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What Can I Say will this hold value like STI you think?


im either real confused tonight or im missing something :lol:
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Out of curiosity, I know there's a stigma that says to "never buy a used BMW", but is that really the case for a, let's say, 08' and up M3? What would my main concerns be if I get one? Thinking of getting rid of the X.
The stigma comes from people wanting a car they don't see themselves paying maintenance and repairs for. This is why leasing is so popular amongst entry-level luxury vehicles. Especially BMW, Mercedes, Audi.

"Never buy a used BMW" is one of the silliest things I've heard. The same rule of thumb applies for every car, and costs are different. But when buying a used car you want to make sure everything is in excellent condition in relation to the price of the vehicle.

ah, ok. I thought there was something legit to that saying. So it's pretty much just "people" complaining about how much BMW charges for their repairs? Not really about the quality of their OEM parts?
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Exactly, people don't care to research forums and do preventative maintenance on their used German whips. Buying a "new" BMW is a waste due to the depreciation hit.

Find one in good condition (with service records), a reputable indy shop, model specific maintenance guide, and keep a few grand set aside for repair$
Out of curiosity, I know there's a stigma that says to "never buy a used BMW", but is that really the case for a, let's say, 08' and up M3? What would my main concerns be if I get one? Thinking of getting rid of the X.
I almost feel like this is a troll question

But to answer your question, the main concern with the E9X platform is the rod bearings, while it actually only happens to a very few percent of owners it is the biggest concern with them. I've heard a few things about the throttle actuator but not like the bearing issue.

Like I've said countless times, the people who give BMW the "bad reliability" name are people who buy the car but cant afford to keep it up.

Also a lot of people have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to buy something like a M3, all they see is how old it is, the price and the miles.
Thanks, guys. There's just so much bias-ness when I try to google the info, I knew you guys had the truth :lol:
There is truth that the repair cost are high though, there's no denying that. But there's nothing wrong with letting someone take that deprecation hit and you getting a CPO
There is truth that the repair cost are high though, there's no denying that. But there's nothing wrong with letting someone take that deprecation hit and you getting a CPO
Of course but its a $70k car brand new, you expect them to be low? lol

Also a 2 year old M3 hasn't taken a huge deprecation hit yet compared 4-5 year old one.

If you're worried about reliability buy a Camry or Accord.
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huh clarify this
Lol my bad, I was a little tipsy last night. 

Then the #Rumble #STI will be a weekend car, once I can find one that's not beaten.  ahahaha

But for the time being, I'm looking to pick up a 2.5I for the winter season that we mid-western have. 

No turbo, no trouble.. Thus will also give me actual hands on practice with a Boxer motor. 
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CT is very rich, hence the great food through out the state.

Hence why used M3 doesn't get props over a newer current car of less power dudes didn't understand.
Its official some dude in a M3 stole his girl one time
I've noticed that every time he's mentioned it he also had to let it be known that he lives in CT.
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I dont think people in CT, or anywhere for that matter, cares THAT much if you have an older M3 or not.

You just tryna badge/year floss now b.
guys , it happens everytime i post my IG somewhere on this site.......srs yesterday i put my ig on the TAY and here goes the "08 m3 talk" ....im living b and im on NT for a million reasons but judging a man / counting another man's money is not any of those reasons .......
In NJ, you get props for having older M3s. We're the second wealthiest state in the nation and just look at our puny size.

The car scene is also huge around here. Only people worried about the year don't really know much about cars, and are better off leasing so they can "whip a new car every 3 years playa", and "stunt on the haterz".

Im pretty sure his entire argument was talking about dudes in the hood trying to floss but he just had a horrible way of getting his point across

And the fact he knows zero about cars or the market.
guys , it happens everytime i post my IG somewhere on this site.......srs yesterday i put my ig on the TAY and here goes the "08 m3 talk" ....im living b and im on NT for a million reasons but judging a man / counting another man's money is not any of those reasons .......
Huh? What are talking about I didn't see anything
What are objective reasons why the e9x is a great car?

All this talk and no one ever numbers or anything objective why it's so great
The new engine in the Infiniti Q60 is looking legit. :nerd:

Always thought it took too long for nissan/infiniti to go turbo in the US. A lot of car makers did tbh.
What are objective reasons why the e9x is a great car?

All this talk and no one ever numbers or anything objective why it's so great
Because anyone who knows anything knows that its not JUST about numbers, its about the whole driving experience. Plus you're an America lover so no matter what people say you wont like it.

I'm not sure if it was you or someone else in that thread tried to compare a 08 M3 to a brand new GT but I got a good laugh out of that one.

A better comparison would be 08 M3 vs 08 GT where the M would dominate in every category.

Until recently American companies couldn't make anything that could do more than go fast in a straight line, which is cool I love all builds.
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