R.I.P Trayvon

The second worse thing Zimmerman did was record those videos with the cop and go on Sean hannity.
Bernie basically dissected the lies he told in those videos in his closing arguments.

He should have took the stand and gave a solid story and pleaded his case.

"I feel like it was all Gods plan so for me to second guess it hmm"


They started off making him the devil. Because that gets the most ratings. Then... When everyone was turned against him, and hates him... They are on his side to win

What gets more ratings? OJ guilty or OJ innocent?

There is no liberal media anymore. It's big money rules all. That simple. They are giant corporations. Businesses. They would give anything for riots that they could cover for a week.

Just like people think Chris Matthews is a liberal. He isn't. These people on msnbc are for the status quo. Just a money maker.
They be getting all these misinformed  gullible fools all worked up. The media is playing y'all.
Why is it so hard to conceive that he may have stood there for a minute talking to the operator?

You're making a minute into an hour. Like the old saying goes you can't make a mountain out of a mole hill.


Haha! So he continued to stand there for another 2 minutes once he got off the phone? Or was he walking back to his car once he hung up with the operator? If so, how did he get so far away from his car in 17 seconds that he needed more than 2 minutes to get back?
Also, GZ has nevered claimed that he just stood there while talking to the operator.
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Carrying a gun In Florida: Legal

Following a stranger in your neighborhood: Legal

Disregarding "advice" of 911: Legal

Verbally confronting stranger in your neighborhood ("Hey Dude, you know someone around here?"): Legal

Punching someone in the face: Illegal

Knocking someone down and jumping on top of them: Illegal

Pounding someone's head against the ground while threatening lethal force: Illegal

After being punched in the face, knocked to the ground, climbed on top of and while having your head pounded against the ground while being threatened with lethal force you then draw a firearm and kill the assailant putting you in fear of your life: LEGAL

Race of people involved: Irrelevant

Age/size of people involved: (in this case) Irrelevant

Far to much controversy has been stirred up on this case based on hearsay and media grandstanding. It should be decided on the FACTS.
Did Trayvon have to die that night? Zimmerman had already called the police. Was it necessary for him to follow Trayvon? It wasn't illegal, we get it, but he definitely wanted to follow Trayvon.

I don't think GZ had the intention of killing Trayvon, but how does a kid with a can of Arizona and Skittles who is about to play video games and watch the All-Star game get aggressive? I don't see a fight breaking out if Zimmerman approached Trayvon respectfully and considerately. It sounds ridiculous.

The way I see it. Zimmerman could of avoided that entire confrontation if he wanted to. To me, it doesn't sound like Trayvon had a choice. Zimmerman decided to get out of his truck and follow the kid. Zimmerman decided not to listen to the request of the police dispatcher. Which still isn't illegal, but he could of left Trayvon alone and let the police do their job so they could find out Trayvon had every right to be there and was just holding snacks.

Yep, Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch not the police, he was supposed to watch and report but not confront, especially since no crime was taking place.

Zimmerman overstepped his bounds and needs to go to prison because of it.
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yes and no

the black media picked this story and ran with it, as they should have.
popular media didn't do any homework and ran with pictures of an 12 year old that was given to them.

everyone was already convinced of the story before it hit trial.

I know a lot of y'all hate the media, but don't realize you were being manipulated by them this time as well.
Carrying a gun In Florida: Legal

Following a stranger in your neighborhood: Legal

Disregarding "advice" of 911: Legal

Verbally confronting stranger in your neighborhood ("Hey Dude, you know someone around here?"): Legal

Punching someone in the face: Illegal

Knocking someone down and jumping on top of them: Illegal

Pounding someone's head against the ground while threatening lethal force: Illegal

After being punched in the face, knocked to the ground, climbed on top of and while having your head pounded against the ground while being threatened with lethal force you then draw a firearm and kill the assailant putting you in fear of your life: LEGAL

Race of people involved: Irrelevant

Age/size of people involved: (in this case) Irrelevant

Far to much controversy has been stirred up on this case based on hearsay and media grandstanding. It should be decided on the FACTS.

DING DING DING. I will from now on just refer to this post.
Carrying a gun In Florida: Legal

Following a stranger in your neighborhood: Legal

Disregarding "advice" of 911: Legal

Verbally confronting stranger in your neighborhood ("Hey Dude, you know someone around here?"): Legal


Buying skittles and a drink from 7 11: Legal

Walking home thru a neighborhood: Legal

Asking someone who is following you what they want: Legal

Defending yourself against an armed man who is following you at night: Legal

Trayvon wasn't bothering anyone and minding his own business. Zimmerman followed and initiated a confrontation, and killed the only eyewitness.... you're reaching...
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And for everyone that is stating that race is irrelevant... Do any of you honestly believe that if an ARMED BLACK MAN was following a 17 yr old white kid that was walking home from the store... and the white kid got killed... and the black guy had the EXACT story as Zimmerman that he'd get off? Are y'all that naive :rolleyes LESBIHONEST
Only true if the armed man initiated the fight. You can't physically defend yourself from someone who is simply following you. Not in the state of Florida at least.

