R.I.P Trayvon

Why do you care so much about black people?
Because I'm black. And i know of 4 people who were murdered in Chicago and still haven't and probably will never find the shooters. But nobody gives a damn. They weren't in gangs either. Just pisses me off. We should care about each black death equally no matter who the shooter is.
Sorry pal but that's not how the world works and there's not enough time in the day to give each death of any race attention.

I'd be willing to bet that there have been 1 or 2 murders of white people in this country that you haven't heard about as well.

Don't be bitter and start making **** up about this case because the national media didn't pick up none of your local slayings.
okay well since it happens and you care , what other cases are you following ? do you care so much about trayvon that you cant sleep at night ? if you can sleep at night , or laugh about a joke in another thread and lie and say "you care" about this kid ( who may rest in peace all the respect in the world for the late ) , to continue if you arent so caring or emotional to this late kid that you can change your emotion and laugh in the fools wilding thread then you dont care enough to act like you know anything about trayvon or zimmerman , i respect the dead , now should i care about this case? why if i dont care about all the other murders just like nobody else has time to care unless theyre detectives or whatever , my point is , if you REALLY care , then what other case do you care about ?

stopped reading after you said if I care I shouldn't be able to sleep at night
There's NOTHING that proves that Trayvon attacked George.  Nothing.

Just because he wasn't found guilty, doesn't mean hes innocent.
Ummm Zimmerman had a bloody, broken nose. Lacerations on his head.  

most notably, lacerations to the BACK of Zimmerman's head which the defense argued that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman hitting his head onto the concrete.

also, a gunshot wound expert testified that Zimmerman shot Trayvon at close range (gun was 2-4 inches from Trayvon's body) and Trayvon's clothing remains supported the notion that his clothes were hanging away from his body which supports Zimmerman's account that Trayvon was on top of him.
okay well since it happens and you care , what other cases are you following ? do you care so much about trayvon that you cant sleep at night ? if you can sleep at night , or laugh about a joke in another thread and lie and say "you care" about this kid ( who may rest in peace all the respect in the world for the late ) , to continue if you arent so caring or emotional to this late kid that you can change your emotion and laugh in the fools wilding thread then you dont care enough to act like you know anything about trayvon or zimmerman , i respect the dead , now should i care about this case? why if i dont care about all the other murders just like nobody else has time to care unless theyre detectives or whatever , my point is , if you REALLY care , then what other case do you care about ?

I stopped after u put really in all caps
You said a witness said they saw Trayvon attack George Zimmerman which was a total lie
Quote where I said he saw him attack him. U can't because I never said that. You are obviously an idiot
That's your proof that Trayvon was the one who initiated a physical altercation?  That he attacked GZ?

GZ got handled by Trayvon, that seems clear.  But again, there IS NO PROOF that Trayvon was the one initiating the fight.
A witness told the police he attacked George. 
Did this person testify to this claim?
At the VERY MINIMUM... You strongly implied that John Good testified that he saw TM attack George.
Because I'm black. And i know of 4 people who were murdered in Chicago and still haven't and probably will never find the shooters. But nobody gives a damn. They weren't in gangs either. Just pisses me off. We should care about each black death equally no matter who the shooter is.

Im black I know a boy who used to live in Miami visited Stanford and got shot.

And get this, unlike like your friends they knew who the killer was and instead of thoroughly investigating him they let him go home.

So tell me that the police know who killed your four friends and let them go without doing a proper investigation.
Because if so, then where can I protest?
in TAN and in the "drunk guy KO'd" thread that I've seen. I know why you stonefaced me, it was warranted (I was just messin with you though). I still like you SFBae :riceboy

Oh ok, you are talking about in general I thought you were talking about me specifically.
I know you were messing with me.

I dont go into certain threads on NT
Haven't gone into that one.

Some of you will have to take the L and put this thread on the "do not enter list"

For what? That would set a horrible precedent. Should his religion and sexual orientation be admissible too? :lol:
I think I explained why in my original post, but given the fact that race WAS as much apart of this case as it was in the oj trial imo -where it was included.
Why do you care so much about black people?

Because I'm black. And i know of 4 people who were murdered in Chicago and still haven't and probably will never find the shooters. But nobody gives a damn. They weren't in gangs either. Just pisses me off. We should care about each black death equally no matter who the shooter is.

If trayvon had been killed and there was no suspect in custody this probably wouldn't have made news. If they find every black shooter in chicago who kills a black person and is brought to trial, they would probably be found guilty and case would be closed and no one would question the decision. Why dont evevry black killer now claim stand your ground and see how it works out for them?
:lol: You cant even remember your own words but I'm the idiot, come on man!

No u said I specifically said he saw him attack him. I never said that. All I said is that he told the police he thought he attacked him. Never that he saw it. I only said facts.

:lol: You cant even remember your own words but I'm the idiot, come on man!

And you changed from saying I said he saw him attack to imply. Way to change things.

You're parsing words now

This is your quote

quote name="Django0508" url="/t/539700/trayvon-martin-trial-thread/6990#post_18330458"]A witness at the scene said Trayvon attacked him. .

What am I supposed to take from that statement ? Especially when I think about it in conjunction with your previous posts in this thread
If trayvon had been killed and there was no suspect in custody this probably wouldn't have made news. If they find every black shooter in chicago who kills a black person and is brought to trial, they would probably be found guilty and case would be closed and no one would question the decision. Why dont evevry black killer now claim stand your ground and see how it works out for them?
This reminds me of the football player River Banks. He was accused of rape and after 5 yrs, he was freed on DNA evidence. He took the plea bargain cuz his public defender advise him to do it. And this is what happens, people are advise. They take the plea bargain and get lock up without testing the other side to prove it.
If u didn't do it u got nothing to worry about.
The next time a woman puts her hands on her husband who's bigger than her, boom stand your ground and kill her

And yet this ******** happens.

This was addressed already.  It's misleading and people are still running with it. 


Originally Posted by 00david00  


quote from someone else:

"She did not fire a warning shot. She went to the house where her ex husband was, got into a argument with him, went back out to her car, retrieved the firearm, fired at him while the children were in the same room, and then claimed it was a "warning shot."
She was offered 3 years but rejected it and went for the trial, where mandatory sentencing guidelines hosed her."

I think I explained why in my original post, but given the fact that race WAS as much apart of this case as it was in the oj trial imo -where it was included.

How was race involved in the actual events that took place though? I'm not talking about assumptions either.

As much as everyone believes it was racially motivated, there is no concrete evidence.

Not saying it's wrong to make these assumptions, but nothing he said or did that night (that we know for sure) was motivated by prejudice. The ONLY evidence of prejudice that we can put our finger on is the creepy crack*r comment made by TM.
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