Official Warriors Off Season Thread

^ So pretty much, you guys had a veteran bench. A bench full of players he didn't have to develop. A bench full of players that Nellie already knew what toexpect of them. He didn't trust his younger players. Stubborn Nellie

Oh and another question, how was the starters' minutes like?
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

^ So pretty much, you guys had a veteran bench. A bench full of players he didn't have to develop. A bench full of players that Nellie already knew what to expect of them. He didn't trust his younger players. Stubborn Nellie

Oh and another question, how was the starters' minutes like?

hey pauL...go read the warriors not in postseason appreciation thread...
It was good to win games, but it wasn't successful in the Playoffs. I think the key thing to know is, we didn't play defense, and we lost because of it.
This pretty much sums up Nellie's coaching career...
He can lead a team to respectability and the postseason, but his style of play's lack of discipline can't fly in the playoffs.
Not making the playoffs is IMO the best thing that could have happened to this team.

We all know this Nellie ball style of play can't win a chip.
It will be good enough to make you guys competitive and make the playoffs, but there's no way you can win the entire thing.
There is no getting around it, something has to change.
The ultimate goal of every team is to win a chip, and it's just not going to happen with this current roster,

Nelson lets his ego get in the way over the team way too much.
From not playing his rookies(Seriously, why couldn't you give Wright at least 10 mins. a game from the start of the season and let him work his way up?),to bring stubborn, etc.
I like Nelson, he's a good guy, but he is expandable at this point.

Look at the young core the Warriors have
Biedrins, Wright, Belinelli, Monta.
Lock these guys up long-term and your future is set.

Now the Baron Davis situation is going to be interesting to say the least.
If I'm the Warriors, I try my hardest to convince Miami to take my pick and Baron for their top 3 pick.
You add Beasely or Rose with the young core that the Warriors have and you have a LEGIT title contender in the future.
For Miami, Davis+Wade+Marion+bench players they have can take make them title contenders next year no question.

Kind of off-topic but can someone explain the trade exception to me. I don't really understand it
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

^ So pretty much, you guys had a veteran bench. A bench full of players he didn't have to develop. A bench full of players that Nellie already knew what to expect of them. He didn't trust his younger players. Stubborn Nellie

Oh and another question, how was the starters' minutes like?

He didn't mess with the rotation too much, it was pretty constant, Dirk would be in most the game, as with Nash, Finley would get some breaks but justbecause he was older. But nothing ever like what happened last night,
I think the trade exception means u can trade it for a player....but u can't combine the TE with a player with a trade.
so we can't do Al Harrington+TE for LeBron James (just a random example
). i think...but we could do Baron Davis for LeBron James, and trade the TE toCleveland for...Benedict Wallets. (again, just a random example)-i think that's how it could work.
it allows teams to get flexibility in trades.

and yea...i'd be really tempted to trade w/ miami....
Look, we all know trading for the pick that Miami's #1 pick (jinx please work
) is pointless for the Warriors. Nellie won't play whoever we draft.

But maybe Nellie will have a change of heart and try this time... ahhh who am I kidding? Nellie's stubborn.
Hm, that Miami trade would definitely be more realistic if Nellie retired or something...but yeah. IF we drafted Rose I think Nellie will re-sign Jasikeviciusand have him be the #2 PG behind Monta
Originally Posted by acidicality

Hm, that Miami trade would definitely be more realistic if Nellie retired or something...but yeah. IF we drafted Rose I think Nellie will re-sign Jasikevicius and have him be the #2 PG behind Monta

I think Jasikevicius would


Funny though

Maybe Roberson would make a return to be the back up?
^Not Roberson. Will "The Thrill" Bynum...NT's Sports GOD would return to the bay. Hahaha. Dangit I hope Baron doesn't leave =( I don'twant to have a mediocre PG in the franchise again...Please Mullin, not another Speedy Claxton.
I agree on Damon and he is annoying at times. But, I agree with him on this point. I pointed it out in the game thread, and GSOM, and it seemed like majority of fans backed Nelson's decision, which I think is completely wrong. It was WAY too late to develop your younger players. Its the 81st game of the season. Its too late. You roll with what u have and thats is Baron Davis which is your best player/leader. He took the warriors this far, and I feel Nelson did him dirty. It was shady. It wasn't right. Therefore, I think its more than just his play on the court last night for Nelson's decision.
My counter point is, they didn't do *#@ when he was in. They were losing. Period. So in order to try and win the game, you go with what gotyou the lead.

