Positive Male Influence Appreciation Thread

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care to explain the title of this? 

Obama's entire image of his bio father was created by people around him. his dad was absent from his life.

what do you think the title means?

Did some Googling and apparently the title is a reference to Obama wanting to follow his father's dreams while making it clear in the book he wants to be nothing like him as a man.

Can anyone who has read the book confirm?
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Funny how much of an impact a man who he barely knew had on his life huh....Interesting that he talks about his fathers absence and how it made him want to be a positive male.  Hmmmmm many Obama had to learn some things the "hard way" and later in life than needed because of his father not being there.  Sheesh man.  Give it a rest
Mothers aren't incompetent just incomplete a woman will only teach you from a woman's point of view she won't be able to give you both sides of the game .
lol @ you people I gave a very good example of a man that was raised by a woman who became President of the united states. You can interact well with people and be raised by a woman. Are you guys serious right now? :rofl:
I can't embrace a thread about having a positive male influence that uses it as an excuse to call mothers incompetent parents. That's like if I made a post about how African mothers are appreciated while calling African American mothers horrible. People would be outraged.
There are many people raised by both a father and mother that have girl problems. Girl problems are just a fact of life. In fact I can count many of my very good friends with both parents who have girl issues. There are actually some things people feel more comfortable discussing with their peers than parents. My friends discuss their girl issues with me and many of them don't with their parents. Shrugs.
If people accept everything that is "normal", white people would still own African slaves.

So conversely every Strong Mother Appreciation/Single Parent Appreciation thread would be an excuse to call fathers incompetent? I bet if I scrolled through any mother appreciation post I would find no mention of competent father figures in the same way that mothers have been brought in to the discussion in this thread. Why do some dudes have a problem with giving men who are active father figures in their childrens' life any recognition? Yall would be the same dudes who would be quick to make a Single Mothers Appreciation post on Fathers Day

No disrespect to anyone in this thread but quit revealing your thinly veiled insecurities. It's never a good look.
Funny how much of an impact a man who he barely knew had on his life huh....Interesting that he talks about his fathers absence and how it made him want to be a positive male.  Hmmmmm many Obama had to learn some things the "hard way" and later in life than needed because of his father not being there.  Sheesh man.  Give it a rest

Yep his mother gets no credit for taking responsibility and being there for him. I won't give it a rest, I have the utmost respect for his mom for sticking around. Dude would give credit to an absent father before a mother who actually raised the kid. Figures.
Anton is cool we get it son you didn't have a dad and you show it how much you don't like not having one in these post and the way you post.I understand your lgbt and feminist support render you unable to support or respect the importance of heterosexual males in the roles of their children's lives .Its okay buddy your obligations make that hard its the same obligations that make you dismiss all ideas of black people working together to create common links and break the vicious cycle eating our culture and community alive .
So conversely every Strong Mother Appreciation/Single Parent Appreciation thread would be an excuse to call fathers incompetent? I bet if I scrolled through any mother appreciation post I would find no mention of competent father figures in the same way that mothers have been brought in to the discussion in this thread. Why do some dudes have a problem with giving men who are active father figures in their childrens' life any recognition? Yall would be the same dudes who would be quick to make a Single Mothers Appreciation post on Fathers Day
No disrespect to anyone in this thread but quit revealing your thinly veiled insecurities. It's never a good look.

I wouldn't make blanket statements like yo there fathers cannot raise children, they need their mothers. The wording and delivery are key. No insecurities here, I just love my mother do death. I have very big shoes to fill. :smh:
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Anton is cool we get it son you didn't have a dad and you show it how much you don't like not having one in these post and the way you post.I understand your lgbt and feminist support render you unable to support or respect the importance of heterosexual males in the roles of their children's lives .Its okay buddy your obligations make that hard its the same obligations that make you dismiss all ideas of black people working together to create common links and break the vicious cycle eating our culture and community alive .

LOL I never said I didn't have a dad. :lol: I know its implied cause I never talk about him but I have 2 dads. Biological father and step dad, they're cool.

Yea yea yea, blah blah blah. Black men can start by not leaving their children to be raised by single mothers. But I guess homosexuals are to blame for their cowardice....and JEWS. Pointing fingers and not taking responsibility, how manly.
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Funny how much of an impact a man who he barely knew had on his life huh....Interesting that he talks about his fathers absence and how it made him want to be a positive male.  Hmmmmm many Obama had to learn some things the "hard way" and later in life than needed because of his father not being there.  Sheesh man.  Give it a rest
Yep his mother gets no credit for taking responsibility and being there for him. I won't give it a rest, I have the utmost respect for his mom for sticking around. Dude would give credit to an absent father before a mother who actually raised the kid. Figures.
nobody even said that. your simply fighting a battle that isn't even present.  Never discredited his mother
Funny how much of an impact a man who he barely knew had on his life huh....Interesting that he talks about his fathers absence and how it made him want to be a positive male.  Hmmmmm many Obama had to learn some things the "hard way" and later in life than needed because of his father not being there.  Sheesh man.  Give it a rest

what are you even trying to say at this point :lol:

His dad left his family. A weak male influence created a strong one, which was nurtured by his mother and grandparents.

