R.I.P Trayvon

Verdict's not getting announced this week if arguments don't finish unti tomorrow

For those of you who came into the trial already convinced that Zimmerman was guilty, how will y'all react if he's convicted of a lesser charge either manslaughter or agg assault? Would y'all consider that justice? Not a leading question, I'm genuinely interested.

Also curious how a lesser charge conviction will affect public outcry.

If he gets the lesser charge then the outcry won't be nearly as bad if at all I'd think. Maybe if he walks then yeah, but if he walks that's on the prosecution for their missteps in the case....same as the Casey Anthony trial.
DLR thinks hes in the zone right now.
No @#$#
But you can't charge someone on "what might have happened".
Of course, but my point is not of what might; my point is if the jury feels that that the defendant should bear some responsibility of what happen, that he shouldn't get off free because the prosecution couldn't prove that he wasn't responsible at the highest charge.
This case should not have been in trial.  The prosecutor has nothing.  And all these people talking about rioting based solely on emotion is a scary thought.  They have no idea that GZ actually works with Black youths and is not in fact racist.  I'm really hoping cooler heads prevail.  
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Tomorrow the prosecution gets one more hour. Watch pastor Mantei close it out. Haha
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This case should not have been in trial.  The prosecutor has nothing.  And all these people talking about rioting based solely on emotion is a scary thought.  They have no idea that GZ actually works with Black youths and is not in fact racist.  I'm really hoping cooler heads prevail.  


GZ was never arrested! It wasn't until public outcry that theres even a trial. Sham if you ask me. We PAY cops to make that decision. Their decision was self defense. END OF STORY.
I love how he made sure to pinpoint that he refused to admit that he followed him.
GZ wants to make people believe that trayvon confronted him so bad but its doesnt add up.
He refused to just admit "I was following him"

Originally Posted by I am a Myrmidon  

"And all these people talking about rioting based solely on emotion is a scary thought"

im more concerned some pathetic white man/boy goes on a mass shooting spree after zimmerman's convicted. that's far more likely
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This case should not have been in trial.  The prosecutor has nothing.  And all these people talking about rioting based solely on emotion is a scary thought.  They have no idea that GZ actually works with Black youths and is not in fact racist.  I'm really hoping cooler heads prevail.  


GZ was never arrested! It wasn't until public outcry that theres even a trial. Sham if you ask me. We PAY cops to make that decision. Their decision was self defense. END OF STORY.

Sandusky worked with Black youths as well.

GZ wasn't arrested because the police were stupid. The 911 call is enough to take it to a trial for at least battery/manslaughter, whether it is voluntary or involuntary.

When you PAY cops to make the decision, and they don't, they get FIRED like the Sanford police chief was fired.
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