If you feel that you are in imminent danger you are allowed to defend yourself whether someone initiated a physical fight or not. Someone following me at night in the rain, armed with a gun would certainly make me in fear of imminent danger, what about you?
BDLR 's closing argument was utter B.S.  He skipped from point to point, constantly tripped over his words and made gafs. He read from slides most of the times which is not only boring to watch but shows a certain level of detachment from the case. BDLR should have allowed the slides to supplement his argument, not rely soley on his slides. Additionally...WHERE WAS THIS FERVER DURING THE TRIAL BERNIE? I didn't see you straddling any dummies during the trials shouting "ARMPTS...! How did he get his gun?!"  

Zimmerman is going to walk thanks to ineffective prosecutors. I like Guy tho.
Carrying a gun In Florida: Legal

Following a stranger in your neighborhood: Legal

Disregarding "advice" of 911: Legal

Verbally confronting stranger in your neighborhood ("Hey Dude, you know someone around here?"): Legal

Punching someone in the face: Illegal

Knocking someone down and jumping on top of them: Illegal

Pounding someone's head against the ground while threatening lethal force: Illegal

After being punched in the face, knocked to the ground, climbed on top of and while having your head pounded against the ground while being threatened with lethal force you then draw a firearm and kill the assailant putting you in fear of your life: LEGAL

Race of people involved: Irrelevant

Age/size of people involved: (in this case) Irrelevant

Far to much controversy has been stirred up on this case based on hearsay and media grandstanding. It should be decided on the FACTS.
Once again " the Planet of the Idiots" speaks again
Where ever you dudes live, I will damn sure keep my black *** from your parts...
I honestly can't see how dudes are defending someone following you when you are minding your damn business...
What part of this does no one understand
Kid went to the store for snacks from his old mans fiancé house
Talking to his friend on the phone coming back home
Had a Arizona Tea, skittles and a hoodie on, not bothering or casing any homes because he was going back to his OWN HOME
Some fake *** Power Ranger gets on the phone and calls 911
Says " I can't stand these people, the always get away with it"(hence he injects race first)
Thought he was Charles Bronson and got that *** handed to him by a 17 year old BOY
Kid is dead because dude clearly doesn't like black people
All this man had to do as a ******g Neighborhood Watch Captain( he named himself that) is call the proper authorities, wait for them and this MURDER would have never happened
I really can't see how dudes are justifying this MURDER of an unarmed BLACK MALE that was minding his business
How can this not be stressed enough
And what ******g world do you nimwits wake up to were race is not a factor
My people are not only killing ourselves but we are dying out here by cops, fake cops and all other kinda of non sense and you are sitting here telling me its all in my head and I shouldn't feel some way about this and I am crying wolf that racism doesn't exist...
Either you dudes are full on ******s or stuck on stupid because I truly can't figure how anybody, black,white,Latino,asian,etc... Can defend this man and his acts...
Better yet how about you come down to Houston and let me follow you home with my shotgun, ask you why are you in my hood, and shoot you because this is A STAND YOUR GROUND city as well and i can get away with murder
Lame *** ****** behind a keyboard with the most asinine arguments as to why a black person can't walk around in a upscale neighborhood to get back to his home
Got a ***** mad as hell in here, going to smoke some Mary because you idiots really don't get it
Don't even try to come at me because I don't speak STUPID
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BDLR 's closing argument was utter B.S.  He skipped from point to point, constantly tripped over his words and made gafs. He read from slides most of the times which is not only boring to watch but shows a certain level of detachment from the case. BDLR should have allowed the slides to supplement his argument, not rely soley on his slides. Additionally...WHERE WAS THIS FERVER DURING THE TRIAL BERNIE? I didn't see you straddling any dummies during the trials shouting "ARMPTS...! How did he get his gun?!"  

Zimmerman is going to walk thanks to ineffective prosecutors. I like Guy tho.

He could have done better but it was not terrible.