We don't know if he had ulterior motives, we'll never know, and at this point we're all wrong to continue to speculate. We didn't get in,because we didn't take care of business. Therefore, maybe its for the better since I'd imagine we'll have a whole slew of changes.

edit - I think some of you are going a bit overboard in analysis. We know Nellie's style is somewhat flawed, definitely. But he did adapt somewhat butactually using Kosta against shaq. I would imagine having more wins but not making the playoffs will leave a sour taste in the whole organizations mouth.I'd imagine if we somehow cracked the top 5 and kept the pick, Mullin would damn near require the player to be used. I think some of you are upset at notmaking the playoffs and want to clean the whole house which makes no sense. We won how many games with the likes of this team? A useless Pietrus for 90% ofthe season, a non-existent Barnes, a Jackson who had turf toe the entire season coupled with some of his worst performances at the end of the season, aBiedrins who had an operation, etc. Do I need to go on? All of that with one of the most inconsistent benches in the whole League. Our greatest flaw was notsigning reputable bench players (read: healthy and not injury plagued, and maybe a bit younger). After the first month of the season, and more specifically,during Jackson's suspension, Nellie KNEW he had no bench. Therefore, the starting 5, whomever they would be, were going to be ran into the ground.

I honestly believe if you get this team a useful big man who can fit into the system (a stronger Biedrins) Nellie WOULD use him. POB is not the answer, hellKosta does things that POB doesn't/won't. We need a solid PF and Center with a backup Point Guard. Those are necessities, period. I'd love forus to move Al + the trade exception and get that PF and a serviceable backup PG. I suppose I could live with CJ, but I'd imagine only if we need to sign aguy on the cheap.

As for the trade exception - it usually turns into two separate deals, but the trade exception is used to lure the team into the trade.
For example the Warriors would deal Al to whomever, we'd also trade that team the exception and take a "bad" contract in exchange.

If someone has a better example, feel free.
I tell you what, when I'm in Maui (care of my firm) I'll stop by his house(s) and kidnap his dog in order to make him change his ways.
Per my office IM:
Subtle? Don Nelson definitely wasn't trying to be subtle or subliminal. Subtlety doesn't work often or very well in the NBA.
This was not subtle. This was the furthest thing from subliminal, and kudos to Nelson for refreshing heavy-handedness, at last.
By freezing Baron Davis on the bench for the entire second half Monday in Phoenix - while the Warriors tried mightily but failed to stave off elimination - Nelson almost certainly was letting the world know three meaningful things:
• Forget about tonight's meaningless season finale, Nelson is already coaching for next season - probably his final go-around - with major amounts of personal pride on the line.
• Nelson wants Davis to know that next season Nelson will hold every player, including Davis (if he doesn't opt out and leave), accountable for poor performance.
• After hinting about it for a few weeks, Nelson is setting the stage for Monta Ellis to take over the Warriors' primary scoring responsibilities next season.
So far this makes the most sense and is something I agree with.
Like how many of you guys actually think Memphis is going to pull the upset???


[razor.]Go Sharks[/razor]
from Bill Simmons...

397. Marco Belinelli
Let's make a pact: Nobody is allowed to get excited about a summer league performance ever again. OK? We good on this?
Originally Posted by frontrunner4life

no wonder these threads always get so big.
you guys just post impossible trades and get hyped about them

yeah man, it's called wishful thinking

and if you weren't a "fan" of like 293848932 bajillion teams maybe you'd know.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

from Bill Simmons...

397. Marco Belinelli
Let's make a pact: Nobody is allowed to get excited about a summer league performance ever again. OK? We good on this?

well, he was exciting to watch.. and coupled with the fact that Nelson said he'd be a star...
maybe if nelson played him. you can't expect someone to just come in and produce when they don't play. he did good, when he played.
Originally Posted by aka Quicks

Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

Originally Posted by franchise3

Get Brand.

Keep dreaming


But seriously, Brand + Thornton

+ Kaman in 08-09

Clippers in 08-09: Livingston, Eric Gordon [assuming clips get the 4th or 5th pick], mobley, thornton, maggette, brand, kaman. That's a legit #8 seed in the west

Assuming we get Mayo, Gordon or Bayless at 4th or 5th pick I'd say a healthy Clipper lineup is between 6-8 seed or better.
Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

Originally Posted by aka Quicks

Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

Originally Posted by franchise3

Get Brand.

Keep dreaming


But seriously, Brand + Thornton

+ Kaman in 08-09

Clippers in 08-09: Livingston, Eric Gordon [assuming clips get the 4th or 5th pick], mobley, thornton, maggette, brand, kaman. That's a legit #8 seed in the west

Assuming we get Mayo, Gordon or Bayless at 4th or 5th pick I'd say a healthy Clipper lineup is between 6-8 seed or better.
what makes you Clips fans so sure ou'll be able to keep Brand and Magette?
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