* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

I hope Memphis doesn't trade Mayo to the Lakers.


Everything is going according to plan. 
I agree with the article to a certain extent.

If Conley comes out on fire this season and plays well, it will only make us want to deal OJ to get some good value for him. We can't get good value out of Conley, so I can actually see it happening after this season.
stan van gundy

"If I look at what the Bulls did winning 72 games and I look at the Heat roster, I am going to tell you that the Heat roster is better than any roster that Michael Jordan played with with the Bulls. I don't think that people predicting them breaking the win total and being in the 70s and the whole thing, I don't think those are expectations that are out of line based on their roster ... Dwyane Wade(notes) is certainly, in my opinion anyway, as good as he was, is better than Scottie Pippen. Chris Bosh(notes) is better than Toni Kukoc. Mike Miller(notes) is every bit as good a shooter as (John) Paxson or (Steve) Kerr or anybody they put there. Plus, he's 6′8″. If you start going down the list, I don't think there is any question that the roster the Heat have is as talented a roster if not more so as any roster there has ever been in the NBA."

trying to get his phil jackson on? seems like a mind $*%% to me. lol at comparing wade to pippen and not MJ, implying lebron is the leader of the team.
This is what Method Man wrote about insider requests & posting insider on NT:

[edit:  Guys, requesting ESPN Insider is no different than asking for someone to send you a movie, video game, or CD.  It's copyrighted content and republishing it here without permission is ILLEGAL.  DO NOT request OR reproduce it or you'll be suspended/banned.  
Don't get NikeTalk in trouble because you're too cheap to spare a couple of bucks for the content.  It's either worth it or it isn't.  You can't have it both ways.]
Note taken. Damn, I should have jumped on that ESPN mag deal a while back. You get a free account with a mag subscription. The rest of the website is terrible, except for Simmons (waits for Lakers fans to cross the last part out)
Van Gundy's are upping the ante on the Heat.  Doing it on purpose. 

They want all the pressure, all the attention on the Heat ALL year. 

If they just say, "hey, they're loaded, they are going to be a real threat in the postseason" then that's it, it's done, end of story.  No pressure gets added, no one on record stating what the Heat could do, just that they are solid and a threat to win it all. 

By adding all this legacy, MJ led, 73 wins record, they are making each and every single game in a sense, a must win (they'd only have 9 give away games they could lose if pursuing the record over the course of 6 months.)  putting a bullseye squarely on the Heat's chest.  Let's say the Heat lose that 10th game mid March, everyone starts proclaiming it a "wasted" season, a failure, all the attention and focus is on that, and NOT on just winning the championship. 

Meanwhile, Stan and the Magic lay low all year, win their 58-60 games comfortably behind the Heat, nobody will talk about them, nobody will ask questions after a meaningless loss in January on the road "what's wrong with the Magic" and the like, and come playoff time, they'll be ready and know what they need to do to make a move.  It's a win win for the Van Gundy's to play this angle. 

It is gamesmanship at the highest level.  Make no mistake, Riley was a master at it, and he is doing his best to circumvent everything that the Van Gundy's say with his team to use it as motivation.  I wouldn't put it past Riles to start hackin peoples twitter accounts and leavin nasty messages on the big 3's twitters. 

This season is going to be phenomenal. 
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

^ That's it? I was expecting Durant too!

  Durant was who I mentioned first with OJ on twitter.  Nas talked me out of it. 

This might be a stretch, but...

Ron Artest is crazier than Dennis Rodman.

Dennis was just a wild personality.

But Ron Artest?

That man is straight up LOONY.
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