Positive Male Influence Appreciation Thread

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So these great men that come from single mothers stayed in the house allday and learned nothing from other men?  I doubt it.  My point is a positive male is going to make your life easier and allow you learn important lessons much younger.  How many dudes are clowns up until 18 then leave home and become "great men" then still give credit to Moms when they learned countless lessons about life away from her.  C'mon lets be serious.

But didn't you catch a fit when dudes posted Pharrel as positive male influence?
Countless examples are throughout this thread and in the video I posted.  Not sure how you don't understand what "better off" means.  More prepared to have success in terms of social relations in the world.  Your social skills also play a part in your financial success, job success, relationship success. 

Question...would you rather have grown up with just your mother or with the type of man who you consider a great father being married to your mother?
I would have loved to have had my dad, but he passed away.

With that said my mother did a fine job I'd like to think, all on her own.

I'm a professional, I support my own family, I help her, I respect women and can't wait to be a dad one day....I've had friends that have had both parents raise them and grew up to hug the block, how do you explain that?
Ok so stop listing your "accomplishments" and just admit you rather grow up with a positive male influence.  And why are you listing your "accomplishments"?  Theres dudes out there that aren't professionals, don't own a house, don't own a car, aren't even married but still are great men. 
That is obvious though Truth.

Having a positive male and female influence can help a person reach their potential as a person.

But it doesn't guarantee it.

Nor does NOT having them both guarantee a failure to reach potential either.

You are right, it makes life easier.
So these great men that come from single mothers stayed in the house allday and learned nothing from other men?  I doubt it.  My point is a positive male is going to make your life easier and allow you learn important lessons much younger.  How many dudes are clowns up until 18 then leave home and become "great men" then still give credit to Moms when they learned countless lessons about life away from her.  C'mon lets be serious.
But didn't you catch a fit when dudes posted Pharrel as positive male influence?
If Pharrell is a the most influential male in your life then you need to get out more.....We live in the real world 24/7 how can a music producer mold your life?
So these great men that come from single mothers stayed in the house allday and learned nothing from other men?  I doubt it.  My point is a positive male is going to make your life easier and allow you learn important lessons much younger.  How many dudes are clowns up until 18 then leave home and become "great men" then still give credit to Moms when they learned countless lessons about life away from her.  C'mon lets be serious.

And the same people learned countless lessons away from men and fathers, what's your point? :x

I give the most credit to my mother for shaping me into the man I am today, but I also took bits and pieces of advice from my father, step father, teachers, physicians, older teammates/classmates. No one lives life in a bubble with their mothers, unless you have parent-child dynamic issues.
Ok so stop listing your "accomplishments" and just admit you rather grow up with a positive male influence.  And why are you listing your "accomplishments"?  Theres dudes out there that aren't professionals, don't own a house, don't own a car, aren't even married but still are great men. 

Lulz WUT?

Please define a "great" man.
Hypothetical question....

Could a male baby grow up in a community, city, town or whatever where he was the only male and then at 18 be placed in our real world and have success?  Meaning he lives with his mother and every other person is a woman.  Also his mother and older women in the community are from "the real world" so they have meet, socialized, and knew real men before they were placed in this community. He is home schooled but also has female friends his age in the neighborhood. He does have a TV and computer though and sees males through these media.  If he was placed in the real world after age 18 would he be perfectly fine and have no adjustments to make?
So these great men that come from single mothers stayed in the house allday and learned nothing from other men?  I doubt it.  My point is a positive male is going to make your life easier and allow you learn important lessons much younger.  How many dudes are clowns up until 18 then leave home and become "great men" then still give credit to Moms when they learned countless lessons about life away from her.  C'mon lets be serious.

But didn't you catch a fit when dudes posted Pharrel as positive male influence?

If Pharrell is a the most influential male in your life then you need to get out more.....We live in the real world 24/7 how can a music producer mold your life?

Son..... :smh:

I don't even know what's going on anymore.

Then the hypothetical :lol: :lol: :lol:
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That is obvious though Truth.
Having a positive male and female influence can help a person reach their potential as a person.
But it doesn't guarantee it.
Nor does NOT having them both guarantee a failure to reach potential either.
You are right, it makes life easier.

If I wanted my life to be easy I would want to be born a white man from a wealthy family in Maine, some of us don't have that luxury. Dudes are reaching out here with the hypotheticals, nothing in life is guaranteed.

I still fail to see how I woman can't teach someone to be social. If you're a naturally shy Beta your father isn't going to automatically turn you into James Bond. With the vast array of personalities we see on this planet is this dude really trying to say someone raised by a woman can't be charming?
No ill admit I much rather grow up with my dad, who wouldn't....however how the hell would I even know if he was going to be a positive influence in my life??...or perhaps my uncle was going to be more of an influence on me, all I know is she raised me and I turned out much better compared to some of my childhood friends that were lucky to have both.
Hypothetical question....

Could a male baby grow up in a community, city, town or whatever where he was the only male and then at 18 be placed in our real world and have success?  Meaning he lives with his mother and every other person is a woman.  Also his mother and older women in the community are from "the real world" so they have meet, socialized, and knew real men before they were placed in this community. He is home schooled but also has female friends his age in the neighborhood. He does have a TV and computer though and sees males through these media.  If he was placed in the real world after age 18 would he be perfectly fine and have no adjustments to make?

