Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

[quote name="rck2sactown"]If yall post spoilers about Homeland.... I will find you, and I will kill you.[/quote]Good luck.
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On deck:
- The Grey
- Horrible Bosses
- Dark Shadows (big Johnny Depp fan)
- The Avengers


Half hour into Horrible Bosses right now, and this joint is hilarious.

No cable.
Horrible Bosses is solid.

The Grey was surprisingly good to great.

Dark Shadows is fine if you're a big Depp fan or like the original series.

The Avengers was amazing.
If you guys haven't watched Lawless, check it out, great film. Definitely added it to the blu-ray collection.
Yo CP, I recall you leading the main direction for Dexter next season as Dex vs. Deb and I agreed that'd make the most sense and be a great way to end the show but how do you see that as still possible given the finale? Writers did manage to come full circle with last seasons' finale and this one premiere from Deb finding out Dex is a serial killer to her becoming a serial killer murderer herself. I just don't see how Deb will be actively going after Dex. To me that'd take some building up to. It can't be done in one or two eps. Plus how can she go after him and not go down herself?

Do you mean straight she's trying to kill him to make him stop? Cuz a simple arrest won't be enough to make me invested in to the story line again not after how this season went.
If yall post spoilers about Homeland.... I will find you, and I will kill you.
Saul kills himself and Brodie ***** Mike.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'ma be pissed if this is true :frown:
Also, Abu Nazir is alive and it was a look alike that died.
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I see the hype behind Anthony Mackie for sure Kev, but Michael Pena? sick.gif The dude that played the "gangster" in 30 Minutes or Less? laugh.gif He was very good in Crash though.
And End of Watch, and on a lesser scale, Everything Must Go.

I liked him a lot in a couple of bad movies, too. Hilarious in Observe and Report, convincingly clueless and convincingly developed into not-so-clueless in Shooter.

He's kind of all over the place.
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Loved The Avengers... absolutely loved it.

Horrible Bosses was awful to me. Too much over the top humor. They just tried way too hard.

Thought The Grey was VERY, very good.
Horrible Bosses was awful to me. Too much over the top humor. They just tried way too hard.

While I didn't hate Horrible Bosses, I agree with the rest of what you said. And I've thought the same thing about pretty much every movie I've seen Jason Sudeikis in where he had a big role. Like Hall Pass. Should have been better than it was, but I thought Sudeikis brought it down with the same trying-to-hard approach. Not a really a fan of his at this point.
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Horrible Bosses was a lot better than I personally expected, but The Avengers is the best of the bunch. Dark Shadows sucks.
Yeah Pena is good money. Every role I think of him, he's done solid work.

Dexter Spoilers, don't read if you don't want to know.

Zik, :lol: Deb is not a serial killer, I hope you was just foolin there. :lol: But in terms of the build up of what has to happen, I think we all agree, Dex has to die. That has to be it, doesn't it? He can't ride off into no sunset. He can't stop the passenger. He can't get arrested and go to jail, he has to die. Has to. So my thinking is, with all the turnover we're seein, the main cast whittled down to only a few full 8 season members, it falls on Deb.

To THIS point, she's backed him. That don't mean she gon back him forever. At some point, she's gonna have to draw a line to stop him. She's going to see, in fact, she's probably already seen, he's not the killer he told her he was, bad folk only, she's seeing it where he'll do whatever it takes. She HAS to draw a line at some point, in 12 episodes, and that is where we will see our final battle.

In theory. I could be way off. Maybe he feels the same for her, maybe he realizes at some point that he can talk to her about what he does, like he does with Hannah, and then from there, realize he loves Deb the same way she loves him. That would be a very tricky way to go however, but maybe that's the case, and they ride off into Argentina together. Longshot, but it's in play.

My guess is she has to take him down. All the way down. And when she does, she walks away. Resigns from the force, and off into the sunset she goes. I don't really see another way. Anything else would feel hollow.

One thing that bothered me in last night's finale, Dex comes walkin in under arrest, Angel is furious, Mazuka got that WTF look on his face, they all do........including Quinn. The **** is that? He, of all people, was most suspicious of Dex after Doakes. He absolutely shoulda been jumpin up and down like I KNEW IT!!!! And instead he looked as confused as anybody. I didn't like that one bit. He absolutely shoulda traded notes with LaGuerta and told her anything he knew, even if Dex saved his *** in season 5.

