R.I.P Trayvon

nobody is attacking you guy. seems like you are the one crying

matter a fact i bet you took that as a personal attack.

if you are justifying stalking someone then gee i wonder what that means?

if you justify child molestation? murder?

you get the picture.

do not get offended because the shoe fits.

carry on with your crying though

if you think its ok to stalk someone because they are black hey its a free country.

but to me along with probably the majority of society thats a racist CREEP

Not attacking? You outright called me a creep. Are u slow bro?

No one said anything about stalking. Following in ones community is NOT stalking. Learn the law. You obviously have zero idea what the difference between the two are.

Any reasonable person would consider what Zimmerman did that night to be stalking.

Following someone in a vehicle and then getting out to chase them on foot without identifying yourself as neighborhood watch is stalking.
nobody is attacking you guy. seems like you are the one crying

matter a fact i bet you took that as a personal attack.

if you are justifying stalking someone then gee i wonder what that means?

if you justify child molestation? murder?

you get the picture.

do not get offended because the shoe fits.

carry on with your crying though

if you think its ok to stalk someone because they are black hey its a free country.

but to me along with probably the majority of society thats a racist CREEP

Not attacking? You outright called me a creep. Are u slow bro?

No one said anything about stalking. Following in ones community is NOT stalking. Learn the law. You obviously have zero idea what the difference between the two are.

Son he PROFILED THE KID skittles and a can of Ice Tea...NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH WITH A GUN. Do the math.....
Not attacking? You outright called me a creep. Are u slow bro?

i said spoken like a true creep meaning your statement sounded like it was from a true CREEP

kind of like how you questioned if i was slow or not.

apparently you need to get your **** straight before you start dropping those tears getting hurt accusing people of attacking you.

quit taking it so personal

maybe its your conviction

id be shaky too if i was trying to justify a racist CREEP's actions
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Do i even need to comment on what you just wrote? You're speaking in circles. I didn't call you a creep I just called you a creep! Wtf? I'm done with you.

I love how since my opinion is the complete opposite of the "norm" here I'm taking things personal. outta here with that. Fact is there's a lot of talk talk talk on what's going to happen if GZ gets off. NONE of you lames are gonna be the ones doing anything though.
Do i even need to comment on what you just wrote? You're speaking in circles. I didn't call you a creep I just called you a creep! Wtf? I'm done with you.

I love how since my opinion is the complete opposite of the "norm" here I'm taking things personal. outta here with that. Fact is there's a lot of talk talk talk on what's going to happen if GZ gets off. NONE of you lames are gonna be the ones doing anything though.
Thats not why.
i said spoken like a true creep meaning your statement sounded like it was from a true CREEP

kind of like how you questioned if i was slow or not.

apparently you need to get your **** straight before you start dropping those tears getting hurt accusing people of attacking you.

quit taking it so personal

maybe its your conviction

id be shaky too if i was trying to justify a racist CREEP's actions

Your avy looks like a creep.
Any reasonable person would consider what Zimmerman did that night to be stalking.

Following someone in a vehicle and then getting out to chase them on foot without identifying yourself as neighborhood watch is stalking.

Chase? According to YOU.
Any reasonable person would consider what Zimmerman did that night to be stalking.

Following someone in a vehicle and then getting out to chase them on foot without identifying yourself as neighborhood watch is stalking.

Chase? According to YOU.

Ok, substitute where I said chase for following, a reasonable person would still consider it stalking. Following someone walking home in a vehicle at night, then on foot without identifying yourself would be considered stalking by a reasonable person.
Ok, substitute where I said chase for following, a reasonable person would still consider it stalking. Following someone walking home in a vehicle at night, then on foot without identifying yourself would be considered stalking by a reasonable person.

Reasonable is not the law. Period.
It is the law. I can't believe you just said that!

Not when you're comparing stalking to following. TWO different things. I don't care what you WANT to believe. FACT IS stalking is NOT following. Did he know tray on before this or know of him? No
It is the law. I can't believe you just said that!

Not when you're comparing stalking to following. TWO different things. I don't care what you WANT to believe. FACT IS stalking is NOT following. Did he know tray on before this or know of him? No

Following turns into stalking when it is unwanted. On the phone call to Rachel Jeantel, he clearly communicated that he did not want Zimmerman following him.

Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. The word stalking is used, with some differing meanings, in psychology and psychiatry and also in some legal jurisdictions as a term for a criminal offense.
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NEVER have I said GZ was in the right. EVER. facts are facts and the law is the law however. Don't like it? MOVE OUT.

So you think he was wrong then?... what would justice be to you? :D

Edit: Clearly Zimmerman should get AT LEAST manslaughter
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Prosecution has yet to deliver a theory or any type of story.  They aren't direct enough. 

I do hope Zimmerman gets convicted to be made an example of though.  The same way Trayvon died for the sins of all the thugs, rappers, and ignorant black males.  Zimmerman should go to prison for the sins of Emmett Tills killers, the Rodney Kings cops, 4 little girls bombers, etc.
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