Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Supes trailer is cool. 1st minute reminded me of early seasons of Smallville. I still aint getting hyped though. Probably gonna wait a full week after it releases before I see it like I did with Avengers.
I want him to do a film with Steve Buscemi (again) and Christopher Walken. Of course Harvey Keitel and Samuel L. will be in it as well. Have a new female lead instead of Uma. Work some magic with Olivia Wilde or Natalie Portman/Keira Knightley/

Real talk if I met him, I'd tell him he only had 3 good movies so he had to make more :lol: Tell him Grindhouse, Four Rooms, My Best Friend's Birthday, etc. sucked balls.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill 2
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious Basterds
Reservoir Dogs

That'd be six... But I don't love Jackie Brown like a lot of people did.
I know, before I made that post I was looking at the joints he directed and I was like damn :smh: I can't front on those first 5. At best I can say the Kill Bill volumes count as one movie.

:lol: @ loving/liking Death Proof of all things directed by/ related to QT. I'd much rather his role in From Dusk Till Dawn.
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Mr. O....was it you telling me to check out directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven? It just came in today (8 bucks from Amazon). Bout to watch it tonight
Mr. O....was it you telling me to check out directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven? It just came in today (8 bucks from Amazon). Bout to watch it tonight
Eh, don't really care for it. Knew I probably wouldn't when I heard the plot. Let me know when they start making Gundam movies or at least Neon Genesis Evangelion
CP, Beginners is the movie where Ewan McGregor finds out that his 75-year-old dad is gay soon before he dies. You've probably came across something about it.

The quirks of the storytelling, were so strong.
Yeah, man. Even if the contents of it weren't enough to keep someone interested, I feel like the way it unfolded might be.

So many random creative quirks. His art, the graffiti, the dog relationship...

Between this and Inglorious, I feel like I want to see homegirl in anything from now on, hopefully free of subtitles (which a lot of her stuff isn't).

McGregor is kind of underrated, too, right? The Ghost Writer is one of my favorite "Where the !+%* did this come from and why do I like it?" kind of movies in recent years. And then there's Trainspotting.
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I liked Ewan in that movie he did with Jackman where they try to steal his identiy or whatever thru some sex club thing. Name escapes me, but Ewan is pretty good.

I'll check for it, when you mention Inglorious, I assume we speak of Shoshanna? (sp)
came out of nowhere because Polanski is super underrated because of his pedo controversy years back

The tenant is super underrated
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Ewan is the ultimate blank slate actor. He stays out of the tabloids and basically off of everyone's radar and does what he wants to. He's like Ethan Hawke with less baggage. You wouldn't be surprised if he he had an amazing indie movie that 7 people watched or got casted in Robocalypse or whatever, but regardless he's the good soldier. You never hold any bad movie against him, because there's no pretension to his performance. He commits, never acts like he's above the film and isn't ever the reason it might be bad. And he never brings any baggage of his old work or personal life to his new work. And he's been in some really interesting movies like Big Fish and Young Adam and being the only good thing in the Star Wars movies.

And he doesn't age.
Trainspotting looks like 10 months and a haircut ago.

Listened to Tarantino on Howard.. want to see Django!

Just listened to it. That was awesome. :lol: Good look.

Mr. O....was it you telling me to check out directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven? It just came in today (8 bucks from Amazon). Bout to watch it tonight

Yup. How'd you like it?
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Yeah, Ewan was BURIED in the first 2 Star Wars. He came out strong in the third, but they all did. First two tho, he wasn't anything of vaule at all.

Is it me, or is there a stream of big time trailers comin out lately? Oblivion, Pac Rim, Supes, Lone Ranger, After Earth all in the last 2 days. **** is goin on? :lol: :smokin
Found this from Big J when we were trying to put together noms:
Why Beginners should be on the final list of nominations. I'll be succinct.

Beginners greatest strength, to me, is its ability to tell three stories that build on each other and influence the overall narrative of the movie. Ewan McGregor in present time, McGregor and his father (played brilliantly by Christopher Plummer) at the time of his father's coming out and subsequent battle with cancer, and then flashbacks to McGregor as a child and his relationship with his mother. Beginners addresses the impact of a father's decision to reveal his homosexuality and his incredible embrace of his new life. The impact of this on his son, who had struggled to find happiness and love, affects McGregor and establishes one of my favorite on-screen pairings in recent memory. Melanie Laurent's performance was perfect. Vulnerable, understated, charming, and fit perfectly within the flow of the movie. McGregor, Laurent, and importantly the dog Arthur were incredibly entertaining and it was emotionally satisfying to watch their relationship develop and grow. The biggest flaw of Beginners is it all can seem a little too neat and tidy. The romance between McGregor and Laurent isn't without its problems, but largely it seemed a bit easy. With that in mind, it doesn't distract from the charm and celebration of life and love that Beginners achieves by film's end. Technically, it's quite satisfying as well. Time-shifts, editing of reoccurring events, and other elements of clever storytelling make it worth a watch in addition to the story and performances by its three stars. One extra note that I very much appreciated... it didn't present McGregor in a "poor thirty-something white guy who can't find love and has family issues" for the entire movie. It told the story without a lot of the pretentious elements that this movie could have been filled with.
Nailed it.
My boy Ewan McGregor getting some love :pimp:

Loved him in just about everything. Going off the past few years what's really standing out for me is him in The Ghost Writer. Really liked that film. He's great the way he can take lead or be a strong supporting actor.
It isn't like he was given amazing dialogue in the first two movies so I wouldn't put much blame on him

He kind of reminds me of Jude law
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that Superman trailer looked alright.

and Death Proof was dope.

"The woods are lovely
Dark and deep
And I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
Did u hear me butterfly
Miles to go before you sleep

....There are a few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel"

love those lines
I got Begginers on the DRV schedule for tonight. Will chime in when I get to it.

In the next week or two after Hobbit and Django and Gatsby come out, we need to do year end work in here as well.
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