Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

. Zimmerman identified himself as white so try again buddy...y'all supremacist love deflecting ****

Media didn't even start calling him Hispanic until the outraged peaked. "He's not one of us" *throws hands up*
Any body who looked with not closed eyes can clearly see that he's Hispanic but ppl chose not to
I'm a supremacist now?? Very ignorant to assume but I have to realize what I'm dealing with here..

I will repeat this..I'm not white nor black skinned..my culture stays within its own exclusively so that white supremacist crap is out the window

My ppl were slaves first but we don't speak on it cause we fought our way out..we're not still speaking on it at all ever..country is poor as dirt but we're not crying we come to America and make our own luck and succeed very much and we stay within our own culture without any problems in America once so ever

So there's no "us" as u speak of there is no supremacist here as your imagining with your paranoia..there is just a neutral spectator who calls it how he sees it..

You are a racist and ppl like you do nothing for progress you assume I'm white thru your mind of ignorance and paranoia when in fact you are wrong..
My ppl aren't white were just respected throughout the world for how we conduct ourself..sorry
white supremacy is not 100% about color......it's a mindset....unfortunately there are non whites that push the ideas of this movement

if your people were the first slaves then I'm assuming you're talking about **** over 1000 years ago during ancient times 
 .......blacks were slaves less than 200 years ago.....the ending of the civil rights movement isn't even 50 years old 

said I was done but when I read a paragraph full of misinformation and sticking up for folks w/ oceans of blood on their hands I gotta respond 

but keep hiding who your "people" are.....you already know ima shut your *** up so keep the "my people" thing going 

you already tried "teaching" me about MLK and you regurgitated the public school liner on MLK 
 .......the same public schools that's trying to take slavery history lessons away and vilify Malcolm X 

maybe I should sing "we shall overcome" and the pitch of my vocals will change your heart......yea that'll do it!!!!!
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What race was the man who ended the recent slavery you speak of??. :lol:

I bet youd spit in George Washingtons face to cuz all whites are bad right?

Black and whites both have oceans of blood on there hands but who's is more recent?? Who's is killing innocent ppl from stray bullets on these streets? You know who..don't bs..

No blind eyed racist will shut me up or change my views...your views are obnoxious

Your trolling turning this into a black vs white thing when it was a cop vs civilian thing

What was the Ferguson cops last name??

Martinez or Johnson?? Do u even know?
Do u even want to know? No, cuz.u want an excuse to cry and moan about your views about how things are unfair but it's tiring and old, noone wants to hear your garbage mindset...
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View media item 1126213
Multiple black people have been murdered by the police this summer and the news of their deaths die down after a week. Nobody knows the right way to address this situation in order to get the results they want/need. A riot isn't the right answer? A riot is what lead to the American Revolution. I'm not ashamed of these angry people lashing out, they don't know what to do and are tired of being peaceful.

But that's cool, y'all keep looking for planes and let my brothers die in the streets. Because it's not a black and white thing, racism doesn't exist.
99% of the people rioting, arent rioting because an unarmed man got shot. They're rioting because they can get away with stealing and looting.

Why do uneducated people always bring up Abraham Lincoln as a defense for white people in regards to slavery? It's like "See, not all white people are bad, a white man freed the slaves..." Who the hell else was gonna free the slaves, it was 100% white people in power in America at the time.

Where the hell does George Washington come into play here? He owned his slaves just like anyone else at the time. It's just how it was, he fought for the independence of American people and back then black people weren't considered people so it's a whole different history class that we just don't get in America.

People arguing just for the sake of it.
99% of the people rioting, arent rioting because an unarmed man got shot. They're rioting because they can get away with stealing and looting.

and thats the sad truth and actually is a hindrance to the cause, and turns ppl away from what the whole outrage is about. Not that i condone it or advocate rioting....there were positives that came from the watts riots etc...of the past. Ppl now are just on some i wanna go out and act a damn fool, cause a ruckus and get free stuff.
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View media item 1126213
Multiple black people have been murdered by the police this summer and the news of their deaths die down after a week. Nobody knows the right way to address this situation in order to get the results they want/need. A riot isn't the right answer? A riot is what lead to the American Revolution. I'm not ashamed of these angry people lashing out, they don't know what to do and are tired of being peaceful.

But that's cool, y'all keep looking for planes and let my brothers die in the streets. Because it's not a black and white thing, racism doesn't exist.
This rioting wont fix anything because they're not organized. There is no leader to guide the people properly. Everyone is out there for them selves stealing and looting just to get free ****.
A few months from now all this wont even matter to them.
Only through organization and numbers will there be a difference.
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99% of the people rioting, arent rioting because an unarmed man got shot. They're rioting because they can get away with stealing and looting.


