Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Yea, I saw one too during the game. It's like...the movie looked pretty awesome in the trailer months ago, but then pretty corny just now. Who knows?

It's a Crazy. Stupid. Love reunion, so I know you and Big J are running out to see it. :lol:
I'll be all over Gangster Squad as well.

Django reviews have all been solid. Leo getting high marks as well as Foxx. Can not ******g wait.
For how star-studded a cast Gangster Squad is, I can't believe it's coming out in less than a month and we STILL haven't seen much advertising for it whatsoever. I mean, there are trailers we see here and there, and I think I saw one before The Dark Knight Rises... but still. It's Gosling, Brolin, Penn, Stone, etc. That SHOULD be one of the barren winter's best... but will it be?

I see the hype behind Anthony Mackie for sure Kev, but Michael Pena? :x The dude that played the "gangster" in 30 Minutes or Less? :lol: He was very good in Crash though.

Saw The Hobbit again tonight (for the second time). They already have $20 of my money :smh: Some questions.... [SPOILERS]

1.) Anyone see Samweis Gamgi or whatever in the background working on the garden when Bilbo was running after Theron, Gandalf, and the dwarves after signing the contract? It was definitely him... I don't see how he could have been living if it was 60 years before the period that The Lord of the Rings was in?

2) The Mountain at the end... That was Mordor, no? :lol: Or at least what would be Mordor 60 years later. So that means that Mordor used to be the dwarf homeland that we saw the dragon destroy at the beginning, seeing as how Theron said at the end, "That's home."

Excuse my ignorance, haven't read the books so what I see in the films is my first brush with any of this.
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For how star-studded a cast Gangster Squad is, I can't believe it's coming out in less than a month and we STILL haven't seen much advertising for it whatsoever. I mean, there are trailers we see here and there, and I think I saw one before The Dark Knight Rises... but still. It's Gosling, Brolin, Penn, Stone, etc. That SHOULD be one of the barren winter's best... but will it be?

A lot of it has to do with the reshoots after the theater shooting, I'd say.
Homeland though.
*Nods head slowly*

And it looks like it will be Dexter vs. Deb in the final season.

As messed up as she was this season learning what's the real deal with Dexter she's definitely messed up now after she did what she did.
1.) Anyone see Samweis Gamgi or whatever in the background working on the garden when Bilbo was running after Theron, Gandalf, and the dwarves after signing the contract? It was definitely him... I don't see how he could have been living if it was 60 years before the period that The Lord of the Rings was in?

2) The Mountain at the end... That was Mordor, no? :lol: Or at least what would be Mordor 60 years later. So that means that Mordor used to be the dwarf homeland that we saw the dragon destroy at the beginning, seeing as how Theron said at the end, "That's home."

Excuse my ignorance, haven't read the books so what I see in the films is my first brush with any of this.

I'll try and explain it.

1) I didn't see Sam in the shire, but you're right about it not making sense. He's Frodo's age -- not Bilbo's. I'll look for it when I see the movie again this weekend.

2) That was Erebor (The Lonely Mountain) -- not Mount Doom.. Mordor is actually the entire area of land across from Minas Tirith. Here's a good map:

Mordor is in the bottom right, and Erebor is near the north (between the V in Rohvanion and the Grey Mountains).

Erebor is strictly the dwarf homeland that you see Smaug destroy in the beginning. It doesn't really play a big part in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Okay, gotcha about Erebor. Cleared things up for me. For a split-second I thought I saw Frodo and Sam in that sam exact location at the end of Two Towers I believe, but okay you clarified that nicely.

And yeah when you look for it, it's when Bilbo's running and you hear his neighbor say "Where are you off to Bilbo????" And he says "I'm going on an adventure!", or something to that effect. If you look in the background, you'll see a somewhat out of focus Sam.

And CP you're the one who always puts SPOILERS in big block letters. If anyone should know not to read it it's you :lol:
No dude, the spoiler stuff is fine, I wanna slap him for knowing where the **** a shire is, and where the barefoot people hang out, and how to read a map that isn't real.

That's why I wanna slap ole girl. :lol:

Wait a second.......Tom Hardy is redoin Mad Max? Is that true? :nerd:

And the Star Trek preview looked pretty damn good. Bigger budget it seems as well. And Alice Eve, hello there. :smokin
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I'll keep my eyes open for it, JPZ. Wonder if it's just a cameo that PJ tried to slip in.

And CP... I know just as much about Middle-earth as I do about Star Wars. :nerd: :lol: Don't try and act like you don't know where Korriban is... or who Han and Leia's kids are...
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The hell up. Star Wars is cool, you studyin maps of barefoot midgets on nature walks. We fly and ****, have lasers and everything. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
On deck:
- The Grey
- Horrible Bosses
- Dark Shadows (big Johnny Depp fan)
- The Avengers


Half hour into Horrible Bosses right now, and this joint is hilarious.

No cable. :\
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^ Horrible Bosses had it moments.

Jennifer Aniston was looking right  in that movie.

Really liked Avengers. Haven't watched The Grey or Dark Shadows.
^ Horrible Bosses had it moments.

Jennifer Aniston was looking right  in that movie. :evil:

Really liked Avengers. Haven't watched The Grey or Dark Shadows.

I'd say the same thing about Horrible Bosses. Had a few funny parts, but I'm not sure I'd be in a rush to watch it again.

I know a lot of people loved it, but Avengers was pretty average to me. I enjoyed it and am glad I watched, but I never got that into it.

I haven't seen the other two movies you mentioned either, but want to see the Grey.
My hopes were SKY HIGH for Horrible Bosses, and when it was over I felt let down. |I I think it was my fault for expecting so much from it. At some point I will sit down, re-watch it, and probably like it just fine.

I would skip Grey and Shadows and get right into Avengers. Those to me are both wait til they appear back to back to back to back on TNT. Avengers is more important.
On deck:
- The Grey
- Horrible Bosses
- Dark Shadows (big Johnny Depp fan)
- The Avengers


Half hour into Horrible Bosses right now, and this joint is hilarious.

No cable. :\

CP's right, The Grey is gonna be a TV classic, you're better off letting it creep up on you one day.

Horrible Bosses :lol: It's a DVD bin movie. If it's on in the background, you can ignore all the parts that make you feel or think nothing.

Dark Shadows ...the first 20-30 minutes are really, really good. Any doubts you had about this being another phone it in, 'hey aren't we quirky and gothic' Tim Burton movie get put to rest. The weird jokes and tone of it all hit, Depp's great, the characters and perspective work.

Then everything you were worried about happens for the rest of the movie.
...And the movie never ends.

The Avengers is everything you wanted out of it and more. This is a Transformers 3 type of movie, though, so that's not actually all that much.

But it's very very good, well casted/acted, funny, memorable and well done 'not all the much.' So streets ahead of any of the Transformer movies.
If yall post spoilers about Homeland.... I will find you, and I will kill you.
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