working either) instead of figuring out that how reform the environment those kids live in.

7. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I have a wife and kid to worry about, but I can't sit on the sideline. Whether it's mentoring teenage boys, becoming active in boycott or something else...time for being passive is done.
^^these are ole George's words not mine ::lol:

"I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft *** wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) dont make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!”

"Im still free! The ex *** tried her hardest, but the judge saw through it! Big Mike, reppin the Dverse security makin me look a million bucks, broke her down! Thanks to everyone for checkin up on me! Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges……

A few days later, he expresses happiness that the other charges against him were reduced to misdemeanors.

2 felonies dropped to 1 misdemeanor!!!!!!!!!!! The man knows he was wrong but still got this hump, Thanks to everyone friends and fam, G baby you know your my rock!"

He's a POS.
Man he ain't got slumped yet???
I am kinda
just a lil bit
disappoint :smh:

Be patient.
I honestly don't think it will happen
Wanna place a wager on it???? :nerd:
my point exactly!

I perceive your reply as making fun of me due to my lack the English vocabulary and sentence articulation if this even make sense.

So even if I was writing the truth, it seemed like you discarded all that because to your standards my grammar is not up to par!

Now imagine how was jeantel being received!

Thank you!
the irony of it all is that the woman/juror who said this...didn't come across well...and vocabulary/vernacular is less then stellar. Its almost like a kid in special ed, calling another student in their class stupid.
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