President to propose free community college on Friday

You keep telling people they're selfish but haven't really explained your stance.

Pretty easy to sling guilt and not offer any semblance of reason.

Folks gotta be okay with every plan to help others or else they're selfish? Doesn't matter if they have their own family to look after? Doesn't matter if they have their own plans?

Doesn't matter if they believe there might be a better way of going about education reform than this plan?

Doesn't matter if logistically this plan is going to put already understaffed and overcrowded community colleges into a state of disarray?

I mean come on.

I have an autistic three year old boy. I don't receive any government aid for him and his education because there really isn't any beyond just basic schooling same as every other kid.

As far as his developmental pediatrician, his therapy, everything else is on me and his mother. There is going to be a time when she and I are not on this planet and he needs to take care of his self and that may not be a realistic option so we need to put money aside for his future.

But I'm selfish right? Because I need to take care of everyone else's kids, right?

And God forbid the government cuts the defense budget to fund new plans. Naw **** all that right?

Im with education reform, just a matter of how. This isnt the way and I dont feel its selfish for me to feel that way.
First off, props to you and your wife.  People have no idea what it's like to be a parent whose primary focus is on their children, unless they are one themselves. More importantly, people don't understand the additional challenges that come with having an autistic child.  That being said, I agree that this country needs some type of education reform, particularly to give opportunity to lower income families who are otherwise unable to afford higher education.  However, I don't know if merely offering 2 years of free community college will have much impact.  There are thousands of students who have gone or are currently attending college to obtain degrees that may ultimately offer no practical benefit.  Maybe the government could come up with some type of education-work program, where in exchange for free education, they're offered government civilian jobs or internships, that would provide useful job experience in addition to the chance for an education.  Sort of like a GI Bill.
I moved to America at 13. I had already had one year of HS under my belt when I got up here and was placed in 8th grade. In total I only had one standardized test from age 4 to 13.

And I was in my final 5 years I had one every year. So I have some personal experience to draw on

In America it goes slower because they try to make sure everyone gets it, and it is the teachers responsibility everyone gets it. Overseas getting it is not the teachers problem, it is the student's, especially as students get older. The drawback to the America system is that students don't learn much, and what they do learn they don't understand it at a deep level. The disadvantages of the systems in other countries is that a struggling students will get left behind in the blink of a eye.

If we go to a faster survival of the strongest system, without adjusting other things then I guarantee you that the poor and minorities with suffer. Because they resources and best teachers will be in the burbs with the rich white folk.

My recommendation is that we invest more in, a national mandatory curriculum, early education programs, lengthen the school year, pick up the pace on the material, end grade school end a year or 2 earlier, reduce testing, make teaching a appealing profession that the best and brightest want to go into, pay a premium to the best teacher to be in the under performing schools, everyone goes to community colleges, then move onto universities.

But all this is a fantasy because no one will want to pay for this.
But the thing is, under your plan, without any other changes,

More resources need to be spent on early education and making sure kids don't f

great points.

I can attest to the difference in mentality.

Also another thing we need to address is the textbook industry. Much of what they do dictates the structure of our education system.
great points.

I can attest to the difference in mentality.

Also another thing we need to address is the textbook industry. Much of what they do dictates the structure of our education system.

yeah and half of that **** is outdated and wrong
We already got free college community here, and free university college at western Michigan university
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