Positive Male Influence Appreciation Thread

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So having a great father figure is better than not having one correct?

It is, but not having one isn't the end of the world. And we are in no position to call ourselves better than those who see their mothers as the perfect role model. Anyone that can teach you how to be a decent human being man or woman is appreciated.
So having a great father figure is better than not having one correct?

this I can agree or disagree with on a case by case basis.

In Obama's case not having his father seemed to have worked out very well.

Lil Wayne kisses his father figure on the lips.

Its a toss up.
You of all people calling me ignorant. :rofl:
Either way Barack didn't have his father present, many single mothers have help (grandparents, uncles, aunts etc). The bottom line is he became a very good human being without a father. You can be unfaithful, or get divorced and still be a good father believe it or not. I know many divorced fathers who see their kids often, again not ideal but they make it work for the sake of the children. The bottom line is some of these people are selfish and don't want to accept responsibility. That cycle is the most nonsensical thing ever, you didn't like being raised in a single parent home so your solution is to put your kids through the same thing? People like Obama did the productive thing and learned from his father's shortcomings.

You need to watch pruit igoe son you don't understand at all.
Really sad it took you guys that long to admit it. You might need therapy. Sounding like Mugsy Bouges on Space Jam "....but I love my Momma". Goodnight
Really sad it took you guys that long to admit it. You might need therapy. Sounding like Mugsy Bouges on Space Jam "....but I love my Momma". Goodnight

Admit what? WTH is this guy talking about? To admit that a good parent is a good thing? That's what I've been saying this whole thread. :rofl:

Yea thorrock Im gonna go ahead and not watch that, I don't need a documentary to tell me that leaving my children is wrong. :\
So having a great father figure is better than not having one correct?

It is, but not having one isn't the end of the world. And we are in no position to call ourselves better than those who see their mothers as the perfect role model. Anyone that can teach you how to be a decent human being man or woman is appreciated.

My entire point....

Were you just practicing your typing for the last 3 pages?

You are showing the bias of a man raised by a woman.... anybody who grew up with both parents would've conceded to the idea without feeling "threatened".
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My entire point....
Were you just practicing your typing for the last 3 pages?
You are showing the bias of a man raised by a woman.... anybody who grew up with both parents would've conceded to the idea without feeling "threatened".

LOL you people are hilarious, you lose an argument so your defense mechanism is to adopt a more moderate stance you never had throughout the thread. Anyone with basic reading comprehension skill knows I'm arguing against this notion that women cannot raise good men, not that fathers can't be good. I was also raised by men, I just identify more with my mother. The only people in this thread showing bias are those who are making blanket statements about how women cannot raise decent men and more importantly decent human beings (Eg. Barack). Two fathers, two mothers, a mother and a father, or single parents...as long as they impart good values in their children I'm fine with all of it. There are too many horrible parents out there for me to give you a pass just for being a man.
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Dude just doesn't get it.."positive" male influence. How can you have a problem with positive males? You have some real issues if you can't give good men props without mentioning mama.

fathers / male influences can't eem get a thread on nt without giving women credit.

is society that geared towards patting women on the back...?
My father's the hardest working person I know. So thankful he was there to bring me up. His influence was immeasurable to who I am today.

How the hell does anyone manage to create a debate out of this topic?:lol:
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How can a young man do those things listed if he doesn't interact well with his peers?  How can do these things if he doesn't attract women?  Look at all the girl problems on this board...then look at the lack of appreciation for Positive Males in this thread...coincidence? Look at the Thread about Yambs it is all things older, wiser men should pass down not strangers on a message board. 
Once again I'm confused about why a woman can't teach a man how interact his peers. I think women know a little bit about relationships. 

Are you just clueless about what you are actually saying? 
How can a young man do those things listed if he doesn't interact well with his peers?  How can do these things if he doesn't attract women?  Look at all the girl problems on this board...then look at the lack of appreciation for Positive Males in this thread...coincidence? Look at the Thread about Yambs it is all things older, wiser men should pass down not strangers on a message board. 
Once again I'm confused about why a woman can't teach a man how interact his peers. I think women know a little bit about relationships. 

Are you just clueless about what you are actually saying? 
Men and women communicate different, have different interest, have different ways of talking and joking.  Go see the Bernie Mac episode when he takes Jordan to the Barbershop for the first time.  The kid is clueless in how to handle himself and react to a male dominated environment.  Kids learn from watching to like the man stated in the video I posted.  A young man that sees his father give firm hand shakes, wears his pants at his waist, speaks well, jokes about certain things, uses a serious tone for certain things, etc. will have a head start instead of hearing "pull ya pants up" from Moms or learning how important a handshake is from a person teaching you job skills.

