R.I.P Trayvon

I will read about this once all the facts are in but im guessin gz gonna walk cause its all over social media and etc im not shocked tho
Isnt it logical to not go home right away if someone is following  you because you dont want your follower to see where you live?
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Per his MMA instructor,  GZ was "non-athletic" and "physically soft" and his fighting ability was a 1 out of 10.
So yes, if TM was 6'2 and played football, it's possible for GZ to fear for his life because he was getting beat up by TM.

I'm with you on this. Those MMA witnesses were obviously playing on the side of the defense and painting GZ as pathetic as they possibly could.

Yup, if he was so soft and bad why were they offering Zimmerman mma training on their website? Train like Zimmerman :lol:
For any and everybody saying Zimmerman is going to walk, is that what you really want to happen deep down or is that what outside sources are saying and you being influenced by that??
For any and everybody saying Zimmerman is going to walk, is that what you really want to happen deep down or is that what outside sources are saying and you being influenced by that??
I haven't been watching anything but the trial itself so outside sources don't have any bearing on what I think... Maybe you could call NT an outside source but that's about it.

I just don't think that 100% of these jurors are going to say hes guilty of murder.  GZ was obviously over stepping his bounds IMO and he obviously profiled Trayvon to begin with but I don't believe every juror is going to turn in a guilty verdict.
Isnt it logical to not go home right away if someone is following  you because you dont want your follower to see where you live?
Get outa here making sense
But he should have ran home, because some creepy *** cracker was fallowing/profiling him.

'That's was how long Trayvon Martin had to run.'

But, why would Trayvon Martin have to run when he isn't committing any crimes and he has every right to be where he is? Like, that's really your argument? That an innocent person who was being profiled had a chance to run from another person to avoid conflict. I wouldn't run either.
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Isnt it logical to not go home right away if someone is following  you because you dont want your follower to see where you live?
Get outa here making sense

Verrrrrrry true that's the last place you wanna go to be honest. Plus, to say he had this time to go home is to say that he doesn't have a right as a free citizen to be outside for however long he damn well pleases if he's not doing anything illegal. He wasn't on curfew and it wasn't even that late to begin with, but it's whatever I'm a firm believer in karma...just like with OJ getting off
Isnt it logical to not go home right away if someone is following  you because you dont want your follower to see where you live?

Exactly most people who even think they are being followed (Even when they are in a car) go anywhere BUT home, nobody wants to disclose where they live to a stranger they think is following them. So at 17 in the rain and at night... on foot we are suppose to believe that made TM suddenly brave? And he stated that he was "creepy"

creep·y (krp)
adj. creep·i·er, creep·i·est Informal
1. Of or producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear; a creepy story.

That word alone shows that he had some sort of fear. I'm not saying that TM was somebody that did no harm to GZ that night, but you cant go around picking fights and kill people when you lose. Him being "let off" means its ok for him to leave the courtroom and do the EXACT same thing again. Nobody wants a world like that. What's even more disgusting is he got on Hannity and said that looking back he'd do the exact same thing again. That was probably one of the sickest things I've heard... Even if it was self defense, clearly there are some things he could and should have done differently that night.

PS: GZ is certainly getting some jail time. I'll be shocked if he doesn't
For any and everybody saying Zimmerman is going to walk, is that what you really want to happen deep down or is that what outside sources are saying and you being influenced by that??
I haven't been watching anything but the trial itself so outside sources don't have any bearing on what I think... Maybe you could call NT an outside source but that's about it.

I just don't think that 100% of these jurors are going to say hes guilty of murder.  GZ was obviously over stepping his bounds IMO and he obviously profiled Trayvon to begin with but I don't believe every juror is going to turn in a guilty verdict.

id be surprised if he gets off scott free. but at the very least manslaughter which apparently in florida puts you away for a long time. i think its murder tho.

is the judge gonna rule on that murder 3 child abuse? did that happen already?
O'Mara voice is just too annoying. I don't think I can't listen to him for 3 hours straight. The way he's overdramatizing the prosecutions words is almost insulting to the jury. They've been in the court room the whole trial, no need to over exaggerate.
Sounds like Bill Lumbergh.
But he should have ram home, because some creepy *** cracker was fallowing/profiling him.

'That was how long Trayvon Martin had to run.'

