R.I.P Trayvon

For any and everybody saying Zimmerman is going to walk, is that what you really want to happen deep down or is that what outside sources are saying and you being influenced by that??
I haven't been watching anything but the trial itself so outside sources don't have any bearing on what I think... Maybe you could call NT an outside source but that's about it.

I just don't think that 100% of these jurors are going to say hes guilty of murder.  GZ was obviously over stepping his bounds IMO and he obviously profiled Trayvon to begin with but I don't believe every juror is going to turn in a guilty verdict.
Fair enough, thank you for your response. 
As much as I feel Zimmerman is guilty, and as much of a slime ball I feel O'Mara is, dude is doing a good job outlining to the jury their responsibilities when it comes to reasonable doubt.

All that said, his slightly condescending tone could be a turnoff for some.
I'm trying to understand why so many of y'all have just completely accepted the fact Martin hit him first. After all the lies and inconsistencies pointed out in the closing arguments yesterday for what reason do you think GZ didn't lie about that too?

Common sense would tell me whoever is following the other person probably initiated the confrontation. I highly doubt somebody who said he was running away from a individual that he described as creepy would turn around and initiate a fight with that person. It doesn't make logical sense.
I'm trying to understand why so many of y'all have just completely accepted the fact Martin hit him first. After all the lies and inconsistencies pointed out in the closing arguments yesterday for what reason do you think GZ didn't lie about that too?

Common sense would tell me whoever is following the other person probably initiated the confrontation. I highly doubt somebody who said he was running away from a individual that he described as creepy would turn around and initiate a fight with that person. It doesn't make logical sense.
Thats the thing. Even if he Tm did hit him first, TM was holding his ground and was still in the right. What are you going to do if a creep follows you in a car in the dark then get out of his car and stalk you more and surprise. Now remember its dark out. Im going to beat the crap out of him /fight for my life and ask questions later. Thus holding my ground
For any and everybody saying Zimmerman is going to walk, is that what you really want to happen deep down or is that what outside sources are saying and you being influenced by that??
I haven't been watching anything but the trial itself so outside sources don't have any bearing on what I think... Maybe you could call NT an outside source but that's about it.

I just don't think that 100% of these jurors are going to say hes guilty of murder.  GZ was obviously over stepping his bounds IMO and he obviously profiled Trayvon to begin with but I don't believe every juror is going to turn in a guilty verdict.

id be surprised if he gets off scott free. but at the very least manslaughter which apparently in florida puts you away for a long time. i think its murder tho.

is the judge gonna rule on that murder 3 child abuse? did that happen already?
Murder 3 child abuse is not an option.

And Manslaughter doesn't really work either... GZ knew what he was doing when he pulled the trigger.  Its Murder or its self defense... Not a whole lot of grey area that they can base their decision on to get manslaughter.

I'm trying to understand why so many of y'all have just completely accepted the fact Martin hit him first.
Me too, and with that being said there is only 1 person still alive that can tell his side of the story, and that 1 living person has already been caught in a number of lies already.  Also, another thing that has to or needs to be mentioned is that the mass media is most likely always going to side with testimony of a white person, particularly when a person of color is involved. 

For example, there was at least 1 testimony of a witness (Colombian cougar) that said she saw a person wearing a red/orange jacket on TOP of the other person on the ground, but you really don't hear that mentioned in the news or even by people in here.  The media however has kept mentioning the testimony of Mr. Goode, who of course is a white person so folks for whatever reason are more inclined to believe him opposed to the woman, who is a minority. 
Thats the thing. Even if he Tm did hit him first, TM was holding his ground and was still in the right. What are you going to do if a creep follows you in a car in the dark then get out of his car and stalk you more and surprise. Now remember its dark out. Im going to beat the crap out of him /fight for my life and ask questions later. Thus holding my ground

You're not allowed to attack someone. Period. Following or not. That isn't "holding your ground," thats assault. You can tell YOURSELF anything you want, but that is not what the LAW says.
You sir, would go to jail.

Is Omara doing anything worse than what the prosecution did yesterday yelling the entire time and fabricating stories as he went a long not consistent with the entire trial?
I'm trying to understand why so many of y'all have just completely accepted the fact Martin hit him first. After all the lies and inconsistencies pointed out in the closing arguments yesterday for what reason do you think GZ didn't lie about that too?

Common sense would tell me whoever is following the other person probably initiated the confrontation. I highly doubt somebody who said he was running away from a individual that he described as creepy would turn around and initiate a fight with that person. It doesn't make logical sense.

Man why does everyone in this case nit pick evidence that only coincides with their POV.

it is so clear, yet muddied by race and media bias only playing parts...

The distance from the car to the T section was not a mile. If you have 4 mins to run and don't cover a MILE that does not negate the fact that you would be WELL beyond the distance where the ALTERCATION started...

STOP right there... ask yourself even if you run AWAY for 2 mins because you are SCARED how much further will you be.

THATS the point you clearly missed.

Now zimmerman is 28 yo at the time, who would not even be let in a ring, and can't fight... thats a fact

TM is 17 and has been in several fights, has talked about it, on twitter/fb his half brother asking him to teach him to fight like him, he has texts talking about fights and he FILMED his friends beating up a homeless black man... this shows he is comfortable with fighting...

People paint Zimmerman as a super cop or wannabe cop... WELL ANYONE knows even without wanting to be a cop that if you fight a minor your going to jail... Zimmerman guessed that TM was late teens according to the 911 CALL...he can't fight and even if he could he would not start a fist fight with a possible minor...

