Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Then again, I think Blake Lively is an average blonde chick. So who am I to talk?

I'm with you. Maybe its because she resembles half the girls I went to college with. And I've just never been that into blondes. But some dudes think tall blondes are the end all be all, so I get the Blake Lively hype, although I don't buy into it.
Blake Lively is all types of AWG, extra average. Majority of the females they brought to her show are better than her in every category.

I was just bringing up Amber from the standpoint that she's hot and she too seems like she has a really cool personality. I'm aware she isn't in many notable roles.
Yea, that Hollywood secrets thread basically said, Blake lets Harvey Weinstein smash, and that's how she jumped from The CW to movies.

*shrug* wasn't gonna happen any other way. :nerd:
Tom Hardy and James McAvoy were both in Band of Brothers. Mind blown.
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Damn b, I thought the mall was bad enough, but an Elementary school? Kindergarten kids?

My wife and I have been stunned all day. We 3,000 miles away, and it just breaks our heart. My little girl is in a school just like that, nice, quiet, runnin around playin tag and drinkin chocolate milk, not a care in the world.

That piece of **** coward can rot in hell now. :smh:
^^^ Michael Moore tweeted that today was the 31st school shooting [Usince[/U] Columbine. Tripped me out. Really makes you wonder what the world is coming to.
Watched The Company Men a couple days ago...

What a depressing movie man. :lol: There was a lot of intermixed positivity though, as well as a pretty solid ending. I enjoyed it, but I'll probably never watch it again. Hell, almost every main character lost his job. :lol: In the end, the only one that had retained job from start to finish was the blue collar guy, Kevin Costner. I'll probably never watch it again just because there were so many REAL moments, and I try to watch movies to escape, not to deal with what has been going on currently or in recent history. Nevertheless, it's good to watch that stuff every now and again.

I really enjoyed Ben Affleck's performance.

FYI... they never really explained Tommy Lee Jones and Maria Bello's affair. Like, they showed Jones' wife, then showed Bello hopping on Jones, and then they never delved into why he was unhappy with his wife. Yeah, she was probably a stuck-up *****, but they never really expanded on that aspect.

And Affleck's wife... :evil: never had seen her in anything but she was looking right. And of course Bello got naked. :lol: :pimp:
In less tragic and awful news... and on the subject of Anna Kendrick, you guys should watch Pitch Perfect. Ignore the trailer and premise because it's far better than it looks.

It's written by Kay Cannon, who wrote for 30 Rock and it's really quite funny.

It's got Adam from Workaholics

It's got Rebel Wilson and I'd guess 90% of her lines are hilarious


It's got Anna Kendrick in all her awesomeness 


It's got Alexis Knapp and her crazy great rack


It's got Christpher Guest esque commentary during the performances which is hilarious

And even if you hate acapella and all that, it pokes fun at how lame and silly it can be and doesn't take itself too seriously.

So in summation, it should win an Oscar.
I can't believe Pitch Perfect is getting all of this hype. :lol:

I'm not saying that because it's a bad movie, I haven't seen it and I wouldn't know, but just because I thought it was unfathomable that it would have been a good movie after I saw the trailer a few different places. I just thought, "Oh, typical Glee-trash."

I'll catch it on cable.
Pretty sure it's just me hyping it.

But it's got a good writer, funny and likable cast, and solid musical performances. Ingredients for an entertaining movie
Caught some random episodes of The League yesterday.

Straight comedy.

Ordered the first 3 seasons on DVD from Amazon shortly after. Also picked up season 1 & 2 of Archer.
I like Friends With Benefits way too much.

I actually think the 1st 2/3 are pretty good. It kind of derails at the end when it gets too sentimental and typical rom-com-ish

Friends with Kids....If this had come out 2 years ago, had the same plot, most of the same dialogue, but was directed by Apatow and had some of his people as the leads, with some funnier, raunchier jokes thrown in, this would've been the natural middle step between Knocked Up and This Is 40.

It's about 3 couples, 2 with kids and one failed one without.
One is a mainstream movie lead couple, Jon Hamm and Kristen Wiig.
One is an indie lead couple, Maya Rudolph and Chris O'Dowd.
And one is our lead couple Adam Scott and whoever the **** thinks she's funny.

Adam Scott and that lady could pull off playing the leads on a failed NBC sitcom, but that's about it and that's a problem. The problem. My problem with the movie. It's basically a 'destined to be cancelled in 6 episodes' NBC show squeezed into 90 minutes with nicer cameras and sets.

And like any cancelled in 6 episodes NBC sitcom, the first 2 episodes don't really know what they wanna be. It's in the...we have this stuff we wrote...then the people we could find, but aren't sure how to marry them in way people would want to watch. They awkwardly force the premise out there, rush through introducing people, and show some promise, but in a too quirky and insider to succeed way. Some of the jokes work, but you can feel it that they ain't got it, yet.

The middle two episodes, they sorta throw the premise away, let the side/best characters take over and they kinda get in a groove. You can see how this show deserves a shot. You're right before the point where you might put your friends onto it, because it's so particular that you know someone must absolutely love it. You're rooting for this cast and this little 'only 20 people are ever really gonna get this' show that could.

Then the last two episodes, you just think yup...that was fine for what it was, but just not good enough. It was too inside jokey and had no real stars in it. It's a good, sweet movie, that's a lot more emotionally thoughtful than it is funny. But it's not something I think I could recommend to almost anyone and I forgot I even saw it til right now, but it happened. It did happen. I wrote this as proof? I think? I don't even know. 3/4

At least Happy Endings got more than one season. :lol:
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Saw a Gangster Squad spot for the first time earlier.

There is really no reason to believe that Ruben Fleischer can handle a movie like this, and I don't even do period pieces much, but that cast... Besides the three or four biggest names, we have Walter White himself, and two underrated dudes in Anthony Mackie and Michael Pena.

The IMDb cast page feels like the longest I've ever seen. :lol:

Emma and Gosling and Emma and Fleischer reunited.

No reviews or anything yet. We'll see.

Edit: There is a screenplay review, but I'm not looking at it. There might have even been major changes since it got pushed back. http://scriptshadow.blogspot.com/2012/07/screenplay-review-gangster-squad.html
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