Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

 I looked at it as ball busting like friends do. You could tell they liked each other. 

Chalk it up to Texan humor.

see i see it like it was jeff daniels character being that old school racist thats on his way out and the partner representing more diversity/progress
I didn't see this at all.

I don't see how the native American partner represented diversity/progress. Dude was almost as old as his white partner. Feels like that's being said just cuz he's native American/Mexican. Their dynamic didn't seem to have anything to do with that. And again they seemed to clearly like each other and had been partners for years of not more than a decade.

One guy told jokes and the other guy mainly stayed quiet and tried not to reach to it. It is an age old comedic duo act.

Its Jeff Bridges btw.
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i look at it like progress as in their approaches to catching to the thieves

jeff bridges just wanted to sit at wait at that one spot, the other guy wanted to be more proactive

the fact that they were partners for years imo is all the more reason he should have had more respect for him

im assuming theyve had dinner at each other houses, met each others wives and children, and you gonna talk about how "his people like the bottle" amongst other slights?

nah i dont see that as friendship as much as brownnosing and subservience and prostration

i basically put it down to a white jeff bridges "good old texas boy" thinkin he knew it all and got his partner killed
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Eh, they both ended up being wrong though as far as what bank they wanted to go to.

I wouldn't call his approach progress. Either approach could've worked. Still not seeing how dude represented progress/diversity.

You're assuming because he roasted him that he didn't respect him. You seem to not grasp the dynamic and relationship. Variations of it exist in all of fiction. Its not really new but I guess in every case you'd just assume one person didn't respect their partner. Also don't know where you got brownnosing and subservience from but again perhaps that's more to do with you than what was depicted in the story.

Not everybody is gonna get it if they're not familiar and can recognize certain tropes.

:lol: @ he got his partner killed. Your claims get more ridiculous the more you say.
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its true he led the guy the that spot at that moment with a dangerous guy that he continuously underestimated

unfortunately it cost the partner his life

perhaps if he wasnt grooming him to be step-n-fetch-it his whole life he mighta stayed behind cover for his own sake instead sniffing up jeff bridges *******

theres a thing in abusive relationships where the abuser tries to make their "victim" dependant on them, and always seeking to please them and therefore validate their abuse as "service" or "hard work"

i already said i recognize the "trope", that doesn't mean its not still depicting a racist, abusive dynamic

as far as my opinions of the movie and analysis being "more to do with you", well ill just note how being so quick to ad hominem 

like what would make you even draw such a conclusion unless you just wanted to

i could say well since you just see it as a trope and harmless banter then its says a lot about your own ability to cowtow to others

see how that works?
its true he led the guy the that spot at that moment with a dangerous guy that he continuously underestimated
His partner didn't lead him to any spot.

They're law enforcement. It was their case to arrest the bank robbers. The brother went off road, walked/climbed up a ridge and started shooting at his pursuers. The cops show up, told them to leave, back up shows up. Native/Mexican cop sets up to shoot back behind a car, a few shots pin the guy and forces him to move, and then the bank robbing brother kills the native/Mexican cop with a shot to the head.

Bridges' character didn't lead his partner anywhere where he unexpectedly got shot. Dude was shooting at everybody. It was a shootout.

Re-watch the movie and that scene.
perhaps if he wasnt grooming him to be step-n-fetch-it his whole life he mighta stayed behind cover for his own sake instead sniffing up jeff bridges *******

theres a thing in abusive relationships where the abuser tries to make their "victim" dependant on them, and always seeking to please them and therefore validate their abuse as "service" or "hard work"
:rofl: :rofl: Like I said ridiculous.

An interpretation from things that don't really exist in the movie and weren't depicted.
i already said i recognize the "trope", that doesn't mean its not still depicting a racist, abusive dynamic
I don't really think you do :lol:

Just cuz you say you recognize something doesn't mean you know what it is or understand it.

Went from he's racist and you don't get the point of him being racist to his partner, to his partner was also being abused and was a brownnoser and subservient to dude represented diversity and progress. You made up an entire relationships that wasn't on screen.
as far as my opinions of the movie and analysis being "more to do with you", well ill just note how being so quick to ad hominem
Now I don't think you know what an ad hominem is :lol:

Not farfetched to think your personal experiences and views are informing your opinions and outlooks when you watch a movie. You look for things that are not there or make things up or read in to things. Severely lacking objectivity or also perhaps too sensitive for such a dynamic and subject matter.

like what would make you even draw such a conclusion unless you just wanted to
Your posts. I read it. I mean if making this up isn't based on something that has to do with you then are you trolling? I've seen you do this in other show threads and you have repeatedly said you're not a troll.
i could say well since you just see it as a trope and harmless banter then its says a lot about your own ability to cowtow to others

see how that works?
You could say that but it wouldn't matter. You gave your take on this. I just replied to it and explained the dynamic of the relationship.

