Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Love peace and happiness., Good night and my Ferguson people be safe.i salute you
Without any credible information, I refuse to believe anything that you're posting. I regularly frequent /pol/ and /b/ and have been doing so all night, and haven't seen anything even close to this posted anywhere. A large majority are in favor of the cops, to put it lightly. Maybe you should head over there and check for yourself. 

welp guess it worked
Saw a video of people blocking emergency vehicles that were attempting to answer a heart attack call.



“I just want everyone to know and understand that the stealing and breaking in stores is not what Mike will want, it is very upsetting to me and my family. Our family didn’t ask for this but for Justice and Peace…. Please let my family grieve in Peace in stop the violence in the street tonight, we don’t want this happing when we protest for justice for my cousin Mike Brown, please get this message out to the people that the Mike Brown family do not want this“

Truck just pulled up and people are loading ATMs into it. Pics are devastating. Multiple fires throughout area.

I live near this area, watching the news you can see a bunch of teens stealing the tires and rims from an auto shop I know of. It sucks seeing something like this happen so close to home...

I've heard weave stores are getting looted as well. I wish I was joking.

Probably the dumbest reaction they could have had to this.
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Sadly the reactions make sense.... Unarmed kid gets killed.... "What can I get away with right now. Will the law enforcement actually do something when crap hits the fan?" Right now enforcement seems to be at a back stage level watching events unfold... Ugly stuff
no excuse to destroy your own infrastructure. There are better weapons (economic) available against the system and this is something community leaders should educate themselves and their neighbors about.

that MLK quote is on point tho.
Ignore the dan Synders who practice white supremacy in these type of threads. Ignore the safe negros too who think shucking and jiving will grant them immunity.

Peace to Nat Turner and Chris Dorner

I said my piece...don't have time going back and forth cause if I break one rule they'll report me to the mods.

I love making y'all that hurt for being a prideful minority. These cross the street when a black man approaching posters are hilarious.
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It's not their infrastructure :lol:

These businesses are owned by whites, hair store by Koreans, and the gas station (prob by an Arab)

Blacks ain't had control over businesses in their community since segregation ended.

its still their infrastructure regardless of the owner because its in their town and they use it.
Y'all reading comprehension skills are poor.

Not surprised y'all can only focus on the looters :lol:

That's the real problem!! Thank you White people for the solution to a problem you started

Really wish y'all could've enjoyed the super moon. Too bad your pineal gland isn't in tune :frown:
Be peaceful be peaceful...that's the change we need...cause peace has done so much

Country better off being segregated but it won't cause the black dollar is too important as a consumer

Guess I'll go walk around the mall and get followed by a white person ....forgot ima criminal first in your eyes


Restaurants and stores need to throw the no colored signs back up...I'm here for it

Edit: where's the outrage of Europeans looting Africa for centuries? Selective *** dudes...forgot y'all are allowed to be savages since it's lacing your folks
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Of course the looters/rioters aren't the real problem. The fact that an 18 year old kid was killed unlawfully is. But looting and burning down your own city it isn't a solution either.
That's the real problem!! Thank you White people for the solution to a problem you started :frown:
Same dude every damn thread making it a black vs white thread..every damn thread

It wasn't a person who shot the kid
It was a cop that shot the kid
It was a white that shot a black...
dumb *** paranoid senseless logic

See what about the white ppl who employ these ppl to feed there family?? There racist too ryte? They should get there business ruined ryte?

Guy u don't belong in any threads like this all u see is skin color

A cop didn't start the problem.. It was a white person...it's that same dumb mind that refused and still does refuse to this day to see George Zimmerman as a Mexican man..
Of course the looters/rioters aren't the real problem. The fact that an 18 year old kid was killed unlawfully is. But looting and burning down your own city it isn't a solution either.

Like I said...I'm not judging folks that has been oppressed for centuries by white people. Just like I'm not judging Palestinians ...it is what it is ...ain't no rules to this cop killing this kid and his identity being hidden...if he was arrested this probably would've never happened
That's the real problem!! Thank you White people for the solution to a problem you started :frown:
Same dude every damn thread making it a black vs white thread..every damn thread

It wasn't a person who shot the kid
It was a cop that shot the kid
It was a white that shot a black...
dumb *** paranoid senseless logic

See what about the white ppl who employ these ppl to feed there family?? There racist too ryte? They should get there business ruined ryte?

Guy u don't belong in any threads like this all u see is skin color

A cop didn't start the problem.. It was a white person...it's that same dumb mind that refused and still does refuse to this day to see George Zimmerman as a Mexican man..
. Zimmerman identified himself as white so try again buddy...y'all supremacist love deflecting ****

Media didn't even start calling him Hispanic until the outraged peaked. "He's not one of us" *throws hands up*
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Be peaceful be peaceful...that's the change we need...cause peace has done so much

Guess I'll go walk around the mall and get followed by a white person ....forgot ima criminal first in your eyes


Mlk didn't preached violence and look what he achieved ..peace will do more good for African American race than burning down business's and making the race as a whole look violent impulsive and scary..if more cops are scared u think more of this isn't.more likely to happen? If thee peace ppl will think this is reasonable let's think about this and find solutions ..but ppl are overshadowing that by senseless violence

FYI..I'm nor Caucasian skinned nor black..but I'm stopped a few times a week searched...followed around stores walgreens even..you know what I do? I don't cry racism in violence ..I use my mind and call my lawyer and simply profit off this and make them think twice of what there doing...MIND OVER EMOTIONS
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MLK was more radical than your public school books taught (his ideas) you so don't feed me that white curriculum

"A riot is the voice of the unheard"

Really done though :lol:

Peace to my black/Latino brothers...be safe out here
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. Zimmerman identified himself as white so try again buddy...y'all supremacist love deflecting ****

Media didn't even start calling him Hispanic until the outraged peaked. "He's not one of us" *throws hands up*
Any body who looked with not closed eyes can clearly see that he's Hispanic but ppl chose not to
I'm a supremacist now?? Very ignorant to assume but I have to realize what I'm dealing with here..

I will repeat this..I'm not white nor black skinned..my culture stays within its own exclusively so that white supremacist crap is out the window

My ppl were slaves first but we don't speak on it cause we fought our way out..we're not still speaking on it at all ever..country is poor as dirt but we're not crying we come to America and make our own luck and succeed very much and we stay within our own culture without any problems in America once so ever

So there's no "us" as u speak of there is no supremacist here as your imagining with your paranoia..there is just a neutral spectator who calls it how he sees it..

You are a racist and ppl like you do nothing for progress you assume I'm white thru your mind of ignorance and paranoia when in fact you are wrong..
My ppl aren't white were just respected throughout the world for how we conduct ourself..sorry
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MLK was more radical than your public school books taught (his ideas) you so don't feed me that white curriculum

"A riot is the voice of the unheard"

Really done though

Peace to my black/Latino brothers...be safe out here
yea that aspect of his life is rarely if at all talked about. I mean he wasnt on some black panther/x type of vibe... Although in his last days he began to sway more in that direction (which imho lead to his demise as it was cool when he was seen more or less as all talk no action). He wasnt on some ghandi type of mindset either, like schools, movies etc portray him either
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