To me, this shows me how far to the right we have moved politically. Higher Education was once seen as a public investment and starting in the late 1960's and increasingly in the 1980's, it came to be seen as an entirely private undertaking. In 1950, you could get a PhD from Berkeley and not pay a dime in tuition.
Ronald Reagan, as governor of California in the 1960's and as President in the 1980's, saw to it that Public Universities charged more and more to students. Combine that of the cynicism and profit motives of the ostensibly liberal administrators and we are now at a point that community colleges cost more today than UCLA charged in the 1960's.
Here comes Barack Obama with his hyper-timid style of liberalism. His bold new plan is to make community college free? Wow, he is to the left of Ronald Reagan on higher education fees! Although his is still to the right of Earl Warren, a Republican Governor of California, in the 1940's.