John Guy may do the rebuttal.
Once again " the Planet of the Idiots" speaks again
Where ever you dudes live, I will damn sure keep my black *** from your parts...
I honestly can't see how dudes are defending someone following you when you are minding your damn business...
What part of this does no one understand
Kid went to the store for snacks from his old mans fiancé house
Talking to his friend on the phone coming back home
Had a Arizona Tea, skittles and a hoodie on, not bothering or casing any homes because he was going back to his OWN HOME
Some fake *** Power Ranger gets on the phone and calls 911
Says " I can't stand these people, the always get away with it"(hence he injects race first)
Thought he was Charles Bronson and got that *** handed to him by a 17 year old BOY
Kid is dead because dude clearly doesn't like black people
All this man had to do as a ******g Neighborhood Watch Captain( he named himself that) is call the proper authorities, wait for them and this MURDER would have never happened
I really can't see how dudes are justifying this MURDER of an unarmed BLACK MALE that was minding his business
How can this not be stressed enough
And what ******g world do you nimwits wake up to were race is not a factor
My people are not only killing ourselves but we are dying out here by cops, fake cops and all other kinda of non sense and you are sitting here telling me its all in my head and I shouldn't feel some way about this and I am crying wolf that racism doesn't exist...
Either you dudes are full on ******s or stuck on stupid because I truly can't figure how anybody, black,white,Latino,asian,etc... Can defend this man and his acts...
Better yet how about you come down to Houston and let me follow you home with my shotgun, ask you why are you in my hood, and shoot you because this is A STAND YOUR GROUND city as well and i can get away with murder
Lame *** ****** behind a keyboard with the most asinine arguments as to why a black person can't walk around in a upscale neighborhood to get back to his home
Got a ***** mad as hell in here, going to smoke some Mary because you idiots really don't get it
Don't even try to come at me because I don't speak STUPID
View media item 491589
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Once again " the Planet of the Idiots" speaks again
Where ever you dudes live, I will damn sure keep my black *** from your parts...
I honestly can't see how dudes are defending someone following you when you are minding your damn business...
What part of this does no one understand
Kid went to the store for snacks from his old mans fiancé house
Talking to his friend on the phone coming back home
Had a Arizona Tea, skittles and a hoodie on, not bothering or casing any homes because he was going back to his OWN HOME
Some fake *** Power Ranger gets on the phone and calls 911
Says " I can't stand these people, the always get away with it"(hence he injects race first)
Thought he was Charles Bronson and got that *** handed to him by a 17 year old BOY
Kid is dead because dude clearly doesn't like black people
All this man had to do as a ******g Neighborhood Watch Captain( he named himself that) is call the proper authorities, wait for them and this MURDER would have never happened
I really can't see how dudes are justifying this MURDER of an unarmed BLACK MALE that was minding his business
How can this not be stressed enough
And what ******g world do you nimwits wake up to were race is not a factor
My people are not only killing ourselves but we are dying out here by cops, fake cops and all other kinda of non sense and you are sitting here telling me its all in my head and I shouldn't feel some way about this and I am crying wolf that racism doesn't exist...
Either you dudes are full on ******s or stuck on stupid because I truly can't figure how anybody, black,white,Latino,asian,etc... Can defend this man and his acts...
Better yet how about you come down to Houston and let me follow you home with my shotgun, ask you why are you in my hood, and shoot you because this is A STAND YOUR GROUND city as well and i can get away with murder
Lame *** ****** behind a keyboard with the most asinine arguments as to why a black person can't walk around in a upscale neighborhood to get back to his home
Got a ***** mad as hell in here, going to smoke some Mary because you idiots really don't get it
Don't even try to come at me because I don't speak STUPID
Preach. its been stressed but imagine someone following u or your kid u man up and some lame shoots you after losing like thats what a b**** n**** do
Hopefully zimmermann gets off. The only sad part is if he is caught slipping and killed somewhere

Rather disappointing. I'd rather see him hung in the middle of a lampost in a busy street.

**** all of you, and **** this prick.
Only true if the armed man initiated the fight. You can't physically defend yourself from someone who is simply following you. Not in the state of Florida at least.

Stop trying to be objective. It doesn't work in this thread. 99% of the people here view everything based on what side they are biased for. State's witnesses? All telling the truth and none are lying. If anything hurt the State's argument...it is automatically dismissed as being a lie. :lol:
Only true if the armed man initiated the fight. You can't physically defend yourself from someone who is simply following you. Not in the state of Florida at least.

Stop trying to be objective. It doesn't work in this thread. 99% of the people here view everything based on what side they are biased for. State's witnesses? All telling the truth and none are lying. If anything hurt the State's argument...it is automatically dismissed as being a lie. :lol:

Here's a couple of facts. Zimmerman's recorded stories of what happened are crap. He also refuses to take the stand in his own defense. Convict this bum.

If you can't get up and tell your story in front of the jury of why you killed someone in self defense you should be convicted.
why even post that doe.........
Here's a couple of facts. Zimmerman's recorded stories of what happened are crap. He also refuses to take the stand in his own defense. Convict this bum.

If you can't get up and tell your story in front of the jury of why you killed someone in self defense you should be convicted.

:lol: so **** the 5th Amendment right?
Here's a couple of facts. Zimmerman's recorded stories of what happened are crap. He also refuses to take the stand in his own defense. Convict this bum.

If you can't get up and tell your story in front of the jury of why you killed someone in self defense you should be convicted.

:lol: so **** the 5th Amendment right?

If you are claiming self defense, yes, F the 5th amendment. Self defense is different than saying that they didn't kill a person in which all the person is going to say is their alibi that they were somewhere else when the murder happened.
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