You can keep going back and forth but its the same way a man can't teach his daughter the importance and skill of being classy yet still being feminine.  A father can teach a girl sometimes, A mother can teach son somethings.  But a child needs that same sex energy and guidance.  What can a father teach a daughter about her horomones and periods?  Its the same difference.  Do you know how many grown women still don't understand men?  So you think that woman can raise a boy to be a man alone?  No.  Thats why I said positive male influence because a single mom isn't being bashed in here.  But a single mom needs help from outside men to raise that boy correctly more times than not.
Men and women communicate different, have different interest, have different ways of talking and joking.  Go see the Bernie Mac episode when he takes Jordan to the Barbershop for the first time.  The kid is clueless in how to handle himself and react to a male dominated environment.  Kids learn from watching to like the man stated in the video I posted.  A young man that sees his father give firm hand shakes, wears his pants at his waist, speaks well, jokes about certain things, uses a serious tone for certain things, etc. will have a head start instead of hearing "pull ya pants up" from Moms or learning how important a handshake is from a person teaching you job skills.
People, in general, have different ways to communicate and have different interests. It's not just men and women. Men are different from one another, women are different from one another. A person can interact with anyone so long as they know how to be polite and respectful, and that's not something that can only be taught by one gender. There comes a point where people should be able to observe and learn through experience. 
You can keep going back and forth but its the same way a man can't teach his daughter the importance and skill of being classy yet still being feminine.  A father can teach a girl sometimes, A mother can teach son somethings.  But a child needs that same sex energy and guidance.  What can a father teach a daughter about her horomones and periods?  Its the same difference.  Do you know how many grown women still don't understand men?  So you think that woman can raise a boy to be a man alone?  No.  Thats why I said positive male influence because a single mom isn't being bashed in here.  But a single mom needs help from outside men to raise that boy correctly more times than not.
"Being classy yet still being feminine" is not the same as figuring out how to interact with your peers. The discussion of hormones and periods is not the same as interacting with your peers. I specifically noted that I'm confused as to why women cannot teach men about interacting with peers. 

Do you know how many people don't understand other people? Again, this isn't limited to one gender failing to understand another. It's people failing to understand people.

I never said a woman can raise a boy to be a man alone. You should go back and read. What I said is that you've listed general principles and values that both men and women are capable of understanding. For example, confidence and self respect (mentioned in your OP) can both be understood by men and women. What I've pointed out is that you've failed to define what it is to be a "man" and you've failed to establish why women cannot teach boys to conform to this definition of a "man". 
Hey Boris if you wanna nit-pick get a time machine and find a plantation
You aren't doing your own topic about men justice by acting like this when your arguments are shown to be incoherent and arbitrary. Someone never taught you how to handle constructive criticism. 

fathers / male influences can't eem get a thread on nt without giving women credit.

is society that geared towards patting women on the back...?
it's because these threads or conversations are usually presented with a derisive sentiment towards

the opposite sex or any alternative upbringing that does not fall in line with what their idea of what a good parent or role model is.

there is always this devaluing of one thing to bolster another...
If you have a problem with me saying a woman can't raise a man. then lets discuss how you believe a man can raise a woman since you believe parents are interchangeable.
Shout out to my grandfather - Herman Armour

This man held his family down without a high school diploma. Never judge me when I was in the streets and jail, and yet made sure I finish college. I love this man so much. Taught me about hard work, respect, family, and love. I could never amount to the greatness God has blessed him with.

He's my father to me. :smokin
If you have a problem with me saying a woman can't raise a man. then lets discuss how you believe a man can raise a woman since you believe parents are interchangeable.

see, that's what I mean.  Appreciate the positive men in your life but don't **** on the scores of males who have been raised

by women (some exclusively) and are doing just fine as positive productive men. Saying a woman can't raise a man just sounds like regurgitated rhetoric

the thread could have gone without any mention of a woman
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If you have a problem with me saying a woman can't raise a man. then lets discuss how you believe a man can raise a woman since you believe parents are interchangeable.

As a man, my mother raised me with the help of my grandparents. Can't nobody sit here and tell me I am not a man. She taught me to be independent and never to fear any man or person. I cook, clean and raise a child on my own because of the example she set for me as a male. She taught me to be a gentleman and a man first.

I am raising my daughter alone, I think she coming out to be a fine young lady. I am teaching her about self-respect and how to act as a lady. Honestly, she exemplify a model woman that I should be dating (laughing). However, I do not bring women around my daughter.

To say this, it is possible.
A woman is very well suited to raise a man and a single dad can very well raise a woman....it all comes down to what type of a parent they are...a good parent can raise a child into an adult and sex is irrelevant.

It would be nice if everyone had the opportunity to have both though.
If you have a problem with me saying a woman can't raise a man. then lets discuss how you believe a man can raise a woman since you believe parents are interchangeable.
You should go back and read (it feels like I've said that before!). That's not what I said. I've explained several times what's wrong with your original statement and what's wrong with your subsequent explanations. You need someone (maybe a man!) to teach you how to listen to others. 
As a man, my mother raised me with the help of my grandparents. Can't nobody sit here and tell me I am not a man. She taught me to be independent and never to fear any man or person. I cook, clean and raise a child on my own because of the example she set for me as a male. She taught me to be a gentleman and a man first.
I am raising my daughter alone, I think she coming out to be a fine young lady. I am teaching her about self-respect and how to act as a lady. Honestly, she exemplify a model woman that I should be dating (laughing). However, I do not bring women around my daughter.
To say this, it is possible.

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