You did an extensive research study to get 99% that quick. Impressive. While I don't think looting sends a strong enough message or has much affect, you can't say that all these people going HAM are void of pain and frustration due to what's been an all-too-frequent ongoing issue.
What race was the man who ended the recent slavery you speak of??. :lol:

I bet youd spit in George Washingtons face to cuz all whites are bad right?

Black and whites both have oceans of blood on there hands but who's is more recent?? Who's is killing innocent ppl from stray bullets on these streets? You know who..don't bs..

No blind eyed racist will shut me up or change my views...your views are obnoxious

Your trolling turning this into a black vs white thing when it was a cop vs civilian thing

What was the Ferguson cops last name??

Martinez or Johnson?? Do u even know?
Do u even want to know? No, cuz.u want an excuse to cry and moan about your views about how things are unfair when noone wants to hear your garbage mindset...

1) Lincoln did not free the slaves because it was the right thing to do.

2) George Washington owned slaves. His precious wooden teeth that we learn about in school, were the teeth of his slaves.

3) You know how much violence blacks would have to commit against white people to get close to equaling the atrocities White's have committed against us? I don't even know what ******* country I'm from, i have to claim to be AFRICAN American because I don't have a homeland, because of white people.

4) It is a black vs white thing, and you know it is. Find a report where an innocent white kid was executed by the police, an innocent white man was choked to death by the police, an innocent pregnant mother was put in a chokehold by the police. An innocent white boy was gunned down for playing his music too loud, walking in the wrong neighborhood, shot on the doorsteps of a persons house when seeking help after a car accident.

5) Has the Ferguson cops name been released to the public? Not to my knowledge. But Mike's name has been. A face has been put to his lifeless body.

Go find MH17, bruh. We don't need you here! We don't want you here! You aren't standing with us! You weren't raised with the same truths about the history of America as we were.
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Why do uneducated people always bring up Abraham Lincoln as a defense for white people in regards to slavery? It's like "See, not all white people are bad, a white man freed the slaves..." Who the hell else was gonna free the slaves, it was 100% white people in power in America at the time.

Where the hell does George Washington come into play here? He owned his slaves just like anyone else at the time. It's just how it was, he fought for the independence of American people and back then black people weren't considered people so it's a whole different history class that we just don't get in America.

People arguing just for the sake of it.
lol and the thing is he didnt do it because he saw the treatment of blacks as inhumane, nor because he valued blacks and saw them as equals either. To use lincoln as an example hurts a person case more then helps it. His freeing of the slaves was self-serving and proved to benefit him 
What race was the man who ended the recent slavery you speak of??.

I bet youd spit in George Washingtons face to cuz all whites are bad right?

Black and whites both have oceans of blood on there hands but who's is more recent?? Who's is killing innocent ppl from stray bullets on these streets? You know who..don't bs..

No blind eyed racist will shut me up or change my views...your views are obnoxious

Your trolling turning this into a black vs white thing when it was a cop vs civilian thing

What was the Ferguson cops last name??

Martinez or Johnson?? Do u even know?
Do u even want to know? No, cuz.u want an excuse to cry and moan about your views about how things are unfair but it's tiring and old, noone wants to hear your garbage mindset...
I see now.....you're one of the simple minded folks on here. I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt


cause when it comes to society you're on a 3rd grade level

dude name dropped George Washington to make a 'point' 
Once you riot you've already lost. Let's help the community by destroying it? Fight for equality by stealing from footlocker? Sounds legit
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You did an extensive research study to get 99% that quick. Impressive. While I don't think looting sends a strong enough message or has much affect, you can't say that all these people going HAM are void of pain and frustration due to what's been an all-too-frequent ongoing issue.
especially when you are destroying YOUR own community. In a sense how effective is it to send a message of dissatisfaction to a person by self-inflicted wounds?
black people been lost in this country. when have we ever won?

yall just talking out ya ***** now.....

another BLOCKED 

if you're gonna criticize w/ these weirdo accusations at least offer a solution Daniel Synder  
Do you really truly believe the cop shot the guy on purpose?

You think he had an objective today to shoot the guy? Where do you live? What is being reported is that the kid tried to go for the officers gun when he was up close and was shot.

