OFFICIAL XBOX 360 NCAA 10 Online Dynasty: Year 2 has begun!!

Cot damn internet, that game was good too....these mofos need to fix my ethernet so I don't keep having this problem, I have no idea why it plays fineuntil the 4th qtr, it did that like 3 times when I played woody...

We may just have to play again fraji late tonight if you are able to get back on.
Play again???? It let me keep playing which means it was your connection... this isnt like 2k where the server spazzes out...

Man i was playing so well too just trying to stay afloat... 14 pt lead in the 4th when you disconnected... with all the MO coming off that pick...
That was so terrible SMH

The lag was so terrible i couldnt pass.

I didnt lose cuz i played bad, i lost because of fumbles.
My dude fumbled it ona kick return. And with under 2 minutes in the 4th qaurter i get down to the 10 yard line and fumble.
Not to mention the last play of the game SMH i hit A to go get Pryror as he passes it so it switched over to my DB. His WR then catches it and wins the game.

I lost becasue of Lag and Fumbles, so ******ed i can never catch a break in this god dam dynasty.
tell me bout it

i was on the 5 yrd line 3 times and threw a pic or got sacked cause of the lag

then go to kick a feild goal like 5 times and miss all of them because of lag

but my team came through when the time was needed

but i will say the game lagged about 30% of the time
It wasn't a 14 point lead, it was 21-14 with just under 4 min left. I said it was my connection, this wireless cuts off for some reason everytime late inthe 4th qtr, I was beat woody by like 30+ points each time late in the 4th and all of a sudden I get disconnected and we had to end up replaying like 4 times.
hold up you was getting beat?

dude hasent lost a game yet
Yeah I was losing at the time, I was down 21-14 in the 3rd driving to tie the game up and my QB lobs a pass up for no apparent reason, he didn't get hit oreven pressured, I held the button for a bullet pass and he threw a lob that got picked off so that ended my drive and we had just gotten into the 4th qtr andfraji had the ball on his side of the field.
I mean obv you would restart if you were beating my %#+ and it disconnected... i would want you to play again so maybe i could get a W. lol

But i feel like the game will go a completely different way if we were to just run it back like that and ill end up losing by 20+ or some %$%!.

Oh well... do what you gotta do, i really dont want to replay that for the reasons i stated.

and yea i remember now it was 21-14... i was on like your 30-40 or something like that with the ball.
Mamba... what can I do?? USC is MIA...I need to go to bed soon and need to get this game in!
I feel you man this internet thing is really bugging me, I hate when I'm beasting in COD4 and all of a sudden I'm back in the lobby. Hell when I keptdestroying woody by like 40 pts in the 4th, we had to replay that crap, I need to find out what's causing it to do that though it's very odd that thegame if fine through 3 and a half qtrs. then it disconnects.

I'll be up all night so just hit me up when you want to try and re-run it again.

And Crag, I don't know what's up datruth was just online earlier and posted in here, you may have to try and send him a PM, otherwise I'll justextend the advance time to tomorrow since me and fraji need to play anyway.
Sent him a PM.. I'll be @ work alllll day long tomorrow so hopefully we can get it in tonight
What are the rules about going for it on 4th down on your own side of the 50... cause DaTruth just did in the 1st quarter
Good game Truth... what happened... was 17-14 in the 4th.. you shouldn't have gone for it on 4th with that fake punt on your own 25..had you actuallypunted i probably wouldn't have scored and it'd still be a game

Sorry for running the score up....or not.. I was pissed after you went for it on 4th from your own 25 both times.. and wanted my revenge
Mamba i see you pointing out several times that you got on me
it's alright.

Shepard is trying to get his feet under him after Jefferson went down with a torn rotator cuff during the loss to tenn.

I'll just have to redshirt Shepard next year and not lose another game.

But yea Jehlers and Truth both complained about there being a lag when they played pac
just pointing that out
But yea Jehlers and Truth both complained about there being a lag when they played pac
just pointing that out
thats the crazy thing my game never lags and it started laggin wit Jehlers when i was up 14-0 with the ball. Honestly i thought dude was doingsomething cause it seemed like it was only lagging for me then i went on to see it was laggin for both of us. but that lag made me miss like 5 field goals andthrow like 3 pics on the 5 yrd line.

but when i played J Carnage and AL THE GREAT the game was running fine.

all i know is my game never lags
Im leaning toward you just simming this game Mamba... not really feeling the idea of restarting a game that i was winning midway through the 4th withpossession just cause your connection is faulty....

Weve started 2 games and both times your connection failed. I say either leave it the way it is or sim it.
Well is you don't wanna replay that's fine with me I'll just advance the week but like I don't know why you wouldn't want to play again,you've had to replay games like 3 times before if I remember correctly last season one week with someone so I don't see what the problem is. I foundout what was wrong and fixed my connection.
Yea i had to replay with someone cause it was cutting out both of us in the 1st quarter. or early in the 2nd quarter. and the game was tied both times that theconnection failed.

Maybe its just me but i think its kinda unfair that i would have to play again when i had the lead and possession with 2-3 mins left in the 4th because you hada faulty connection.
I also think it's unfair to restart a game when you are up by 35+ with a minute left, but I did it. It was a 7 point game with 3:53 left...a lot of stuffcould have happened during that time. It's not like you had the game in the bag or anything. But it's whatever, if you want me to sim it I'll simit.
I know i didnt have it in the bag youre right, but i was in control for the time being and the only issue is that it wasnt my fault that the game cut off, norwas it EA servers fault. It was your connection, and now i gotta wipe the slate clean and play you again and possibly have things go your way and lose by Xamount?

Those games where you were up by 35+, you had to restart why? because the game didnt let YOU finish cause it was your connection right?

The only thing i would wanna replay would be some situational stuff ... if i had ball with 3 mins left up 7, you know? We restart and you could jump out toearly lead then im !$*%*+, i had the lead the entire game last night. I feel like ill get screwed by restarting
Do you want to restart or sim? That's all I need to know.
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