R.I.P Trayvon

yall see this flaw *** juror 
and racism is an action not a belief
while this its true...their is a mental and social aspect to racism/prejudice/preconceived notions that ppl often ignore, or do subconsciously.

Key example....look at the thread, Dressing Better...In its essence, it is a thread that says, dressing/presenting yourself in a manner that is typically associated with whites, and European style fashion makes you BETTER, and anything affiliated or associated with any urban style or culture means ghetto, dressing worst, looking like a thug etc...

All too often ive looked in the thread and saw someone post something like some baggy hoody etc, tshirt, jean shorts and some jordans etc... and off the back its...you look stupid, like a thug, foolish so on and so forth, and you don't belong here...not up to par. Then someone post a 3 piece fitted suit, and dude gets praised and is seen like he is for some reason being better.

Those while aren't being racist, are prejudice and preconceived thoughts...to which, European/typical white style of fashion makes you or gives you the appearance of being one type or a certain type of person, and dressing in some truk fit etc... your another lesser of a person. And I don't think ksteezy or any of the main posters of that thread have vehemently disgust or hate for any person or particular race, it cant be ignored that the general census of the thread is you are viewed seen to be better/worst good/bad based on style of clothing... Couple that with race. It would be naïve to think this form of thinking is solely felt on a sneaker website...and those sentiments begin and end on nt.

Whose to say if tm was out walking from a interview in which he had shirt and tie exactly... would gz had viewed him or the situation been different. But to say no way it could have been, especially when we live in a society where ppl whole existence is based on others perceptions/preconceived notions and stereotypes is being dishonest and unrealistic. And based on those notions view and interact/approach with ppl differently.
Wow, this chick is basically saying the GZ was the aggressor. But y'all let him walk free. :smh: This **** is pissing me off all over again.
:smh: No wonder GZ was found not guilty

She doesn't even believe GZ racially profiled TM
How they let these dummies be jurors :smh:
White people can be delusional when it comes to racial profiling. Not all white people though
"his heart in the right place"

"I think he's guilty of not using good judgement."


This is why I say the prosecution didnt do a bad job.

They never had a freaking chance in hell.

did she call him georgie?
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That juror was a complete airhead. She admitted Zimmerman was the aggressor and that Trayvon defended himself so that Zimmerman couldn't get the one up on him.
 this cannot be real

"He was frustrated, and things got out of hand"

well lady, someone died because he was frustrated

if this don't make you furious....
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Regardless of how the case was presented, they lost that case when the jury was finalized. We see it tonight.
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