Positive Male Influence Appreciation Thread

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I'll say that I appreciate the positive,along with the negetive male influence's that have had a direct influence in and on my life because life is really a ballancing act between positive and negetive.Besides the negetive aspect just made me realize at an young age what negetive influence's I didn't want to stunt my growth,as a humanbeing and a young black male.

Question if you guy's mothers were so great why didn't they find men to spend their life with?
Man,what a game changer in the fourth quarter,down by 30 with only 5:00min on the clock;It's a losing situation no matter what to even try to answer this one.
it wasn't just me....they whole thread agreed verbatim.  Sorry
For all the talk about what it is to be a man, you sure don't know how to man up to criticism. 
what have you added expect throw criticism or nitpick at every post?

All you've done is insult me and ask pointless questions thoughout the thread.  Apparently to you they're no such things as gender roles so why even come in this thread?
How can you be your own influence?
A few people mentioned it throughout the topic. But that just doesn't make sense.

Influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself via Apple dictionary.

Thus there has to be an object or it can be referred to the action itself, but I don't think one can influence him or herself to do anything, without an external impact, which will trigger the action, therefore will become the influence. I don't think a blank mind can exist, (or can it?...i have to do research...)
Everything you said is factual about the process of events in this thread.  But who are you to tell me how to start a thread? If you felt disrespected, offended, or disagreed you had a chance to reply. If you don't think the amount of single mothers hasn't had a direct effect on the amount of young men in the streets, in prison, or dead then well thats on you.  Don't come at me talking about Obama or how great your mom is tho just accept the truth. 
You're either a great troll or you're truly missing the point (and it's a recurring trend for you). 

Where do I tell you how to start a thread? What I said was, "had you done _____, it would have turned out differently" A majority of your whiny complaints about "staying on topic" are a direct result of your condescending first post and your subsequent replies. I did reply, so again.. no idea what you're talking about with "you had a chance to reply"

Did I say "single mothers are the greatest thing to happen to our society?" Did I say "I think you're better off without a male presence in your life?" Because if I did, please... show me. So what exactly are you referring to with the negative effect of single mothers?

Your arguments are all over the place right now. There's an enormous difference between not having a father present in a household and the lack of a male figure to "teach a boy how to be a man". Most of your posts are talking vaguely about the importance of teaching gender roles and things only a man can teach a boy, yet when pressed on the specifics you don't give it. When asked for an answer to your own hypothetical you don't give it. When asked for gender specific things that only a father can teach, you're woefully empty on points. Most of what you've said can be applied to both sexes or can be picked up and learned by living in modern society. 

And of course, you finish with some random comment about Obama and how great my mom is... you do realize I never once mentioned Obama, correct? Or my mother? Here's a life lesson from a male... points made in another argument or conversation don't always have relevance in a separate and distinct conversation. 
  • I said a woman can't raise a man and gave props to positive males
  • dudes give props to pharrell and their mothers
  • dudes starts saying gender roles are evil and shouldn't exist
  • dudes start telling their own life stories about their hardworking mothers and asking "am i not a man"
  • some NTers actually give props to their male influences
  • Others still upset I said a woman can't raise a man
  • Rinse
  • Repeat
what have you added expect throw criticism or nitpick at every post?

All you've done is insult me and ask pointless questions thoughout the thread.  Apparently to you they're no such things as gender roles so why even come in this thread?
I don't think you read anything. 

I have explained that your initial premise is false. This means that your entire argument false. I have explained that the characteristics you've listed that define a "man" can be taught by a woman. They aren't gender specific. The discussion cannot go on if your discussion is led by a false premise. 

When did I ever say that there is no such thing as gender roles? I didn't. 

I think you need a man to teach you some humility. 

-Powerball made sexist thread under the guise of an appreciation thread.
-People weren't having it.
-He makes stupid sexist, ignorant, homophobic comments.
-Certain levelheaded NTers make counter arguments
-He gets his Jimmies rustled.
Some Things only a Positive Male can only teach a boy

- How to be strong in public and sensitive around his woman

- How to be a leader of a family but still show your partner respect

- How to control your testosterone and when/where to use it

- How to fight and to realize that fighting is for self defense not being a thug

- How to interact within male dominated environments - body language that demands respect, changing the way he talks, being aware of certain situations

- To know the difference between being the butt of a joke and being bullied. And how to react in a positive manner.

- To know the difference between being a bully and simply having fun with jokes or light physical behavior

- How to develop traits to attract the opposite sex

- The ins and outs of male dominated activities - sports, fishing, automobiles, home repair, etc.  (Yes women do have this knowledge but it is not common)

- And most importantly HOW TO BE A GOOD FATHER by being a living breathing example

- How to carry yourself with respect and be positive AND still be respected by your peers
Makes sexist, disrespectful comments about women CONSTANTLY in this thread and vehemently denies it. Your dad did a wonderful job with you. :lol: :D
My mom is married go find a poor single mother to say horrible things about. :\ I'm clearly hearing things wrong.
Black women are the least married group of women in this country, I guess by your statements black women are not so great. :tongue:

Yoooooooo did this dude just did this!? :lol:

If you must, my mom left the country after my dad passed, she focused on getting me the best opportunities she possibly could, she focused on being a mom, rather than going man-hunting....now that I'm older and she no longer has to worry for me, she has found someone to settle with.

