OFFICIAL XBOX 360 NCAA 10 Online Dynasty: Year 2 has begun!!

Well what I can do is advance at 12 noon and 11 pm everyday if that's cool. I can advance the week before I go to class everyday. But I need to get themajority of you guys to agree to it.
im not gonna play til tomorrow anyways... its getting late... i think 1 advance a day is fine.

I got work and stuff so 2 times a day is a little much
Nah, unless Ole Miss gets his game in before I go to bed in about 30 min, then I won't advance until 12 noon EST tomorrow if everyone has agrees to that.
oh well, in the meantime here's something for you to watch so you can get familiar with these guys. You'll be seeing alot of them
My bad fellas I was at work. Give me a couple hours and then we can advance. I'm ole miss
is there anymore spots open? not sure how many people can be in these new dyns... got a friend who was in last years dynasties that wants TENN.
Every game that matters has been played, let's get this week going mamba
It would add another human opponent for ole miss to play, right before he catches an L from me
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