This is a work of fiction so me recognizing a relationship trope of a duo that happen to be cops that has been used constantly in all works of fiction is just a fact. Has nothing to do with me personally other than my ability to identify it.

You started off asking what was the point of one character being racist to his partner. Seems you completely missed the dynamic and ran with a faulty premise. You went on to say the Mexican/native was representing progress/diversity somehow. 2 posts later and the relationship was racist and abusive, the character the jokes were directed at is subservient and a brownoser among other things. You either are reading too much in to it cuz you're drawing on something personal or you just trolling by making **** up.

Going back to your original question that started this seems you just don't want to accept any other answer that doesn't fall in line with the interpretation you decided on. So I guess you'll never get the point.
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Need a good suspense, mystery, thriller, spy or  horror movie recommendation 

Feel like I've ran out of good movies
Have you seen Frailty?

Fracture, The Ghost Writer, Manchurian Candidate, Primal Fear, Cape Fear, Mr. Brooks, Shutter Island, Unthinkable.
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Have y'all seen this Casey Affleck movie called The Killer Inside Me?  Probably the most unsettling movie i've ever tried to watch, couldn't finish it
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The killer inside Me left me a very very very bad feeling deep in the pit of my stomache. Probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. The movie was good, but it had a realism to it that had me SHOOK. Would recommend
The killer inside Me left me a very very very bad feeling deep in the pit of my stomache. Probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. The movie was good, but it had a realism to it that had me SHOOK. Would recommend
Light weight shook now 
The killer inside Me left me a very very very bad feeling deep in the pit of my stomache. Probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. The movie was good, but it had a realism to it that had me SHOOK. Would recommend
You seen Salo tho?
The killer inside Me left me a very very very bad feeling deep in the pit of my stomache. Probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. The movie was good, but it had a realism to it that had me SHOOK. Would recommend

Light weight shook now :lol:
I had to check to be sure it was the same movie.

The Killer Inside Me was a cakewalk for me but I thoroughly enjoy stories about competent sociopaths and psychopaths.

I'm pretty sure I reviewed it a year or two ago. It was fun the way it had such a somber and serious tone. The relationship with his woman, the way he killed ol girl. It came off pretty realistic how he tried to cover it all up.

The Killer Inside Me would've been such a better movie if Casey Affleck wasn't doing that annoying *** southern accent that still kinda sounds like his regular voice.


This sort of sociopath that's got his little obsessions and fixations/tendencies to the point he's clearly crazy and unhinged but straight up psychopathic was really interesting. The whole gentleman cowboy attitude most had was a nice take on things and I assume realistic.

I'm still trying to decide what really kicked the series of events off for him to rack up all those kills; falling in love with the prostitute or w/e scheme he was planning from the jump to leave town.

Hudson and Alba were both sexy in this and real good given their roles. Wish the Mentalist had a bigger role in it.

Unthinkable is the movie you gonna have to wear a diaper when you watch.
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suffice to say im not just "making it up" 



writing it off as just "good old texas" is why trump is office now

unless you wanna make personal inferences into that too 

its funny how you magically "objectively" see this movie but im so "fixated"

whatever it is what it is

i didnt understand the point of it in the movie

and nothing youve said has made it any more excusable
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Unthinkable was so f'ing flames

That movie will put some things into perspective for you.

My girl never did finish it and then she woke up crying some nights for weeks after.

It was something.
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The killer inside Me left me a very very very bad feeling deep in the pit of my stomache. Probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. The movie was good, but it had a realism to it that had me SHOOK. Would recommend
You seen Salo tho?

Salo is not even that bad.

Some folks told me they couldn't finish Serbian Film. I was like really??
Serbian Film was wack. Salo had that rough, depraved, realistic feel. Not outlandish, overproduced ridiculous "shock value" a la Human Centipede and the ilk. Salo also started with a depressing note and just kept getting worse. I admire it, in a way, for the ability it had to leave me feeling hollow and purely nihilistic for a few days after watching.
Came back from Get Out and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Thought it was well-paced and the TSA dude was good for some comic relief. 7.1/8
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