Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

But back on topic, unless someone like Larry Brown or JVG wants to coach the Warriors, I don't know of too many alternatives to Nellie. I mean for Christ sake you guys had Mike Montgomery and Mussellman (sp?). Although, I'd love to see Mussellman in a new situation like this with better talent.

To add, I really liked Mussellman as a coach, he was passionate about his job, and he seemed to care so much about winning.

I don't want Larry Brown or Jeff Van Gundy
. Larry Brown because he'll clash with Baron's ego (if he's still here
) and Jeff Van Gundybecause our team right now is offensive-minded and he's a defensive coach. I think we'll need defensive-minded players or at least players who areWILLING to play defense if Van Gundy is going to be an option.

And for the record, I didn't think Montgomery was a bad coach... or let me say a little differently... Montgomery wasn't as bad a coach as peopleperceived him to be. Yes he did clash with Baron, but who didn't (besides Silas)? It was inevitable IMO. Montgomery had no NBA track record so Baron sawhim as a person out of his element. Baron saw Monty as a college coach... nothing more, nothing less. He wasn't going to give Monty the time of day. Andthat's not Monty's fault really, it's Baron's.

What I did like about Monty was that he played Andris and Monta. When Nellie took over, he already had an Andris that was already developing and a Monta whowas already developing. The "work" of getting these two young guys into NBA players was basically already done for him by Monty. Look at Nellie now,he won't even give Marco the time of day and for Brandan, it took an Andris emergency appendectomy for him to see an increase in playing time. Nelliebailed on the POB development plan
and cut Lasme to sign Mbenga
. Actually Mbenga killed two birds with one stone. He took over Lasme and put a halt tothe POB development plan. It was a win-win in Nellie's eyes. He didn't have to develop two young guys and had Mbenga, a player he had in Dallas so heknows what he's going to get out of him.

I don't know, it's probably a safe bet that the next coach, whenever that will be, will be Keith Smart or Stephen Silas. My wildcard is Paul Silas
.Why Paul Silas? Because he and Baron got along just fine. Silas knows how to handle a Baron Davis and Baron Davis respects the hell out of Paul Silas.
Don Nelson's response after the game last night:

Nelson said he simply wanted to give Davis a half off. The point guard blew out of the locker room without answering any questions.
"Ain't your story," he said when reporters tried to stop him.

Article today:
[h1]WHAT GIVES, GUYS?[/h1] [h2]Nelson says there's no problem, Davis says very little[/h2]

Janny Hu, Chronicle Staff Writer

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

04-15) 23:03 PDT -- For Warriors coach Don Nelson, the mind-boggling question everyone wants answered is really a no-brainer.

Why didn't he play Baron Davis in the second half of Monday's playoff-elimination game in Phoenix?

"It was real simple," Nelson said by phone Tuesday. "He was having a bad game. He was terrible. He was the worst player on the floor, and I told him to take the second half off. He was 2-for-13, we were down 14 points.

"I said, 'Hey, let's relax and play some young guys.' "

Still, it was a perplexing sight, Davis sitting out the final 24 minutes of a 122-116 loss to Phoenix that officially ended the Warriors' playoff hopes.

Nelson admitted that his point guard wasn't pleased when informed that his night was over at the half, but he insisted there was no friction heading into tonight's season finale - and more importantly, into an offseason highlighted by the uncertain futures of the franchise coach and player.

"There's no problem between Baron and (me)," Nelson said. "He's probably upset because he played terrible."

It isn't clear whether Nelson's explanation satisfied Davis, who could not be reached for comment Tuesday. Davis, however, did post an entry on his personal blog expressing disappointment over the season's end and about working hard next year to make sure it doesn't happen again.

At the end, he appeared to make a subtle reference to Monday's early exit.

"I hate losing," Davis wrote. "I play this game to win, and it's even harder when I feel like I wasn't able to help my team do that."

Neither coach nor player had been in a talking mood immediately after the loss in Phoenix. "I gave him a much-needed rest" was all Nelson offered when asked about the benching, while Davis muttered an "Ain't your story" to local reporters as he walked out of the visitors' locker room.

Davis' agent, Todd Ramasar, said he and his client wondered why Davis wasn't in the critical game, at the most critical of times, after carrying such a heavy load all season.

"The same questions that you have are the same questions that I have," Ramasar said Tuesday. "Why wasn't Baron on the floor? Was there an injury, argument, questions, whatever? I've asked the same things.