You stay struggling kiddo.
Truth, you know these dudes can't see what you are saying man. Don't even bother going back and forth with those dudes.
Some Things only a Positive Male can only teach a boy

- How to be strong in public and sensitive around his woman
- How to be a leader of a family but still show your partner respect
- How to control your testosterone and when/where to use it
- How to fight and to realize that fighting is for self defense not being a thug
- How to interact within male dominated environments - body language that demands respect, changing the way he talks, being aware of certain situations
- To know the difference between being the butt of a joke and being bullied. And how to react in a positive manner.
- To know the difference between being a bully and simply having fun with jokes or light physical behavior
- How to develop traits to attract the opposite sex
- The ins and outs of male dominated activities - sports, fishing, automobiles, home repair, etc.  (Yes women do have this knowledge but it is not common)
- And most importantly HOW TO BE A GOOD FATHER by being a living breathing example
- How to carry yourself with respect and be positive AND still be respected by your peers

This is just plain stupid :rofl:
it's because these threads or conversations are usually presented with a derisive sentiment towards
the opposite sex or any alternative upbringing that does not fall in line with what their idea of what a good parent or role model is.
there is always this devaluing of one thing to bolster another...

that happens every day when mothers are praised...

not a lover or hater of powerballin... but homey brought the ether w/ that "if ya mombs was so great, why couldnt she find a man?" statement...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i know that struck home w/ a few of yall.
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:  Question if you guy's mothers were so great why didn't they find men to spend their life with?

My mother tried to provide men in my life....she was married 3 times. She was not the problem, the men were...

My father was physically abused to us both...Sucker ended up in jail for majority of my life. They got married at 18.
My 2nd stepfather molested me and was deadbeat.
My 3rd stepfather was rich but dude was horrible towards me and used the money to control my mother...

By that time, I explained to my mother that she needs to find someone to make her happy and stop looking for male figure in my life. Well she took that motivation and became famous and successful.
My mother tried to provide men in my life....she was married 3 times. She was not the problem, the men were...
My father was physically abused to us both...Sucker ended up in jail for majority of my life. They got married at 18.
My 2nd stepfather molested me and was deadbeat.
My 3rd stepfather was rich but dude was horrible towards me and used the money to control my mother...
By that time, I explained to my mother that she needs to find someone to make her happy and stop looking for male figure in my life. Well she took that motivation and became famous and successful.

That was one of the reasons why my mother also decided not to be with a man until I was very much independent.

Sorry you had to go through that...

Btw your mom is a celeb? :nerd:
:  Question if you guy's mothers were so great why didn't they find men to spend their life with?
My mother tried to provide men in my life....she was married 3 times. She was not the problem, the men were...

My father was physically abused to us both...Sucker ended up in jail for majority of my life. They got married at 18.
My 2nd stepfather molested me and was deadbeat.
My 3rd stepfather was rich but dude was horrible towards me and used the money to control my mother...

By that time, I explained to my mother that she needs to find someone to make her happy and stop looking for male figure in my life. Well she took that motivation and became famous and successful.
I'm not even trying to be disrespectful man.  This is a very sensitive subject but to say she wasn't part of the problem is very naive.  I don't know her or her personality but if these men were so horrible then you have to realize she chose to marry them.  Thats somewhat of a reflection of her.
My mother tried to provide men in my life....she was married 3 times. She was not the problem, the men were...
My father was physically abused to us both...Sucker ended up in jail for majority of my life. They got married at 18.
My 2nd stepfather molested me and was deadbeat.
My 3rd stepfather was rich but dude was horrible towards me and used the money to control my mother...
By that time, I explained to my mother that she needs to find someone to make her happy and stop looking for male figure in my life. Well she took that motivation and became famous and successful.
that's good and all, famb....

but the thing is, this is a thread about positive male appreciation...

and people came in saying things about momb dukes....

if there was a thread about female influence appreciation... the fathers would only be brought up to be lamented....

women are ALWAYS praised... all the time... fathers never get the due dillagence... and not eem fathers... just male influences in general.
that happens every day when mothers are praised...
not a lover or hater of powerballin... but homey brought the ether w/ that "if ya mombs was so great, why couldnt she find a man?" statement...
:lol: :lol: :lol:
i know that struck home w/ a few of yall.

Nah bro...that was possibly the most sexist and idiotic **** homie has ever said, he is pretty much saying a woman's value is measured by her ability to land a man...like are you for real? :lol:
Let's take a look at a few of these.
- How to be a leader of a family but still show your partner respect
Are women not also leaders of a family capable of showing their partner respect? You think that the man is above the woman? That sounds sexist. 
- How to fight and to realize that fighting is for self defense not being a thug
A woman can't fight or teach one how to fight? So, a woman has never set foot in a martial arts class... This also sounds sexist.
- To know the difference between being the butt of a joke and being bullied. And how to react in a positive manner.

- To know the difference between being a bully and simply having fun with jokes or light physical behavior
Some Things only a Positive Male can only teach a boy

- How to be strong in public and sensitive around his woman
- How to be a leader of a family but still show your partner respect
- How to control your testosterone and when/where to use it
- How to fight and to realize that fighting is for self defense not being a thug
- How to interact within male dominated environments - body language that demands respect, changing the way he talks, being aware of certain situations
- To know the difference between being the butt of a joke and being bullied. And how to react in a positive manner.
- To know the difference between being a bully and simply having fun with jokes or light physical behavior
- How to develop traits to attract the opposite sex
- The ins and outs of male dominated activities - sports, fishing, automobiles, home repair, etc.  (Yes women do have this knowledge but it is not common)
- And most importantly HOW TO BE A GOOD FATHER by being a living breathing example
- How to carry yourself with respect and be positive AND still be respected by your peers
This is just plain stupid
Instead of saying this "plain stupid" tell me why you disagree.
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