Queen Elizabeth II Has Died at Age 96

who knew that all it would take for NT to unite in collective joy was the death of some old piece of ****

Repost what I wrote in the Black Culture thread.

I hope the remaining Caribbean countries use this moment to abolish the monarchy. It would be constitutionally tricky but the Independence Era is heading into its 60th anniversary for many countries. Barbados led the way for those who hadn't done it in the beginning. What else could they be waiting for? Even republicans who didn't like the Queen kind've respected her as a near constant. Almost like she wouldn't die. But now she has and King Charles III of Jamaica doesn't have much popular support. May as well rip off the band-aid now.
Hopefully sooner than later

Be careful what you wish for.

I'm telling you man it's better this way with the monarch as the head of state.

Canadian prime minister is just a job,

nobody looks at them with the kind of king adjacent reverence of an American president.

And I think it allows Canadians to be a lot chiller about politics and make much more rational voting decisions.

Canada's got a head of state that we don't even have to pay for.

I thinm it's a pretty sweet deal.
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