"There was no injury. Nothing was said. It was a coach's decision, which is odd ... with so much that hinged on last night's game. Obviously, (Baron) wanted to be in there playing. He's asking himself why he wasn't in the game. But it was a coach's decision."

Nelson said the benching also would have applied to Stephen Jackson - whom the coach sat in the second quarter after a lousy start - if Jackson hadn't rebounded with a terrific third period.

As for pulling his star players for playing poorly when he hasn't done so all season, Nelson said part of the reason was the game's reduced importance. He believes the Warriors had no realistic chance of making the playoffs even with a win over Phoenix, because the Nuggets still would have to lose to a hapless Memphis team at home tonight.

"We probably had a better chance to get hit with lightning than we had of getting in the playoffs," Nelson said.

Ramasar said he had yet to speak with Nelson or vice president Chris Mullin, but the two sides have much to discuss when they do congregate. Davis can become an unrestricted free agent this summer by opting out of the final year and $17.2 million left on his contract, though Ramasar admitted that was an "unlikely" scenario.

"There's no team that has cap space this offseason to offer what Baron has guaranteed," he said.

Instead, the agent likely will try to reach a contract extension with the Warriors.

Davis is set for a milestone tonight: his 82nd consecutive game, marking the first time since the 2001-02 season he has played a full season, and at 39 minutes per game.

"Right now, he's just focused on finishing up the last game," Ramasar said.

Added Nelson, who plans on starting Davis: "I would like the energy to be there tomorrow and close out the season right.

Relax? WHAT THE HELL FOR? Why do you need to relax, and play young guys when this is the single mostimportant game of the year. Are you kiddin me? DON, YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE AT THE PLAYOFFS IF YOU WIN. RELAX? $!$%$+% KIDDIN RIGHT?

Baron needed a much needed rest the whole 2nd half? Don, PLEASE TELL ME, WHY he needed to rest? REST FOR WHAT? The team hasn't clinched a playoff berth,why would he need rest? Rest for summer training camp? Baron doesn't need rest. He needs to be to playing in the most important elimination game of theyear.
^Actually I heard from RealGM posters that Baron was hungover from celebrating his birthday party too hard, and that's why he wasn't "right"that game.
can't say it's 100% true but i think it provides aplausible explanation. if anyone wants to get into detail about that u should check out the thread about's supposedly from a "legit"source. but of course w/ the internet u never know...
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by acidicality

wow was NT just down for like a couple hrs? lol. it happened yesterday too.

Not just NT, but Yuku overall shut down. If they are going to do maintenance, why don't they do it like 3am?! Seriously

because it'd be 6 AM on the west coast.
6am isn't as bad as 10pm. 10pm has more activity compared to 6am. Most people are either sleeping or getting ready for work / school.
Sriracha Hot Sa

Come on, you're smart enough to know that what Nelson said about "resting" baron is just a way of saying, " I was pissed of at the way hewas playing".
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Sriracha Hot Sa

Come on, you're smart enough to know that what Nelson said about "resting" baron is just a way of saying, " I was pissed of at the way he was playing".

What I don't get is why Nellie let Stephen Jackson try to shoot himself out of the funk he was in, but benched Baron, thus not giving him a chance toshoot himself out of the funk he was in. On RealGM, they were speculating like crazy
, but one of the things I think that could have happened was thatBaron said something at halftime and Nellie was irate... irate enough to bench him the whole 2nd half. It's feasible
. It's most likely wrong and wemay never know the truth because there will be denial probably on Baron's part, Nellie's part, the teammates part, and management's part.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Sriracha Hot Sa

Come on, you're smart enough to know that what Nelson said about "resting" baron is just a way of saying, " I was pissed of at the way he was playing".

Possibly. As much as I like Nelson, and defeated him as the warriors coach, I don't know if the Warriors should have a coach that puts his ego ahead ofhis team. Yesterday, was a perfect case.
^He's put his ego over the team many cases this season, sometimes in using smallball way too much when teams would just kill us when we used, he won't go to a traditional lineup sometimes when it's clear the smallball stuff hasn't worked in a game.

Do you guys get the feeling that either Nellie goes, or Baron goes? One or the other?
Right now it's very hard to say. I think Nellie will come back for one more season. But Baron....i'd say 70/30 (30% chance leaving)
We need more Belinelli next year, there was so much hype surrounding him this year it was ridiculous.
Actual story behind Baron's benching will only be known behind closed door. Nellie nor anyone from the Warriors explained about it since contractnegotation starts as early as next week.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Do you guys get the feeling that either Nellie goes, or Baron goes? One or the other?