One more time. Obama. Raised by a woman. Cuz his dad left.

He wanted to follow in his dads footsteps minus being anything like him as a man.

Mothers aren't incompetent just incomplete a woman will only teach you from a woman's point of view she won't be able to give you both sides of the game .


A man can teach you both sides but a woman can't? how the hell would a man be able to give you a woman's POV? :lol:
bruh how are you talking about vicious cycles and our communities with Lil Mouse doing the money dance in your avy :lol:
Funny how much of an impact a man who he barely knew had on his life huh....Interesting that he talks about his fathers absence and how it made him want to be a positive male.  Hmmmmm many Obama had to learn some things the "hard way" and later in life than needed because of his father not being there.  Sheesh man.  Give it a rest
what are you even trying to say at this point

His dad left his family. A weak male influence created a strong one, which was nurtured by his mother and grandparents.

One more time. Obama. Raised by a woman. Cuz his dad left.

He wanted to follow in his dads footsteps minus being anything like him as a man.

Mothers aren't incompetent just incomplete a woman will only teach you from a woman's point of view she won't be able to give you both sides of the game .

A man can teach you both sides but a woman can't? how the hell would a man be able to give you a woman's POV?
My point is the lack of a father left a void.  That void is there because that role is needed and cant be replaced by a woman.  Thats why instead of blowing his father off the man was still on his mind and part of his book.  He didn't title it "Thanks Momma". 

Saying a male influence is needed for proper guidance ISNT saying a woman can't be a great parent or raise a productive member of society
LOL I never said I didn't have a dad. :lol: I know its implied cause I never talk about him but I have 2 dads. Biological father and step dad, they're cool.
Yea yea yea, blah blah blah. Black men can start by not leaving their children to be raised by single mothers. But I guess homosexuals are to blame for their cowardice....and JEWS. Pointing fingers and not taking responsibility, how manly.
Ironically the large amount of black men running out in their children can be attributed to a cycle of lack of true positive male role models and a father figure to teach them how to deal with this responsibility .When slavery ended black people didnt get debriefed or had counseling so alot problems and issues from slavery continued from lack of strong male role models ,depression ,inferiority complex and something I would like to call white daddy issues or for a more pc term white savior complex.
what are you even trying to say at this point :lol:
His dad left his family. A weak male influence created a strong one, which was nurtured by his mother and grandparents.
One more time. Obama. Raised by a woman. Cuz his dad left.
He wanted to follow in his dads footsteps minus being anything like him as a man.
A man can teach you both sides but a woman can't? how the hell would a man be able to give you a woman's POV? :lol:
U can't eem read apparently,If a mother can't give you both sides of the game hell a father sure can't you need both.
Yes lil mouse is my avy and thug motivation 101 is my favorite albums of all time and you didn't read what I said clearly.
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Ironically the large amount of black men running out in their children can be attributed to a cycle of lack of true positive male role models and a father figure to teach them how to deal with this responsibility .When slavery ended black people didnt get debriefed or had counseling so alot problems and issues from slavery continued from lack of strong male role models ,depression ,inferiority complex and something I would like to call white daddy issues or for a more pc term white savior complex.

Yea the women told them to leave? Again, pointing fingers instead of taking responsibility. Blame the white man, blame Jews, blame homosexuals everyone but themselves. Barack Obama learned how to not be a bad father by not having a father around. Eminem if I recall was also inspired by not having a father around and swore he would do better for his children. Some people have enough sense to turn a bad situation into a positive instead of playing the victim. You would think watching your mother slave away to do a 2 person job would mold you into a better person, for many it does.
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So you think the best way to become a great father is to not have one rather than learn from one?
Funny how much of an impact a man who he barely knew had on his life huh....Interesting that he talks about his fathers absence and how it made him want to be a positive male.  Hmmmmm many Obama had to learn some things the "hard way" and later in life than needed because of his father not being there.  Sheesh man.  Give it a rest

what are you even trying to say at this point :lol:

His dad left his family. A weak male influence created a strong one, which was nurtured by his mother and grandparents.

One more time. Obama. Raised by a woman. Cuz his dad left.

He wanted to follow in his dads footsteps minus being anything like him as a man.

Mothers aren't incompetent just incomplete a woman will only teach you from a woman's point of view she won't be able to give you both sides of the game .


A man can teach you both sides but a woman can't? how the hell would a man be able to give you a woman's POV? :lol:

My point is the lack of a father left a void.  That void is there because that role is needed and cant be replaced by a woman.  Thats why instead of blowing his father off the man was still on his mind and part of his book.  He didn't title it "Thanks Momma". 

