R.I.P Trayvon

Sandusky worked with Black youths as well.

GZ wasn't arrested because the police were stupid. The 911 call is enough to take it to a trial for at least battery/manslaughter, whether it is voluntary or involuntary.

When you PAY cops to make the decision, and they don't, they get FIRED like the Sanford police chief was fired.

Huh? This makes ZERO sense.

And of course the police are idiots, because NT says so right? I forgot the complete lack of respect police receive on this board. Its utterly pathetic.
Big boy lookin nervous now.

I missed when he changed his story from Trayvon was running to he was skipping or "moving quickly". His story don't make no damn sense.
I never understood the point of rioting?

What does it solve or prove?

It just gives people who want to act like animals an outlet to act like animals.

Makes no sense.
So da entire country of Egypt is animals huh...
Relax, b.
So da entire country of Egypt is animals huh... >D

can't believe I'm agreeing with ninjahood :lol:

riots =/= looting, there's absolutely nothing wrong with people rising up and disagreeing with authority, government, etc. There's always going to be a few idiots who see it as a way to steal and do dumb crimes
Sandusky worked with Black youths as well.

GZ wasn't arrested because the police were stupid. The 911 call is enough to take it to a trial for at least battery/manslaughter, whether it is voluntary or involuntary.

When you PAY cops to make the decision, and they don't, they get FIRED like the Sanford police chief was fired.

Huh? This makes ZERO sense.

And of course the police are idiots, because NT says so right? I forgot the complete lack of respect police receive on this board. Its utterly pathetic.

It makes complete sense. It is referring to the statement that helping Black Youths excuses a person from killing/molesting kids.

Those police that were idiots were FIRED, like they should have been, for being idiots. I never said ALL police were idiots but you are trying to argue. I specifically referred to the police chief.
Verdict's not getting announced this week if arguments don't finish unti tomorrow

For those of you who came into the trial already convinced that Zimmerman was guilty, how will y'all react if he's convicted of a lesser charge either manslaughter or agg assault? Would y'all consider that justice? Not a leading question, I'm genuinely interested.

Also curious how a lesser charge conviction will affect public outcry.
manslaughter is just as worse. manslaughter carries up to 25 years. 25 years is a very long time. Heck even if he get 15 years that is long enough, plus the fact even when he get out he have to be watching his back everyday for the est of his life
It makes complete sense. It is referring to the statement that helping Black Youths excuses a person from killing/molesting kids.

Those police that were idiots were FIRED, like they should have been, for being idiots. I never said ALL police were idiots but you are trying to argue. I specifically referred to the police chief.

No it doesn't.

You're comparing a CHILD MOLESTER to a person who is on trial for killing someone "possibly" due to racial undertones. Do you REALLY think an outright racist person is going to mentor someone of said opposed race if deep down he hates them?


Again. You make ZERO sense.
Sandusky worked with Black youths as well.

GZ wasn't arrested because the police were stupid. The 911 call is enough to take it to a trial for at least battery/manslaughter, whether it is voluntary or involuntary.

When you PAY cops to make the decision, and they don't, they get FIRED like the Sanford police chief was fired.

He will be Guilty of Manslaughter mark my post/my word 100% sure or i will ban myself from NT!

If I follow somebody because of their color or my opinion that they are up to no good then chase and hunt them down and they run and get hit by a car, my reckless actions caused that person death which would be manslaughter.

This is exactly what GZ did, if he didnt have that gun on him I doubt he would had gotten out of his car.

Live GZ blog is here http://www.wftv.com/s/zimmerman-livestream/
I think there should be a law that distinguishes between following and agressive following (which I think GZ did) and make the latter a punishable offense. Especially when the person being followed is a minor and the follower is an adult. Would make me feel a lot better when my younger brother is out at night.
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