Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


To this day, I still feel Hayden Christensen’s portrayal of Ani was absolutely brilliant. And if you don’t like it, you were probably never a true Star Wars fan to begin with. One of those “May the force be with you” cats who couldn’t recite an original line if you were paid to do so

Wedding Singer
Big Daddy
Mr. Deeds
Anger Management
Waterboy (last night)

I've seen all these with the kid in the last few months. Still gotta show him Happy Gilmore & Billy Madison.
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We have these folks that have this broad range throughout a very impressive catalog of work. DiCaprio, Denzel, Hanks, Streep, Viola, Bassett.

And then we have "Do one thing and do it well," which Sandler and Carrey certainly have done. 🤣

Whose lineup is better? Sandler in his prime was always a good watch, but man, these are fierce. 😂🤣🔥

Liar, Liar
Ace Ventura
The Mask
Truman Show
Dumb & Dumber
Yes, Man

Still gotta show him Bruce Almighty and Me, Myself & Irene.
To this day, I still feel Hayden Christensen’s portrayal of Ani was absolutely brilliant. And if you don’t like it, you were probably never a true Star Wars fan to begin with. One of those “May the force be with you” cats who couldn’t recite an original line if you were paid to do so

Do you feel Across the Stars is best love theme in movie history?

We have these folks that have this broad range throughout a very impressive catalog of work. DiCaprio, Denzel, Hanks, Streep, Viola, Bassett.

And then we have "Do one thing and do it well," which Sandler and Carrey certainly have done. 🤣

Whose lineup is better? Sandler in his prime was always a good watch, but man, these are fierce. 😂🤣🔥

Liar, Liar
Ace Ventura
The Mask
Truman Show
Dumb & Dumber
Yes, Man

Still gotta show him Bruce Almighty and Me, Myself & Irene.
Actually, I think Denzel could be placed under "Do one thing and do it well," category. I know thats highly controversial.
What did you mean by this? What were you referring to? Who were you addressing?
He was making fun of me when I said “So long as you’re a nice person, I’ll chop it up with just about anyone.”

Chop it up meaning: Have a conversation with

Dude is a major Jerkoff :lol:
-"Don't chop up your online friends."
-"Ok, jerk off."
-"I was talking about you."

From the outside looking in, only one person is being insulting, and it's not the one being called a jerkoff psychopath.
-"Don't chop up your online friends."
-"Ok, jerk off."
-"I was talking about you."

From the outside looking in, only one person is being insulting, and it's not the one being called a jerkoff psychopath.
You’ve got to remain calm with those types of people. They feed off of seeing you upset. I wasn’t going to address him. His cowardice in refusing to answer your question compelled me to provide you with the facts. Continuing to discuss this topic further is only going to give him more power.

He doesn’t like being called a Jerkoff? Then perhaps he should stop trying make fun of me for no reason. HE started it. Get your facts straight.

I don’t even know how you EVER managed to become a staff member. Whatever the reason was, it wasn’t because of your credibility.

Now I no longer have any desire to talk to YOU OR HIM. Now BOTH of you leave me alone. Don’t talk to me, don’t quote any of my posts EVER again
Still can't find INSIDIOUS REDDOOR for FREE.
Still can't find SHADE for FREE.
Going to watch that film jpzx jpzx was watching last week called MEN.
See if MajinZuub MajinZuub was right about it being "his worst film"
I like the main character dude that is in it, his role in PENNY DREADFUL got me on his team.
It all happens tonight.
It has always been fascinating to me how emotional immaturity reveals itself in the phenomenon that someone can speak highly of someone who is in agreeing with them, and then someone who disagrees with them puts them among the worst people on the face of the Earth.
You’re a superhero, Ska! 🔥
I'll it takes is someone disagreeing with them and they go into full on attack mode, which is why it's important not to take the internet seriously at all. People hate being disagreed with in real life, but behind a computer monitor, disagreement with them is all it takes for them to be completely insulting, disrespectful , and hurtful. For them, disagreeing IS hurtful, so every insult is fair game in their mind.
It has always been fascinating to me how emotional immaturity reveals itself in the phenomenon that someone agreeing with you consequently makes them a good person, and someone disagree with you puts them among the worst people on the face of the Earth.

I'll it takes is someone disagreeing with them and they go into full on attack mode, which is why it's important not to take the internet seriously at all. People hate being disagreed with in real life, but behind a computer monitor, disagreement with them is all it takes for them to be completely insulting, disrespectful , and hurtful. For them, disagreeing IS hurtful, so every insult is fair game in their mind.
My feelings towards you and that other guy who’s name I refuse to mention are not merely the result of “a disagreement.” It’s the sum of observing human behavior over a long period of time. You wouldn’t diagnose someone with a psychiatric disorder over the course of one short evaluation, would you? Of course not. You would conduct various interviews, learn as much as you can etc.

I’m going to be straight with you. You and I don’t seem to have much chemistry. Going forward, I feel it’s best if you and I no longer continue to speak to each other

Just to clarify, “the other guy” is “jpzx.” I hate to say his name and feed him the attention he seeks, but at the same time I feel it’s important to avoid misundersrandings
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It’s the sum of observing human behavior over a long period of time.
You have never observed the human behavior of anyone online. Ever. No one has. So long as you know a person by online personality only, you don't get to credit yourself with having observed their human behavior, at least not in good conscience.
I’m going to be straight with you. You and I don’t seem to have much chemistry. Going forward, I feel it’s best if you and I no longer continue to speak to each other
All good. Noted. I won't acknowledge you unless you initiate or unless I have to.

Talk soon.
Talk soon.
No we won’t.
You don't know me.

Thick irony is thick.

I thought it would be at least an hour.

Personalities like yours rarely walk away on their own; they typically demand that the other person stop talking to them and then throw a fit when the other person doesn't heed their demand. Taking control of their own situation and simply not responding is too difficult, and requiring someone else do the 'planned ignoring' is a lot easier for this personality type. That's why I said 'Talk soon', and here we are.
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