I think Nellie's going to stay for an extra year because he did sign that extension. Baron I think will stay too, but the thought of him opting outseems even more likely now because of what happened vs Phoenix when he sat on the bench for the 2nd half. It's kind of hard to say, but I think both willbe back next year

But if it were me...Baron or Nellie?

Baron's not perfect, don't get me wrong. He has an attitude problem. I mean, Baron seems cool as hell to kick it with and just whatnot, but Baronhas had a history of clashing with coaches. Plus he'll come at a very hefty price tag of approx. $16 or 17mil next year. Baron's shot selection suckstoo... but part of that was Nellie playing him consistently 40 minutes a night so fatigue sat in and the jump shot looked really enticing instead of driving itto the hoop.
With that said about Baron, I personally hope that Nellie goes. Yes, I'm grateful that he led us back to the playoffs last year after 12 seasons offutility, but I can't stand his rotations. He ran this team into the ground this season. I mean, this team already has the blueprint from Nellie. We canrun and gun with the best of them, so I think Nellie is expendable. We have the Nellie philosophy with a new coach that can implement a steady rotation,develop younger players, and actually utilize the bench for their benefit and the starter's benefit.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Do you guys get the feeling that either Nellie goes, or Baron goes? One or the other?

I think Nellie's going to stay for an extra year because he did sign that extension. Baron I think will stay too, but the thought of him opting out seems even more likely now because of what happened vs Phoenix when he sat on the bench for the 2nd half. It's kind of hard to say, but I think both will be back next year

But if it were me...Baron or Nellie?

Baron's not perfect, don't get me wrong. He has an attitude problem. I mean, Baron seems cool as hell to kick it with and just whatnot, but Baron has had a history of clashing with coaches. Plus he'll come at a very hefty price tag of approx. $16 or 17mil next year. Baron's shot selection sucks too... but part of that was Nellie playing him consistently 40 minutes a night so fatigue sat in and the jump shot looked really enticing instead of driving it to the hoop.
With that said about Baron, I personally hope that Nellie goes. Yes, I'm grateful that he led us back to the playoffs last year after 12 seasons of futility, but I can't stand his rotations. He ran this team into the ground this season. I mean, this team already has the blueprint from Nellie. We can run and gun with the best of them, so I think Nellie is expendable. We have the Nellie philosophy with a new coach that can implement a steady rotation, develop younger players, and actually utilize the bench for their benefit and the starter's benefit.

His inability to trust players that aren't well known is
, I mean yeah youguys got Buike somehow, but I think he just slipped through the grade a little bit. I mean this man sat Josh Howard for most of his rookie year. Regardless ofhis #30 pick, he was ACC player of the year! No offense to dudes like Pietrus, Croshere and such, but when you bring in players like Belinelli and Wright, youHAVE to play them. Wright is rotting on the bench right now, and it's so
to see as a fan of basketball.
Not only that but he really threw POB under the bus. After he had a GREAT game against the Clippers, they waived Lasme and signed DJ Mbenga.

I mean, without getting any PT, it's not fair to labelPOB as a bust since Nellie never let him prove himself in a game situation other than a couple times.i'd be really infuriated if i were POB after i had a great game (and influenced the outcome), and then the team signs someone to take my minutes that iwoulda had.
I have a series of questions for you JapanAir... can you please describe Nellie's rotation when he was atDallas? Was it a 7 man rotation, 8 man rotation? Was his rotation set for the most part? Did he utilize his bench? And if he did utilize his bench, was itbecause it was a veteran ball club with Antoine Walker and Antawn Jamison?
[h1]WHAT GIVES, GUYS?[/h1] [h2]Nelson says there's no problem, Davis says very little[/h2]

Janny Hu, Chronicle Staff Writer

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

(04-15) 23:03 PDT -- For Warriors coach Don Nelson, the mind-boggling question everyone wants answered is really a no-brainer.

Why didn't he play Baron Davis in the second half of Monday's playoff-elimination game in Phoenix?

"It was real simple," Nelson said by phone Tuesday. "He was having a bad game. He was terrible. He was the worst player on the floor, and I told him to take the second half off. He was 2-for-13, we were down 14 points.

"I said, 'Hey, let's relax and play some young guys.' "

Still, it was a perplexing sight, Davis sitting out the final 24 minutes of a 122-116 loss to Phoenix that officially ended the Warriors' playoff hopes.