Cues in Jaksonville fan gif.
No ill admit I much rather grow up with my dad, who wouldn't....however how the hell would I even know if he was going to be a positive influence in my life??...or perhaps my uncle was going to be more of an influence on me, all I know is she raised me and I turned out much better compared to some of my childhood friends that were lucky to have both.

Isn't it equally plausible he could have turned you for the worse? At this point this dude's whole argument is "Yo wouldn't you want your life to be ideal with a white picket fence?" If I got in a time-machine today I would be very careful what I change, because things that seem ideal may actually turn you into a worse person.

My ideal childhood would've been my mom and dad living with 7 sexy white maids in a 10 bedroom mansion with 2 whips for each member of the family and a petting zoo.
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No ill admit I much rather grow up with my dad, who wouldn't....however how the hell would I even know if he was going to be a positive influence in my life??...or perhaps my uncle was going to be more of an influence on me, all I know is she raised me and I turned out much better compared to some of my childhood friends that were lucky to have both.
Isn't it equally plausible he could have turned you for the worse. At this point this dude's whole argument is "Yo wouldn't you want your life to be ideal with a white picket fence?"

My idea childhood would've been my mom and dad living with 7 sexy white maids in a 10 bedroom mansion with 2 whips for each member of the family and a petting zoo.
This thread isn't about "your father" its about a positive male.  Do you keep forgetting that on purpose? I didn't ask Steezy about his father....I said a man who he things would be a great father.  Nice try gentlemen
Having a celeb as a role model is cool and all... But the downside to that is when you need advice or guidance, they aren't easy to get in contact with.
This thread isn't about "your father" its about a positive male.  Do you keep forgetting that on purpose? I didn't ask Steezy about his father....I said a man who he things would be a great father.  Nice try gentlemen

Stop minimizing, you keep asking people if they would rather have a father. I painted a picture of what I wanted my ideal childhood to be since we are going off hypotheticals in this thread. Why stop at having a positive male figure? lets take it a step further.
This thread isn't about "your father" its about a positive male.  Do you keep forgetting that on purpose? I didn't ask Steezy about his father....I said a man who he things would be a great father.  Nice try gentlemen
Don't forget that you also said in the OP that a woman can't raise a man and you refuse to be corrected despite multiple stories that were presented in the topic. 
Hypothetical question....

Could a male baby grow up in a community, city, town or whatever where he was the only male and then at 18 be placed in our real world and have success?  Meaning he lives with his mother and every other person is a woman.  Also his mother and older women in the community are from "the real world" so they have meet, socialized, and knew real men before they were placed in this community. He is home schooled but also has female friends his age in the neighborhood. He does have a TV and computer though and sees males through these media.  If he was placed in the real world after age 18 would he be perfectly fine and have no adjustments to make?

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So you're going back to our previous argument about socialization? Is this thread about role models or is it about socialization. As human beings we do not live in a bubble we have no choice but to be socialized. A man raised in an all male society would also have trouble adjusting to a life with women. I love how I made this point pages ago and you keep bringing it back to derail your own thread. You do not need a male role model to be socialized, that happens simply by being a part of a certain culture and adopting their gender roles to an extent. Gender roles are being blurred in this society which I'm completely fine with, I want my wife to be a successful surgeon. :smokin
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This thread isn't about "your father" its about a positive male.  Do you keep forgetting that on purpose? I didn't ask Steezy about his father....I said a man who he things would be a great father.  Nice try gentlemen

Stop minimizing, you keep asking people if they would rather have a father. I painted a picture of what I wanted my ideal childhood to be since we are going off hypotheticals in this thread. Why stop at having a positive male figure? lets take it a step further.
because thats the title.  Positive Male influence appreciation.  If you wanna go to the mom appreciation thread go to it.  If you wanna speak on other topics....go ahead.  But if you want continue to dodge and nitpick at every post then find a new thread homie.  Its clear you don't like anything that represents men.  No need to continue to lead your Brigade of Genderless Men. 

Yeah I dunno....as weird as it sounds, If I had a time machine and was able to prevent my dad from getting hit by that car I don't think I would, there is no guarantee as to what type of an influence he would be, all I know is my mom did a fine job on her own.
Truth you can appreciate dads without downplaying the abilities of a single mother....just saying
Yeah I dunno....as weird as it sounds, If I had a time machine and was able to prevent my dad from getting hit by that car I don't think I would, there is no guarantee as to what type of an influence he would be, all I know is my mom did a fine job on her own.

Dudes hate men so much they wouldn't even save their own fathers from a young death....

Dudes hate men so much they wouldn't even save their own fathers from a young death....

That decision is hypothetically based on how my life and my mothers life turned out due to that event...I can't lie to myself to say that I won't think twice about it....I really don't know what I'll do, but the thought of my mother never making the move to the states, which means we would be stuck in Colombia with close to 0 opportunities at success for anyone in our family...really makes me think twice....oh well.

Anyways, time machine doesn't exist....so don't get Rustled up.

fathers / male influences can't eem get a thread on nt without giving women credit.
I agree with my positive famb ricky, BUT OP in his very first sentence mentioned that women "can't raise a man."

Later he says.....
 sorry to break it to you but a man learns how to be a man from a man.  
You're just begging for a debate with those statements.

You don't have to praise women for everything, and I agree, but you certainly don't have to put them down to have a Positive Male Influence Appreciation Thread.
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