There is many other consistencies with the posts in this thread. but people will stay ignorant and avoid facts that dont align with their view. if you want the truth look up the facts not ******** hearsay or media highlights... and if you are on the top of a ground and pound you are not screaming help...

attack me, or be smart and look up the facts and step out and look at it with a view of someone who doesn't have a horse in the fight...
Me too, and with that being said there is only 1 person still alive that can tell his side of the story, and that 1 living person has already been caught in a number of lies already.  Also, another thing that has to or needs to be mentioned is that the mass media is most likely always going to side with testimony of a white person, particularly when a person of color is involved. 

For example, there was at least 1 testimony of a witness (Colombian cougar) that said she saw a person wearing a red/orange jacket on TOP of the other person on the ground, but you really don't hear that mentioned in the news or even by people in here.  The media however has kept mentioning the testimony of Mr. Goode, who of course is a white person so folks for whatever reason are more inclined to believe him opposed to the woman, who is a minority. 

But theres physical evidence of grass on the back of Zimmerman's jacket. Could they have been rolling around? Of course. But the ACTUAL evidence shows grass stains on Zimmermans jacket which implies he was on his back.
I'm trying to understand why so many of y'all have just completely accepted the fact Martin hit him first. After all the lies and inconsistencies pointed out in the closing arguments yesterday for what reason do you think GZ didn't lie about that too?

Common sense would tell me whoever is following the other person probably initiated the confrontation. I highly doubt somebody who said he was running away from a individual that he described as creepy would turn around and initiate a fight with that person. It doesn't make logical sense.

Man why does everyone in this case nit pick evidence that only coincides with their POV.

it is so clear, yet muddied by race and media bias only playing parts...

The distance from the car to the T section was not a mile. If you have 4 mins to run and don't cover a MILE that does not negate the fact that you would be WELL beyond the distance where the ALTERCATION started...

STOP right there... ask yourself even if you run AWAY for 2 mins because you are SCARED how much further will you be.

THATS the point you clearly missed.

Now zimmerman is 28 yo at the time, who would not even be let in a ring, and can't fight... thats a fact

TM is 17 and has been in several fights, has talked about it, on twitter/fb his half brother asking him to teach him to fight like him, he has texts talking about fights and he FILMED his friends beating up a homeless black man... this shows he is comfortable with fighting...

People paint Zimmerman as a super cop or wannabe cop... WELL ANYONE knows even without wanting to be a cop that if you fight a minor your going to jail... Zimmerman guessed that TM was late teens according to the 911 CALL...he can't fight and even if he could he would not start a fist fight with a possible minor...

There is many other consistencies with the posts in this thread. but people will stay ignorant and avoid facts that dont align with their view. if you want the truth look up the facts not ******** hearsay or media highlights... and if you are on the top of a ground and pound you are not screaming help...

attack me, or be smart and look up the facts and step out and look at it with a view of someone who doesn't have a horse in the fight...

Sources for all of this info?
But theres physical evidence of grass on the back of Zimmerman's jacket. Could they have been rolling around? Of course. But the ACTUAL evidence shows grass stains on Zimmermans jacket which implies he was on his back.

So what would you have done? If someone is continually following you?
Sources for all of this info?

When I get time later I'll search it out if he can't find it. This is exactly why the defense wanted it in the trial. Just as they painted Zimmerman as a supercop mma violent person, the texts and internet stuff would paint Trayvon as an aggressive, out of control violent teen.
Me too, and with that being said there is only 1 person still alive that can tell his side of the story, and that 1 living person has already been caught in a number of lies already.  Also, another thing that has to or needs to be mentioned is that the mass media is most likely always going to side with testimony of a white person, particularly when a person of color is involved. 

For example, there was at least 1 testimony of a witness (Colombian cougar) that said she saw a person wearing a red/orange jacket on TOP of the other person on the ground, but you really don't hear that mentioned in the news or even by people in here.  The media however has kept mentioning the testimony of Mr. Goode, who of course is a white person so folks for whatever reason are more inclined to believe him opposed to the woman, who is a minority. 
But theres physical evidence of grass on the back of Zimmerman's jacket. Could they have been rolling around? Of course. But the ACTUAL evidence shows grass stains on Zimmermans jacket which implies he was on his back.
You totally missed the point of my post.  I'll repeat it or write it a different way.  The testimony of the woman who said she saw a person wearing a red/orange jacket on top has not been mentioned or repeated on here.  I believe the reason for that is because she is NOT white, however the testimony of Mr Goode has been repeated on here, and the reason for that is because he is white.  Like I said many times earlier in this thread.............."complexion for the protection..........for the collection"
So what would you have done? If someone is continually following you?

This is not about what I would have done though. I'm not disagreeing with you. I grew up in a pretty rough neighborhood so watching my back has been an everyday occurrence since I was a kid.

This is mainly what is fact, and what the law states. There is no room for "what would you do?"
You totally missed the point of my post.  I'll repeat it or write it a different way.  The testimony of the woman who said she saw a person wearing a red/orange jacket on top has not been mentioned or repeated on here.  I believe the reason for that is because she is NOT white, however the testimony of Mr Goode has been repeated on here, and the reason for that is because he is white.  Like I said many times earlier in this thread.............."complexion for the protection..........for the collection"

No I got what you said. My point was the PHYSICAL evidence suggests Zimmerman was on his back. Thats why people aren't running with the womans testimony.

Once again though you've made this into white/black. Continue.....
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