R.I.P Trayvon

So let's say someone like Rachel Jeantel had to kill someone for self-defense reasons. How well do you think her cross examination would go? Not everyone is built for public speaking...much less public speaking while getting grilled by a seasoned lawyer.

You do realize she was cross examined for 3+ hours don't you?
Zimcoward speaks well enough to do TV interviews doesn't he?
Hate to be the one to rain on your parade.
I'm sure all of that sounded good when you typed it.
not really. Has it ever occured to people that maybe GZ is a loony wannabe be cop who maybe grabbed trayvon in pursuit?

This was my assumption from the get go.
I think he grabbed him up and they started pushing and shoving.
Initially hoped trayvon beat him up, but its obvious he didn't.

At the end of the day guilty or not guilty verdict trayvon is still dead and nothing can change that
Per his MMA instructor,  GZ was "non-athletic" and "physically soft" and his fighting ability was a 1 out of 10.
So yes, if TM was 6'2 and played football, it's possible for GZ to fear for his life because he was getting beat up by TM.

So Zimmerman trained at a mixed martial arts gym two to three times a week for over a year and lost a **** ton of weight, but he somehow retained no knowledge of how to defend himself/fight properly. And he was still as soft and nonathletic the day he came in when he left? Riiiiiiiiiight

The first thing you're taught when you step foot in a Boxing/MMA/Self defense class is how to throw a proper punch and defend yourself. Hands up, chin tucked, stay behind your shoulders and look at what you're hitting. I fail to believe he didn't at least grasp that after over a year of instruction/working out.

Trayvon was 5'11" 150 some odd pounds. But of course he's not seen as soft, weak or unathletic so you can run with it. I mean he's a young black man, he's gotta be a thug. Of course he was kicking Zimmerman's ***. Even though Zimmerman had the MMA training, Trayvon was the one who could effectively strike and grapple. Bizzaro world out here :smh:

And I mean this is just one of the more ridiculous inconsistencies in this whole ordeal that makes me scratch my head as to how this has made it thus far.
not really. Has it ever occured to people that maybe GZ is a loony wannabe be cop who maybe grabbed trayvon in pursuit?

I'm confident he approached trayvon physically. It makes no sense for either of them to just outright punch each other.Maybe Zimmerman grabbed trayvon and trayvon pushed him and they began to wrestle.

Did the PC bring up the non existing bushes that trayvon pop out of in the closing argument?
Even if tm did strike this guy first I'm sure it was out of fear..dude was following him smh. I would've confronted him as well.
Man being from a rough neighborhood her in bham, al, if somebody was following me in a car at night street for street ima pick up my pace to get home. You cant emm see the driver since the headlights are glarring in your eyes, so u dont know if goons, mr rogers, or a playboy model is following you. I know one thing im not about to stop and say why you following me and im not strapped and its dark..
Usually if you're getting beat up you curl into a ball and wait for it to stop.

since he had a gun I'd imagine he didn't feel like curling into a ball or taking any hits.

you know what is hilarious.

If it was a girl on top of him allegedly swinging. I'm more than willing to bet everyone defending his *** would be on some feminist crusade making the same arguments they're ignoring about a mma man with a gun stalking someone.
^ people need to research the facts of that case.

She was convicted because those "warning shots" were fired in the same room as her husband/step son and the jury felt that the shots were dangerously close. Her case wasn't viewed as self defense because she had a chance to escape the the situation initially when she ran to her car once her husbamd arrived. Instead of her fleeing once in the car, she grabbed a pistol and went back inside to confro t her husband.
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If he feared him then why approach? Ohh, I forgot he's a ***** that was strapped

That is exactly why he approached him. The gun is the ultimate equalizer. He knew he had back up on his hip.

And just because he trained MMA doesn't mean he was any good. GZ looks soft to me then and now. He has/had no kinda build to himself.
^ people need to research the facts of that case.

She was convicted because those "warning shots" were fired in the same room as her husband/step son and the jury felt that the shots were dangerously close. Her case wasn't viewed as self defense because she had a chance to escape the the situation initially when she ran to her car once her husbamd arrived. Instead of her fleeing once in the car, she grabbed a pistol and went back inside to confro t her husband.
Facts? What's that?
Wait... Zimmerman had the opprotunity to drive away. How is that not similar to that woman getting 20 years? He was in a damn car! None of this needed to happen.
I still don't get why people assume trayvon physically confronted GZ even after the closing arguments.

That's one of the reasons I'm annoyed by this.

The people defending Zimmerman don't make any sense with part of their argument.

Why would Trayvon attack Zimmerman unprovoked? He had to be provoked some how, because he was just was walking down the street. And being that one is the adult?

Trayvon was allowed to defend himself.
going on a tv show to tell your story of what happened, but taking the 5th in court?
Dudes gonna walk.
I agree he's gonna walk, such a shame. I still don't know how he was "fearing for his life" when he's following the person. I believe he was looking for something, found it, couldn't handle it and he killed that young man. Floriduh is a crazy place.
O'Mara tryna say GZ saying "****ing Punks" on a recorded call is actually evidence that he didn't have any ill will towards Trayvon.
O'Mara voice is just too annoying. I don't think I can't listen to him for 3 hours straight. The way he's overdramatizing the prosecutions words is almost insulting to the jury. They've been in the court room the whole trial, no need to over exaggerate.
Yeah I'm fully expecting him to walk. Doesn't change the fact that GZ is the reason a young man lost his life. I he called the cops and stayed in his car, drove away, alerted TM that he was neighborhood watch (as instructed by the neighborhood watch guidelines), asked I he was lost, asked if he needed help, instead of assuming the worst an acting on it... Then he'd be alive.

Prosecution didn't execute their case well but this DOES NOT mean the defense did a good job either. He's not getting off on innocence bc he was fully culpable here. He's just not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt as this case has played out. I sooooo wish they don't introduce his tapes and got him to testify on the stand bc that would've been a slam dunk for the state smh. Flawda, there's reasons why I've only been there got vacation and some of my family down there have moved out of the state.

GZ is still a *****, and I can't get over him saying this was gods plan and he didn't have remorse for killing someone. Soldiers in war have remorse for killing accused terrorists, so that is ridiculous.

Even drone operators thousands of miles away get PTSD, but you kill someone looking them in the eyes and can walk around like its cool, and no remorse? It's sick. He's a pathetic man with a police officer obsession. Glad he's been denied the right to serve as a true police officer, unfortunately he's gone on a power trip and killed someone. He's gonna have to live with it, so be it. Hopefully the Martin family can get even some small sliver of solace in civil court, though no amount of money or anything can replace losing the life of a young son and brother. Flawda.
So Zimmerman trained at a mixed martial arts gym two to three times a week for over a year and lost a **** ton of weight, but he somehow retained no knowledge of how to defend himself/fight properly. And he was still as soft and nonathletic the day he came in when he left? Riiiiiiiiiight

I'm with you on this. Those MMA witnesses were obviously playing on the side of the defense and painting GZ as pathetic as they possibly could.
Training for a fight and being in a fight is diff tho.
Esp if youve never been in a fight.

Im not pickin sides jus sayin.
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