But, why would Trayvon Martin have to run when he isn't committing any crimes and he has every right to be where he is? Like, that's really your argument? That an innocent person who was being profiled had a chance to run from another person to avoid conflict. I wouldn't run either.

Kid was young. He probably panicked. When you panic, adrenaline takes over.

Ever run from the cops when you were younger? I did a few times. Adrenaline kicks in and you just wanna split. No real destination. Just do the dip and get away from your pursuer.
id be surprised if he gets off scott free. but at the very least manslaughter which apparently in florida puts you away for a long time. i think its murder tho.

is the judge gonna rule on that murder 3 child abuse? did that happen already?
murder 3 is not an option according to the courts ruling on intent
For any and everybody saying Zimmerman is going to walk, is that what you really want to happen deep down or is that what outside sources are saying and you being influenced by that??
I haven't been watching anything but the trial itself so outside sources don't have any bearing on what I think... Maybe you could call NT an outside source but that's about it.

I just don't think that 100% of these jurors are going to say hes guilty of murder.  GZ was obviously over stepping his bounds IMO and he obviously profiled Trayvon to begin with but I don't believe every juror is going to turn in a guilty verdict.
id be surprised if he gets off scott free. but at the very least manslaughter which apparently in florida puts you away for a long time. i think its murder tho.

is the judge gonna rule on that murder 3 child abuse? did that happen already?
Murder 3 child abuse is not an option.

And Manslaughter doesn't really work either... GZ knew what he was doing when he pulled the trigger.  Its Murder or its self defense... Not a whole lot of grey area that they can base their decision on to get manslaughter.
But he should have ram home, because some creepy *** cracker was fallowing/profiling him.

'That was how long Trayvon Martin had to run.'

But, why would Trayvon Martin have to run when he isn't committing any crimes and he has every right to be where he is? Like, that's really your argument? That an innocent person who was being profiled had a chance to run from another person to avoid conflict. I wouldn't run either.

Kid was young. He probably panicked. When you panic, adrenaline takes over.

Ever run from the cops when you were younger? I did a few times. Adrenaline kicks in and you just wanna split. No real destination. Just do the dip and get away from your pursuer.
I get you, I'm just not understanding the logistics behind saying that Zimmerman is innocent because Trayvon had an opportunity to run. He had no reason to run. He was well within his rights to be where he was, so why are we focusing on the time Trayvon had to run from a person clearly incorrectly profiling him?

I get the defense has to do what they can to inject doubt, but the whole foundation of 'Trayvon could have ran and avoided this' is 100% flawed.
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I hope they've proven enough to get manslaughter, and with a gun that's a longer sentence. But he's not getting murder 2, just too much cloudy areas on that one.

GZ is still a punk. Why'd o Mara try and suggest that he will prove GZs innocence? That's kinda overzealous for a defense attorney, no?
Exactly most people who even think they are being followed (Even when they are in a car) go anywhere BUT home, nobody wants to disclose where they live to a stranger they think is following them. So at 17 in the rain and at night... on foot we are suppose to believe that made TM suddenly brave? And he stated that he was "creepy"

creep·y (krp)
adj. creep·i·er, creep·i·est Informal
1. Of or producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear; a creepy story.

That word alone shows that he had some sort of fear. I'm not saying that TM was somebody that did no harm to GZ that night, but you cant go around picking fights and kill people when you lose. Him being "let off" means its ok for him to leave the courtroom and do the EXACT same thing again. Nobody wants a world like that. What's even more disgusting is he got on Hannity and said that looking back he'd do the exact same thing again. That was probably one of the sickest things I've heard... Even if it was self defense, clearly there are some things he could and should have done differently that night.

PS: GZ is certainly getting some jail time. I'll be shocked if he doesn't
Guy needs to start his  closing rebuttal showing the jury  the definition of creepy.This case will come down to Guy's closing, and I think he will knock it out of the park.
Wait wait wait wait hold up....."the four minute mile was broken when I was a kid, I'm sure he wasn't a football player but I'm pretty sure it can be done if you're in decent shape". Que?!?!? They really are making him out to be some kind of young black superhero, good lord
Running a mile in 4 minutes can be done
the world record is 3 minutes and 43 seconds
Trayvon is Usain Bolt
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