Also, Hannah is back in play for the final season, and maybe she becomes the tipping point for Deb? I suppose they could just eliminate her quick ep 1 or 2 next year, but I;m guessing they have some sort of triangle plan in mind and somehow, it tips the scales toward Deb realizing she has to end Dex, even if she doesn't want to. Last night has gotta wear on her hard next season. You could see it in the final scene, she was in a coma walking. She's not like Dex. And therein lies the ultimate choice for the show.
Damn, that's a typo. I meant to say murderer not serial killer. The show would be too ridiculous if she became that.
That's the thing, how can she draw any line at this point? She been crossed it. She crossed it before Dex could. As it still stands from the viewer perspective Dex technically hasn't killed an innocent and Deb has. Dex hasn't broken that part of the code while willing to do it and Deb is just all out there murdering and being a dirty cop.

I can't see her riding off in to the sunset. I mean her and Harrison with Jaime in the back seat? or are the grandparents gonna raise him too? :lol:

As for Quinn I think he was more confused about the situation than the main part he's been suspicious of. It's LaGuerta escorting him and about to question him.

The way I'm feeling though, it's I kinda know Dex is gonna die but I want him to ride off in to the sunset. I figure Hannah dies next season. Maybe Dex starts banging Jaime or something but as far as wants go I want him to win and live in the end.
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Damn, that's a typo. I meant to say murderer not serial killer. The show would be too ridiculous if she became that.
That's the thing, how can she draw any line at this point? She been crossed it. She crossed it before Dex could. As it still stands from the viewer perspective Dex technically hasn't killed an innocent and Deb has. Dex hasn't broken that part of the code while willing to do it and Deb is just all out there murdering and being a dirty cop.
I can't see her riding off in to the sunset. I mean her and Harrison with Jaime in the back seat? or are the grandparents gonna raise him too? :lol:
As for Quinn I think he was more confused about the situation than the main part he's been suspicious of. It's LaGuerta escorting him and about to question him.
The way I'm feeling though, it's I kinda know Dex is gonna die but I want him to ride off in to the sunset. I figure Hannah dies next season. Maybe Dex starts banging Jaime or something but as far as wants go I want him to win and live in the end.

I don't know, if Thomas Harris could end the Hannibal novel with Starling running off with Lecter, anything seems possible where serial killer stories are concerned.
CP's quote.

One thing that bothered me in last night's finale, Dex comes walkin in under arrest, Angel is furious, Mazuka got that WTF look on his face, they all do........including Quinn. The **** is that? He, of all people, was most suspicious of Dex after Doakes. He absolutely shoulda been jumpin up and down like I KNEW IT!!!! And instead he looked as confused as anybody. I didn't like that one bit. He absolutely shoulda traded notes with LaGuerta and told her anything he knew, even if Dex saved his *** in season 5.

Also, Hannah is back in play for the final season, and maybe she becomes the tipping point for Deb? I suppose they could just eliminate her quick ep 1 or 2 next year, but I;m guessing they have some sort of triangle plan in mind and somehow, it tips the scales toward Deb realizing she has to end Dex, even if she doesn't want to. Last night has gotta wear on her hard next season. You could see it in the final scene, she was in a coma walking. She's not like Dex. And therein lies the ultimate choice for the show.

I don't know about that though..

I think with Hannah that could've just been her send-off, and that's HER way of going off into the sunset. The man she loved was trying to get her arrested and off Deb's case for good, and knows that Deb will stop at nothing to get her arrested. As for Quinn, that always mingled in my mind, but I just feel like he's been through so much that it doesn't really matter anymore. :lol: .

I personally think it'd be interesting if they explored the Deb/Dex love storyline more, especially with what happened in the finale, but we'll see.
21 Jump Street, and it's not even close. Pending the release of This is 40.
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I haven't seen Ted but I'm guessing it is. 21 JumpStreett was a great movie overall. Well paced, two good leads, blended two genres with buddy cop action and high school comedy while doing some parody with both.
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