Now if that is true, it has yet to be proven. But there's likely no other scenario other than the man starting a scuffle, the officer does not simply shoot a person just out of the blue, especially if he stopped the man. Why? Every car given to an officer has a recording of audio and video of a 10-20 ft radius, video of course of only the front.

Ok but logic aside. Let's say he did shoot the man, stopped him and then put him on his knees and executed him like people are saying, don't you think someone would video tape this? Or take a photo?

Ok let's say no one had a camera or a video grabbing device. Wouldn't there be witnesses all claiming he was executed? No some say he was shot while the officer was behind his car, others say he was executed while laying on the floor and some say the officer walked up to him and shot him.

Also you can't declare yourself Hispanic in this country, what are you 12? It's either white Hispanic or non white Hispanic, there is no Hispanic check all. Zimmerman chose white Hispanic.
beneficiaries of the oppressors got all the answers while they live comfortably in their privilege

yall let getting rejected by females send you to deep depression and suicide but got the nerve to act like you know what it's like to live in a black/latino man skin


grow up middle class to rich but shooting up schools.........but you know our struggle ......I'm cryin 

Njcollector .........there has been too many unarmed black/latino males killed these past years for you to make such an asinine post.......witnesses, while his body was still laying on that hot asphalt dead stated the kid had his hands up and surrendered ......the apologist....jesus christ 
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Fine then, 98%.
These people dont want to make a difference. They want a difference to be handed to them. All this pain they're feeling will be non existent in a few weeks, and they'll be back to posting twerk vids on twitter and doing fire challenges. Why must a person have to die for them to riot?

Racist post reported. Thanks for showing your ignorance and generalizations.
beneficiaries of the oppressors got all the answers while they live comfortably in their privilege

yall let getting rejected by females send you to deep depression and suicide but got the nerve to act like you know what it's like to live in a black/latino man skin


grow up middle class to rich but shooting up schools.........but you know our struggle ......I'm cryin 

Njcollector .........there has been too many unarmed black/latino males killed these past years for you to make such an asinine post.......witnesses, while his body was still laying on that hot asphalt dead stated the kid had his hands up and surrendered ......the apologist....jesus christ 
past few years how about past few decades.... granted there has been situation to which other races have been treated unfair/unjust by authority... But to compare it with blacks/spanish speaking ppl is crazy. Our entire law/judicial system in many aspects/facets has laws/rules created/implemented solely to unfairly criminalize blacks/spanish speaking ppl. 
Fine then, 98%.
These people dont want to make a difference. They want a difference to be handed to them. All this pain they're feeling will be non existent in a few weeks, and they'll be back to posting twerk vids on twitter and doing fire challenges. Why must a person have to die for them to riot?

Wouldn't the fact that they're rioting contradict this statement?
Wouldn't the fact that they're rioting contradict this statement?

I'm in no way a part of y'all's debate but in regards to rioting, it's more of a reason to get stuff for free IMO. You're not searching for answers by stealing
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Do you really truly believe the cop shot the guy on purpose?

You think he had an objective today to shoot the guy? Where do you live? What is being reported is that the kid tried to go for the officers gun when he was up close and was shot.

Now if that is true, it has yet to be proven. But there's likely no other scenario other than the man starting a scuffle, the officer does not simply shoot a person just out of the blue, especially if he stopped the man. Why? Every car given to an officer has a recording of audio and video of a 10-20 ft radius, video of course of only the front.

Ok but logic aside. Let's say he did shoot the man, stopped him and then put him on his knees and executed him like people are saying, don't you think someone would video tape this? Or take a photo?

Ok let's say no one had a camera or a video grabbing device. Wouldn't there be witnesses all claiming he was executed? No some say he was shot while the officer was behind his car, others say he was executed while laying on the floor and some say the officer walked up to him and shot him.

Also you can't declare yourself Hispanic in this country, what are you 12? It's either white Hispanic or non white Hispanic, there is no Hispanic check all. Zimmerman chose white Hispanic.

1. The cops side of the story is that he was attacked and the kid was going for his gun so he shot him. Witnesses say the kid got shot, held up his hands and got shot again. The first initial reports of this case showed the face of the cop but that's all gone now. (I'm no anthropologist, but he looked more white than anything else) and they also reported that Michael Brown was shot 10 times. All that is out of the news now in any reports you read. Funny how that happens.

2. There is no "white Hispanic" category on the census. Your options are:

1. White (not Hispanic)
2. Black (not Hispanic)
3. Hispanic

Some of them allow you to check "multicultural" while others let you check "other" and write in your response.
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