Saying a male influence is needed for proper guidance ISNT saying a woman can't be a great parent or raise a productive member of society

Needed is a stretch. He seems to be doing fine without his father.

Again, he got the info about his father from people around him. His dad did not a thing. He just based things he wanted to do off things his father did.

He didn't have to dedicate a book to his mom cuz she didn't leave him :rolleyes

And now the threads off on another tangent cuz you brought up Obama :lol:

what are you even trying to say at this point :lol:
His dad left his family. A weak male influence created a strong one, which was nurtured by his mother and grandparents.
One more time. Obama. Raised by a woman. Cuz his dad left.
He wanted to follow in his dads footsteps minus being anything like him as a man.
A man can teach you both sides but a woman can't? how the hell would a man be able to give you a woman's POV? :lol:
U can't eem read apparently,If a mother can't give you both sides of the game hell a father sure can't you need both.
Yes lil mouse is my avy and thug motivation 101 is my favorite albums of all time and you didn't read what I said clearly.

You caint eem articulate properly though.

You said women are incomplete and can't give you both sides. The way you worded it was very iffy.

Thug Motivation was hard though, I'll give you that.
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I didn't bring up Obama. Anton did. Also why are you concerned about Obama being a success but forgetting all the fatherless young men that are in the streets, in prison, and dead.
So you think the best way to become a great father is to not have one rather than learn from one?

I think the best way to become a great father is to make your children happy.

You can't just take this mold and say "bingo, that's how you father a child". Its not that simple. This is from a parent.

I didn't bring up Obama. Anton did. Also why are you concerned about Obama being a success but forgetting all the fatherless young men that are in the streets, in prison, and dead.

I didn't forget anything.

What about the people in the same position who had their father their entire life? or the ones who killed themselves because their strong male influence didn't accept them?

Variables. How do dey work.
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Yea the women told them to leave? Again, pointing fingers instead of taking responsibility. Blame the white man, blame Jews, blame homosexuals everyone but themselves. Barack Obama learned how to not be a bad father by not having a father around. Eminem if I recall was also inspired by not having a father around and swore he would do better for his children. Some people have enough sense to turn a bad situation into a positive instead of playing the victim. You would think watching your mother slave away to do a 2 person job would mold you into a better person, for many it does.
How is it pointing fingers When it is a direct cause ,Once again I couldn't careless about homosexuals and the Jews they are irrelevent ,When black people started going to big cities searching for jobs they flocked to project apartments due to the close proximity to the jobs and the fsct they were in the city .When they got there alot of them had to divorce and split the marriage up to get on food stamps and live in those projects people would come in making sure you didn't have a man or a tv in your house and if you did you would lose aid .So many families split for the sake of the money and the life.I put blame on black males for not sticking through and being unfaithful when tempted also
My god your ignorant you don't bring up.the fact Barack was raised by his grand parents he had his grandfather in his life for the longest time .
So you think the best way to become a great father is to not have one rather than learn from one?

I never said that was the "BEST WAY". Nice try. I however do think some people can be inspired by hardship and less than ideal situations. Parenting is a 2 person job some people have to do it alone. Obama is one in a long list of successful people who were raised by very capable single mothers. Not having a father is a poor excuse for being an absent parent.
Needed is a stretch. He seems to be doing fine without his father.
Again, he got the info about his father from people around him. His dad did not a thing. He just based things he wanted to do off things his father did.
He didn't have to dedicate a book to his mom cuz she didn't leave him :rolleyes
And now the threads off on another tangent cuz you brought up Obama :lol:
You caint eem articulate properly though.
You said women are incomplete and can't give you both sides. The way you worded it was very iffy.
Thug Motivation was hard though, I'll give you that.
Thug motivation was straight bangers all the way through :x I still ain't heard an album harder than that this generation
How is it pointing fingers When it is a direct cause ,Once again I couldn't careless about homosexuals and the Jews they are irrelevent ,When black people started going to big cities searching for jobs they flocked to project apartments due to the close proximity to the jobs and the fsct they were in the city .When they got there alot of them had to divorce and split the marriage up to get on food stamps and live in those projects people would come in making sure you didn't have a man or a tv in your house and if you did you would lose aid .So many families split for the sake of the money and the life.I put blame on black males for not sticking through and being unfaithful when tempted also
My god your ignorant you don't bring up.the fact Barack was raised by his grand parents he had his grandfather in his life for the longest time .

You of all people calling me ignorant. :rofl:

Either way Barack didn't have his father present, many single mothers have help (grandparents, uncles, aunts etc). The bottom line is he became a very good human being without a father. You can be unfaithful, or get divorced and still be a good father believe it or not. I know many divorced fathers who see their kids often, again not ideal but they make it work for the sake of the children. The bottom line is some of these people are selfish and don't want to accept responsibility. That cycle is the most nonsensical thing ever, you didn't like being raised in a single parent home so your solution is to put your kids through the same thing? People like Obama did the productive thing and learned from his father's shortcomings.
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