Nelson admitted that his point guard wasn't pleased when informed that his night was over at the half, but he insisted there was no friction heading into tonight's season finale - and more importantly, into an offseason highlighted by the uncertain futures of the franchise coach and player.

"There's no problem between Baron and (me)," Nelson said. "He's probably upset because he played terrible."

It isn't clear whether Nelson's explanation satisfied Davis, who could not be reached for comment Tuesday. Davis, however, did post an entry on his personal blog expressing disappointment over the season's end and about working hard next year to make sure it doesn't happen again.

At the end, he appeared to make a subtle reference to Monday's early exit.

"I hate losing," Davis wrote. "I play this game to win, and it's even harder when I feel like I wasn't able to help my team do that."

Neither coach nor player had been in a talking mood immediately after the loss in Phoenix. "I gave him a much-needed rest" was all Nelson offered when asked about the benching, while Davis muttered an "Ain't your story" to local reporters as he walked out of the visitors' locker room.

Davis' agent, Todd Ramasar, said he and his client wondered why Davis wasn't in the critical game, at the most critical of times, after carrying such a heavy load all season.

"The same questions that you have are the same questions that I have," Ramasar said Tuesday. "Why wasn't Baron on the floor? Was there an injury, argument, questions, whatever? I've asked the same things.

"There was no injury. Nothing was said. It was a coach's decision, which is odd ... with so much that hinged on last night's game. Obviously, (Baron) wanted to be in there playing. He's asking himself why he wasn't in the game. But it was a coach's decision."

Nelson said the benching also would have applied to Stephen Jackson - whom the coach sat in the second quarter after a lousy start - if Jackson hadn't rebounded with a terrific third period.

As for pulling his star players for playing poorly when he hasn't done so all season, Nelson said part of the reason was the game's reduced importance. He believes the Warriors had no realistic chance of making the playoffs even with a win over Phoenix, because the Nuggets still would have to lose to a hapless Memphis team at home tonight.

"We probably had a better chance to get hit with lightning than we had of getting in the playoffs," Nelson said.

Ramasar said he had yet to speak with Nelson or vice president Chris Mullin, but the two sides have much to discuss when they do congregate. Davis can become an unrestricted free agent this summer by opting out of the final year and $17.2 million left on his contract, though Ramasar admitted that was an "unlikely" scenario.

"There's no team that has cap space this offseason to offer what Baron has guaranteed," he said.

Instead, the agent likely will try to reach a contract extension with the Warriors.

Davis is set for a milestone tonight: his 82nd consecutive game, marking the first time since the 2001-02 season he has played a full season, and at 39 minutes per game.

"Right now, he's just focused on finishing up the last game," Ramasar said.

Added Nelson, who plans on starting Davis: "I would like the energy to be there tomorrow and close out the season right."
Nelson said the benching also would have applied to Stephen Jackson - whom the coach sat in the second quarter after a lousy start - if Jackson hadn't rebounded with a terrific third period.

But why was Stephen Jackson given a chance to play in the 3rd while Baron didn't get a chance at all?!? That's a terrible alibi
As for pulling his star players for playing poorly when he hasn't done so all season, Nelson said part of the reason was the game's reduced importance. He believes the Warriors had no realistic chance of making the playoffs even with a win over Phoenix, because the Nuggets still would have to lose to a hapless Memphis team at home tonight.
"We probably had a better chance to get hit with lightning than we had of getting in the playoffs," Nelson said.

I guess what everybody had speculated earlier where Nellie gave up on the team was true. What kind of coach doesthat?! Just makes me so freakin' angry at Nellie
Originally Posted by GSoM

Kobe is a rapist

�typicaL warriors fan...
...yehh kobe is a rapist so what?!...if i hada penny for everytime somebody has said that to me i'd be a millionaire...what does kobe and the Lakers have to do with this thread i swear...kobe's arapist ok...but this is famiLiar territory for the warriors isnt it the NBA LOTTERY?!...i guess�u have to wait another 13 yrs to see the warriors in thepostseason...anyways why was ur best pLayer and captain not in the 2nd haLf of the biggest game of the year?...what is don thinking?...just curious
As for pulling his star players for playing poorly when he hasn't done so all season, Nelson said part of the reason was the game's reduced importance. He believes the Warriors had no realistic chance of making the playoffs even with a win over Phoenix, because the Nuggets still would have to lose to a hapless Memphis team at home tonight.
"We probably had a better chance to get hit with lightning than we had of getting in the playoffs," Nelson said.

But then again, Nellie is always saying stuff like that.I really hope there is a hidden agenda or something behind closed doors, because quitting on your team after such a terrific season is just
. IF this is what he did, it's absolutelyinexcusable...and unfortunately, a revival of DP's Don Nelson thread may be in order
Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

Originally Posted by GSoM

Kobe is a rapist

�typicaL warriors fan...
...yehh kobe is a rapist so what?!...if i had a penny for everytime somebody has said that to me i'd be a millionaire...what does kobe and the Lakers have to do with this thread i swear...kobe's a rapist ok...but this is famiLiar territory for the warriors isnt it the NBA LOTTERY?!...i guess�u have to wait another 13 yrs to see the warriors in the postseason...anyways why was ur best pLayer and captain not in the 2nd haLf of the biggest game of the year?...what is don thinking?...just curious

"typicaL"? A few fans don't represent the entire fan base. Why are you so stubborn to realize that?!
And taking shots at the Warriors being in the lottery... scoffing at our 48 wins. Dude, you are so lame. 48 wins is nothing to scoff at. It's toughout there. It's not like we're back to our mid 90's to early 2000's form.

@ you asking why Baron was benched vs Phoenix. The answer is right above your post.
Originally Posted by acidicality

As for pulling his star players for playing poorly when he hasn't done so all season, Nelson said part of the reason was the game's reduced importance. He believes the Warriors had no realistic chance of making the playoffs even with a win over Phoenix, because the Nuggets still would have to lose to a hapless Memphis team at home tonight.
"We probably had a better chance to get hit with lightning than we had of getting in the playoffs," Nelson said.
But then again, Nellie is always saying stuff like that. I really hope there is a hidden agenda or something behind closed doors, because quitting on your team after such a terrific season is just
. IF this is what he did, it's absolutely inexcusable...and unfortunately, a revival of DP's Don Nelson thread may be in order

Somebody bump that thread ASAP
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I have a series of questions for you JapanAir... can you please describe Nellie's rotation when he was at Dallas? Was it a 7 man rotation, 8 man rotation? Was his rotation set for the most part? Did he utilize his bench? And if he did utilize his bench, was it because it was a veteran ball club with Antoine Walker and Antawn Jamison?


It depends on when you want to pinpoint as a particular time when he was coaching there. We had a lot of players in and out in Dallas, but when Nellie wascoaching, the core we kept was obviously Finley, Dirk, and Nash.

I'll do a little bit of research and tell you what I can remember from each year, because a lot of it is a blur of mashed up teams, I swear Nick Van Exelis still a Maverick sometimes.
, wondering why he's sitting on the bench and wishing we could pull him up off the bench from time-to-time. EARLY on itwasn't much other than Dirk, Nash, Finley. I'd say from 97-00 we weren't really much of a team.

2002/2003- This is probably the worst year for the Mavericks. On this roster we had Finley, Nash, Nowitzki, Van Exel, Bradley, LaFrentz, Najera, Griffin, Bell,and Avery. Everyone else (including Avery) was used VERY little. I don't remember much of Abdul-Wahad, Strickland, Williams, Popeye from those years, theywere pretty irrelevant. Bradley was in there a lot, but he wasn't effective, think of him as Harrington-esque (and by esque, I mean ESQUE
). Nash,Finley, and Nowitzki ran that offense. Bell was a hidden-gem until he got to Phoenix where he shined. We wouldn't go away from Van Exel, Finley, Nash,Nowitzki. No matter what. Najera pretty much did what he does for the Nuggets. As ridiculous as it may sound, we basically had a SIX-man rotation. Nash,Finley, Nowitzki, LaFrentz, Bradley, and Van Exel. We never saw certain players throughout the season.

Alright, I did a year, and I realized it would take to long to go year by year, you wouldn't read it.

To sum things up shortly. Nellie stuck to pretty much Nash, Nowitzki, and Finley. We always had a decent bench, but we didn't use it effectively. Unlesssomeone is in foul trouble, they won't be taken out. He should have played Howard a hell of a lot more when he first came in the league, as with Danielsbut now Daniels is stuck as a role player for Indy. What you see with the Warriors is pretty much what happens with the Warriors. Fast paced game, high offenselittle defense. You would never see anything out of the 9-15 roster spots on the Mavericks back then. Our bench players have been veterans, and we had veteranson the starting floor. Nick Van Exel was first, then came Stackhouse. It was good to win games, but it wasn't successful in the Playoffs. I think the keything to know is, we didn't play defense, and we lost because of it.
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